3476: A Taste of Honey - Kitlana

Dec 03, 2015 21:34

I'm looking for help finding entries for said week. Accepting entries for the Thirteenth Annual Pottersues Contest.

Today's link of the day is Fan Fiction Basics: Canon, Fanon and Headcanon
Here's another Flashback Sue. This one is from earlier this year.

TITLE: A Taste of Honey
PERPETRATOR: Lady Rosamunde (Apparently though it used to be Princess Rosamunde.
SUE-O-METER: Awful...
COVER/BANNER ART: Here's a quote from the writer's profile. “My avatar is of Alice Paul, a famous suffragette.”
SUMMARY:”Kitlana Wood is pretty, only not pretty-pretty. She's smart. She's brave. She's also a self-proclaimed train wreck and is always overshadowed by everyone around her. Sirius Black is smart, popular, and extraordinarily good looking. He's also completely and forever in love with Kitlana Wood. Inspired by the amazing romance by Garret Freyman-Weyr.”
FULL NAME: Kitlana Wood of course.
SPECIES: She's an angst ridden witch who wants to get the guy she likes.
HAIR: See markings...
EYES: See markings...
MARKINGS: “What do I look like? Well, I'll describe myself for you. I have average shaped eyes, not almond shaped like my Housemate Lily, not slightly slanted like my half-Chinese roommate Kira, just your standard English Anglo-Saxon face and eyes. My eyes are somewhere in between blue and grey, which unfortunately makes me appear to be perpetually about to cry. I have a standard English peaches-and-cream complexion, like Selina, but unlike Kiara, which unfortunately means I burn really easily and really fast in the sun. And let me tell you, it's not a pretty sight. I'm a little short for my age, which is just seventeen, but the French have a nice word for it: petite. It sounds so much better like that, don't you think? I'm a little chestier than is usual for my height and weight. I'm really slim. My mum teases me because I eat a lot, but still keep my figure. The truth is that I don't know how I stay in shape. Lastly, my hair. I don't have my sister Selina's perfect, glossy, golden, flyaway curls, but I do like my hair. It's my favorite of all my features. It's jet black with gentle curls, mostly wavy.”
CONNECTION TO CANON: She's some random character running around, and we're supposed to like her or something, but in reality I found myself wishing the writer would do more character development for their story. There is also to much talk about whose the prettiest, and whose going to get with whom, and that my minions is what the story's about.
ORIGIN: She's a poor pitiful Sue we're supposed to sympathize with. She's Gryffindor, but also says “I'm sure must have been a mistake on the part of the Sorting Hat as I'm not brave at all.” Wait, so that part of being brave in the summary is a lie?
SPECIAL ABILITIES: Instead she comes across as an angst ridden teenager getting ready to graduate soon who thinks that she's an adult, and should get to do whatever she wants, as well as whatever she wants. Oh, but we're also supposed to believe that “What am I like? Everyone says that I'm very sweet and kind. I'm not, at least, not anymore than anyone else is. I'm dreadfully shy. It means that I have trouble making friends and raising my hand in class. I stammer a lot, and blush, which amuses my roommates a lot, and frustrates the teachers.”

NOTES: It's pretty bad when none of my searches of baby name sites turned up the name Kitlana. The summary bothered me, and my mind kept wanting to reword the summary so it better fit the story knowing how these kinds of stories turn out in fanfiction.

“Kitlana Wood is pretty, but wishes she were prettier due to feeling jealous of her housemates. Despite the fact she's smart and brave she decides she's not as good as everyone else, and is jealous of their success. She also dreams that the smart and popular Sirius Black would notice her, because the idea of him beinc completely and forever in love with her sets her heart a flutter.”

The bit about Garret Freyman-Weyr's romance story inspiring this piece worried me a bit, so I decided to also do some digging on this one. The summary goes like this.

“Maia Morland is pretty, only not pretty-pretty. She's smart. She's brave. She's also a self-proclaimed train wreck. Leigh Hunter is smart, popular, and extremely polite. He's also completely and forever in lvoe with Maia Morland.” There is some more, but instantly I see the fact the writer plagiarized her summary from Garret Freyman-Weyr's book After the Moment. Thankfully the book doesn't seem to have anything to do with the book beyond that. I wouldn't actually really call it inspired by the book either, as Maia and Kitlana are two very different characters.

I also couldn't help but notice the over abundance of OCs in the writer's stories.


My name's Kit. It's short for a kind of strange name, although it's not hard to pronounce: Kitlana. I don't know how I ended up with that name. Whenever I've asked, my da would tell me to ask my mother. Mum would sigh and say it was a long story. I never pushed her, because a little part of me liked having a unique name. My older sisters got away with pretty normal names. Kiara and Selina. Kiara is the outdoorsy one. Selina's the perfect one. Except that she isn't, at least not always. More on that later.

What do I look like? Well, I'll describe myself for you. I have average shaped eyes, not almond shaped like my Housemate Lily, not slightly slanted like my half-Chinese roommate Kira, just your standard English Anglo-Saxon face and eyes. My eyes are somewhere in between blue and grey, which unfortunately makes me appear to be perpetually about to cry. I have a standard English peaches-and-cream complexion, like Selina, but unlike Kiara, which unfortunately means I burn really easily and really fast in the sun. And let me tell you, it's not a pretty sight. I'm a little short for my age, which is just seventeen, but the French have a nice word for it: petite. It sounds so much better like that, don't you think? I'm a little chestier than is usual for my height and weight. I'm really slim. My mum teases me because I eat a lot, but still keep my figure. The truth is that I don't know how I stay in shape. Lastly, my hair. I don't have my sister Selina's perfect, glossy, golden, flyaway curls, but I do like my hair. It's my favorite of all my features. It's jet black with gentle curls, mostly wavy.

What am I like? Everyone says that I'm very sweet and kind. I'm not, at least, not anymore than anyone else is. I'm dreadfully shy. It means that I have trouble making friends and raising my hand in class. I stammer a lot, and blush, which amuses my roommates a lot, and frustrates the teachers.

Where do I go to school? I'm in my seventh and last year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. I was Sorted into Gryffindor in my first year, which I'm sure must have been a mistake on the part of the Sorting Hat as I'm not brave at all.

Who are my roommates? I room with three other girls: Charlotte, Rose, and Kira. Charlotte is pure English, like me. She has a sort-of stuck up air about her and she's very bossy. She's always fancying this boy or that. Merlin help you if you get between her and her boy. Charlotte has glossy brown hair that stretches nearly all the way down her back. Charlotte is really proud of her hair, but she hates that it's pin straight, so she curls it every night. If I hadn't shared a room with her for the past six years, I would have thought that her hair actually was curly. Her eyes are hazel, edged with very long lashes, because Charlotte is always using mascara. Charlotte isn't stupid but she doesn't put a lot of effort into her schoolwork, so her grades are always mediocre. I mentioned Kira before. Kira is half-English and half-Chinese. Her mother is Chinese and her father's English. Kira has watered down Asian features. She has slightly slanted eyes, and silky black hair that's even straighter than Charlotte's. Her eyes are blue like the sky in summer. Kira gets better grades than Charlotte but her grades are still closer to mediocre than good. She's a bit mean. That is she makes fun of other people and laughs when they're in trouble. But she is loyal to Charlotte and Rose, so I guess she's a true Gryffindor. Rose is the nicest of the three. She has reddish-blonde hair and big, green eyes like limes. Rose will sometimes talk to me, seriously, about books or schoolwork, but only when Charlotte and Kira aren't around. She's very serious, and gets pretty good grades.

pw - woobie/cry for me, rating - awful, ph - gryffindor house, related to oliver, pc - b swanitis, ap - academic pursuit

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