Thank god you people leave Forgetten Realms alone!!!!1!2!!!

Apr 30, 2007 16:20

I'm glad no one writes Forgotten Realms smut. Seriously.

I know it would have draegloth, even though they couldn't be sexual when they have no sexual organs and aren't sexy at all. Whatever they are capable of doing with four hands, well, that doesn't count.

We'd be making will saves to deal with the stupidity of gay drow. Rival priestess sex. Male slaves taking comfort in each other. Ick. Strict gender stratification doesn't encourage homosexuality. It just makes relations between the opposite sex unbalanced and strained.

It would have fey, magical beasts, awakened animals frolicking with rangers and druids. Sex with something not your creature type is an act of evil, the Book of Vile Darkness is clear on that point. Not to mention totally disgusting. The same goes for dragons, whatever their type may be.

Can you imagine what kind of trash would people be writing about deities?! They aren't just epic level humanoids, they are outsiders beyond fleshly desire and spend all their time promoting their spheres of influence. The only reason Bhaal and Bane had sex was to plant the seeds for their return to the world. Any canon romance between the gods is purely intellectual and platonic and because their portfolios compliment each other, like Lathander and Chauntea. Or Sharess and Sune. Or Tymora and Brandobaris.

I'm glad no one writes Forgotten Realms smut because I'd never stop reading it.

het, yaoi, yuri

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