3477: Anything But Mine - Mystical Redgrove

Dec 08, 2015 23:29

Accepting entries for the Thirteenth Annual Pottersues Contest.

Today's link of the day is Five Things I Hate In LOTR Fan Fictions. My random search turned up something random, but there is actually a reference to Harry Potter in there.
Here's another Flashback Sue.

TITLE: Anything But Mine
COVER/BANNER ART: I'm not sure how to describe the writer's avatar. It looks like a possible picture of the writer blurred out and turned really creepy, but it also may be a picture of another person.
SUMMARY:”Mystical has an eye for a certain Malfoy.”
FULL NAME: Mystical Redgrove
SPECIES: I'm Lucius' tru luv, duh!
HAIR: n/a
EYES: n/a
CONNECTION TO CANON: The Sue stalks Lucius, and ends up getting a kiss from him. Pretty much she tries to apprehend him, but gets into a compromising, and yet sexy situation that allows the Sue to fulfill her “hots”.
ORIGIN: The story is best described as the writer's wet dream. Here is a paragraph from the story giving background information. “Mystical Redgrove had known Ginny since her first year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. They had been through a lot over the years since they attended Hogwarts. Now they were graduated and each turning 20 in a few months. They had been through a lot lately with the ending of Lord Voldemort. They both were grateful that most of the group had survived. Most of the Death Eaters were dead, had disappeared, were locked up in Azkaban, or on occasion out and about in disguises like Mystical had seen. She caught a glimpse of him leaving.”
SPECIAL ABILITIES: “He took her breath away. But she knew she could never have him.” She gets him anyways.

NOTES: The writer does realize that Lucius is married, and has a son the age of the Sue right? The story is after all released five years after Narcissa made her appearance.


He took her breath away. But she knew she could never have him.

p - fluff train, rating - awful

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