3478: Love is Strong - Jade, Annabelle, Sierra

Dec 09, 2015 20:25

I'm looking for help finding entries for said week. Accepting entries for the Thirteenth Annual Pottersues Contest.

Today's link of the day is old wank from two years ago. I bring said wank up because today's entry made me go back and check on the instigator of the particular wank. While the writer's MA content is still on the pit for everybody to see, the good news is the tumbler account from which she was harassing people with is now gone, and hopefully for good. And by people I don't just mean those of us on Pottersues either.

Here's another Flashback Sue

I found today's entry because I took a look at the profile for yesterday's writer, and found they also had this particular story. The stories are over ten years old, and the writer's not updated in a few years, but they do stand out.

TITLE: Love is Strong
PERPETRATOR: Skylar Potter
SUMMARY:”A small update: I rewrote the prologue and had help with it from a friend. So she gets half the credit. Jade loses Sirius to Azkaban and finds out she is pregnant. Now Annabelle is turning 14 and Jade wants to bring Sirius home.”
FULL NAME: Jade, Annabelle, Sierra
SPECIES: Jade is the girlfriend of Sirius, and Annabelle is their daughter that Sirius doesn't know about. Sierra's Remus' random girlfriend.
POSSESSIONS:”Jade walked through the house and her eyes landed on an old group photo sitting on the coffee table. It was the picture that had all taken together on the last day at graduation at Hogwarts. They were all happy and waving. She was standing to the left in Sirius arms around her with Lily, James, Remus, and Peter. They had all been such good friends since then.” Jade also has an owl named Mystical.
CONNECTION TO CANON: Jade happens to know all about the fact Sirius is the Potter's secret keeper, and the fact they ended up switching. As soon as the dark mark appears she goes running over, and meets up with Sierra and Remus which is where I'm thinking Remus is dating this Sierra person. She also has major angst about how “I should have gone with him.” (None of this makes sense if one thinks about the canon material.) Everybody is “tearful”. She's mopping around her house the next few days, and then gets hit by “nausea and dizziness” during the middle of the day and “she grabbed the chair beside her, but it didn't help in the slightest. She called out, seeing Remus walk through the door towards her as she lost her balance before she fell.” (Suethor, this is NOT a sign of being pregnant, but actually a more serious health issue. Then again I think they tried making the symptoms overly dramatic to try and tug at the readers heart strings.) She finds out she is pregnant, and then, “the first thing that hit her mind was that Sirius wouldn't find out that he was going to have a son or daughter.” (Sorry, but she very well could have told him.) It then jumps to “12 years since everything happened that fateful night” and finds out that Sirius has escaped prison, and we find out she's told Annabelle nothing, and “she knew the kids would probably ask Ann if that was her father, but of course she would deny it.” (Yeah, because that's the mature thing to do despite the fact it seems like you know more then you should including things which should have exonerated Sirius.) She then complains to Remus about not telling her he escaped because, “I'm his wife. I do have a right to know.” (And Sirius didn't have the right to know about his daughter? I don't think Sue you should be talking about personal rights, particularly when you're acting like you've been wronged when you aren't.” She also demands “you have to get me to him”. She continues to throw a tantrum despite the fact Remus, whose supposed to be her best friend, insists he doesn't know. It gets to the point where “if you're lying to me, I'll make sure you stay a werewolf forever.” (Wow. I held my tongue until now, but I can't see how Remus puts up with this chick in the first place.) The story goes on to where everybody wants Peter Pettigrew dead because they know he done the deed. We then move onto the second chapter, or what the writer calls the first chapter. This chapter is about getting “13-year old Anna” ready for school. Suddenly the stories all about throwing a big party for Anna's friends before the year starts for Anna's birthday. (So Anna's also got a similar birthday to Harry Potter?) Sirius writes Jade a letter, and she wonders if “she'll ever be able to tell Anna the truth. The third and last chapter involves her having angst with “Molly, Arthur, Remus, and Tonks” about whether to tell her the daughter the truth.
ORIGIN: Like yesterday's story this is the writer's wet dream put on paper.
SPECIAL ABILITIES: Annabelle already knows how to levitate things, and helps Remus' with his things. Anna is also thirteen like Harry Potter, and in the same year, but in reality she should be starting her first year at Hogwarts, if not starting at all. Why? Harry Potter was already a year old when Sirius was arrested, which means everybody for Ginny's year was already born. She might be born sometime before the end of next year, but depending on when she was conceived she may be at the upper end of the first year group for Harry's forth year.

NOTES: According to the writer's profile they were in their mid-twenties when they wrote this, and it is also really close to going into the Toxic rating, or I may have gone easy on this one.


The night was cold and dark. So cold that in years to come she would still remember the chill in the air as she waited for her beloved to return. Jade looked around her, out of the back door, watching as the clouds moved in over the half-shaped moon making it eerie to watch. She smelled the rain in the air as she heard footsteps behind her. Her dearest friend, Sierra. She had come to be with her while she watched and waited for him to return. But something in the clouds told her that time may never come. Sirius Black may never come home.

Jade had tried to persuade Sirius to let her keep an eye on him while he went to check on Peter that night. But things were going way to fast around her and he persuaded her to stay, telling her it was too dangerous. This situation was spinning out of control. Sirius was frantic. He was sure there was something wrong. Something made him uneasy and it had done since he had swapped over from being the Secret Keeper and suggested Peter. Jade knew of his fears, but she had been persuaded to stay. She struggled to keep her composure as the tears started to fall. I should have gone with him. I shouldn't have stayed here. It was then she saw the light. The green, eerie light that seemed to flood the sky , reaching across the darkness like an ominous serpent. The Dark Mark.

"Sirius!" she screamed.

How could this happen? Why Lily and James? Why can't everything just go back to the way it used to be? Jade questioned herself over and over again as she raced out of the door and into the cold, dark night. She knew which direction the Mark was coming from, and whose house it would be hovering over. She needed to be there. She needed to find Sirius.

But she was stopped at the gate, both by a worried Sierra and a serious-looking Remus Lupin. He stared at her silently for a moment and then asked her anxiously. "Where is Sirius, Jade? Where is he?"

"He went to find Peter. He told me to wait. I promised him I would wait but, oh Remus. What has happened to him?"

He embraced her into a tight, comforting hug. "I'll look for him. I think we both know where he went, Jade. But why?" Remus said, his voice etched with concern.

Jade sighed as she and Sierra walked from the scene, watching a tearful Remus make his way to the Potter's house as it began to pour rain. She just hoped Remus was able to find Sirius. Until then she had to wait.

rating - awful, related to the blacks, pc - parasite sue

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