- The link of the day is
How to avoid creating a Mary Sue. This was actually pretty good.
Flashback Sue Here is day one of Angel week. I decided to start off with a Supernatural crossover with the angel Castiel as one of the main characters.
Comic CriticSUE-O-METER:
SUMMARY:”Hermione did it. She had escaped. What did she escape to though? She was the brightest witch of her age. A survivor of war. Or, was she just a stain in another time?”
FULL NAME: Hermione Granger
SPECIES: She's an OC in an mental institute who thinks she is Hermione from Harry Potter, and sees Castiel from Supernatural. (Not really, but the story is that bad.
HAIR: n/a
EYES: n/a
CONNECTION TO CANON: I'm not sure how to put this one. Hermione's captured, the writer goes into great lengths talking about how this experience powers her up, she escapes, and runs into Castiel and he gives her an angel blade. There is no real flow to the story. Next chapter she's in the mental institute, and... I can't read anymore. “Hermione twitched violently and the lady's pudding exploded. It went everywhere.” That's how I feel the direction of this story is going, and there doesn't seem to be any planning involved.
ORIGIN: One of the reviewers summed it up well.
“Only Hermione can severus snape anyone lol
and the chweet lomance btw the angel and the witch, stuffs cutesy fairtales are made of.
this was THE bobby crowley kiss episode. That was jst rolf.
And death hugging someone. That gave me the creeps as well as aww”
Me, the review makes me cringe.
SPECIAL ABILITIES: She's “tragically broken”. She knows “wandless magic” and “mind arts”, one that is caleld mindscape
NOTES: I'm in a very strange mood, and can't stop laughing. I get the fact Suethors and their readers love having the angst piled on, but these writers really need to hold back This will need the Sue What Plot tag.
Hermione was not alright. After the war had been lost, Hermione had been captured. Used as a chew toy for the Death Eaters. She was tortured mentally and physically for those two years. She learned that patience was key. All she needed to do was wait for opportunities to make life better. She worked on wandless magic as well as she could in chains. It took time. She also taught herself mind arts. It took her one whole year to make a mindscape, lock her memories away and protect them. The learning took time. Hermione never thought she would get free, but the magical world began to collapse. They had less guards to watch her and that meant more opportunities to escape. At first, her mind told her it was hopeless. She had been blocked from using major magic and she was always restraint.
The guards came to taunt her one night and she sneakily summoned a small blade from his belt. The idiot didn't even notice. That began her escape plan. In school, she had taken an interest in ancient runes. She knew of some pretty powerful ones. So, she schemed. Hermione began to slowly carve runes into her skin. It was painful, but she was used to the pain. She carved rows of runes into her arms and legs for two days. She even managed to use magic to get some ruins on her back, She lost a lot of blood, but it was a price she was willing to pay.
When she was finally taken out of her cell for "play time," she put her plan into action. She was tortured in ten different ways, just for the hell of it. Finally, once she absorbed enough of that cursed magic sent her way, she began to chant.
She chanted the words she had been practicing over and over, "Rigidum meum infernum. Áuferant eam. Rigidum meum simul. Áuferant eam. Delere horror. Áuferant eam!" The runes she had carved into her skin glowed bright white light. With one last chant, she was gone. It was extremely painful. All she heard were outraged and confused screams. She didn't quite pay attention to that fact as she was hurled through time and space.
It clattered her mind up a bit. Well, it clattered everything up a bit. She landed like a meteor crashing into the earth. It hurt, but didn't kill. Hermione was then sure that every bone in her body was broken at least six times over. She laid there, still conscious somehow. She was found though. Eventually, she was found.
It looked to be two hunters. The helped her bleeding stop in some places, but couldn't help in other places. They yelled and swore a lot. Saying that she shouldn't even be alive. They called over some friends and they lifted her carefully to a truck and quickly drove her to the nearest hospital.
They arrived in a panic and she was just in searing pain. Everything hurt. Absolutely everything. When she was taken in on a stretcher, even the doctors looked sick at the sight of her. Most of them were amazed that she was still conscious. They put her under and off to surgery she went. She was in surgery for hours and the hunters that took her to the hospital told them what had happened. Later on, she would find that they were a kindly couple named Sue and Henry. They visited her when she was recovering.
In total, her injuries consisted of almost every bone in her body having been broken. She had to have a blood transfusion due to the extreme amount of blood loss. She had gashes galore and to add to everything else, her head had been cracked open. There was also the details of internal bleeding, some organ failure and oh yes, diagnosis of severe mental issues.