Birthday Celebratory Rant (or, my victories over this den of lame trolls this past year)

Sep 20, 2007 01:24

So, today's my birthday.  A time for self-reflection, and a chance to look back over our victories and defeats over the year.

I'm most pleased sad to say that many of the posts I've made to this com since I've joined have been mercilessly and cruelly spammed with pathetic, lamely written porn drabbles from a bunch of sick, twisted individuals that I love with all my black, shriveled heart.

But a few of my posts have been sadly neglected managed to escape this foul plague of wretched pr0n.  So today, I try desperately to correct this celebrate three of my greatest victories in this Com.

Victory #1:  My very first post here was a post denouncing porn of the anime Elfen Lied.  Despite my entreaties, I was struck with some vile yuri drabbles and even a couple pictures.  However, Lucy, the main character of the series, was to my eternal dismay exempted from the cretins who infest this comm.  Thus, I claim at least a partial victory here.

Someone write me Lucy porn!  Please?

Victory #2:  In reaction to a similar post (a blow against the Eliwood/Ninian pairing), I struck down the idea that the Fire Emblem universe(s?) could ever be the site of human/non-human relationships of any sort.  I got a filthy dragon incest smutpiece for my trouble, but no cross-species.  Undoubtedly a win.

Victory #3:  Finally, I give you the latest and greatest victory I've achieved over you sick fiends.  My last post was a warning against writing the illustrious Midna (of Zelda: Twilight Princess fame) into porn of any sort.  Here I achieved my goal utterly.  Not a single piece of Midna porn in sight!  Take that!

Now then, along with reruning some of my old requests gloating over these triumphs, there's one other thing I'd like to do in this comm.  I'd like to give a shout out offer a truce to one of my greatest allies most relentless foes in this comm, Miss Usagi Vindaloo.

As we all know, Usagi has a deep-seated hatred for Final Fantay 7's Sephiroth paired up with any females whatsoever, but most especially Hotaru Tomoe (Sailor Saturn) from Sailor Moon.  Now, I myself have been guilty of hounding her with drabbles of this pairing, due to her insulting of one of my most favorite characters, but I think now's a time to try to put that behind us.  Let there be no mention of this coupling anywhere near this post.

Of course, should she refuse my offer of truce, or worse, write any of the couples mentioned in this post, the gloves are off.  You have my word been warned, Usagi.  A Sephiroth/Aeris/Tifa/Hotaru foursome will most certainly make you scream with joy.
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