Feb 02, 2005 02:25
i've decided im going to start drinking, it seems there is nothing better to do in this town and since i seem to f everythign else up, why not f up my liver also. anyway i like hanging out with the boys, tonight it was damian, melvin and mark. i do believe that when they were drunk melvin said something about being attracted to me but i hope its not true, i am enjoying this "being with the boys" mode too much for it to be upset by hormones. i dont want to be attracted to anyone although i am more... i guess there is no pleasant way of saying it, aroused, than i have been in forever. but i just dont feel like getting into a sexual situation, it gets too messy. literally, there is nothing pleasant about it. anyway, i just ate mcdonalds and i feel sick and i have to be up in less than three hours so i am calling it a night. thanks for stopping in.