RP: Making a pointe

Jan 06, 2009 20:12

Characters: Lavender Brown, Daphne Greengrass, Aurelia Montgomery
Location: Madame Irveline's School for Wizards and Witches
Date: January 6, 2000
Status/Warning: Open/None
Summary: Lavender gathers her courage and goes back to dance.
Completion: Complete

At first, Lavender had blamed her injuries for neglecting dance. Then, she had excused herself because Madame did not do adult classes. However, after her chat with Madame and Daphne, she really had no excuse for avoiding classes. Practicing at home simply wasn't the same, and Lavender couldn't let her scars hold her back forever.

With the start of the new year, Lavender was determined to just deal. It would be a small class and there was no reason to think they would all stare at her. They were there to dance, and that was what she was going to do.

Still, she couldn't help but feel overexposed in her leotard. She'd arrived a little early, happy to have the time to talk to Madame and feel comfortable in the studio before the class started.

place: outside london, aurelia montgomery, 2000 01, lavender brown, daphne greengrass, complete

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