★ Happy 3rd Anniversary! ★ 3rd Anniversary Event songs!

May 05, 2010 21:26

As always, thanks for sticking around! *passes around the popsicles* Happy Anniversary~! n_n
Thank you to those who participated in our 3rd Anniversary Event and sent in their all time favourite CJKpop songs and comments. Below is the compilation of all submissions, separated into category. Everything is left "as was", with titles left as they were in the submission, comments, and files reuploaded by us as they were sent in. "Anon" refers to members who did not wish for their username to be displayed. "-" refers to missing comments or downloadable links left my in posts.
The six members we'll be sending CDs to are:
☆ Anon
The purchase list includes 1 Cpop CD, 2 Jpop CDs and 3 Kpop CDs. :)
Ria and I are racing against the clock to get our own favourite CJKpop songs listed and written up. Argh our stress levels are high right now. XD *chews keyboard*
angelstars07: F.I.R - 第二行星 (Tenth Planet)
I chose F.I.R's Tenth Planet" because it was the first chinese song that I heard that made me want to look up more chinese music. I'm very glad that I stumbled upon this song because I really love it. Its slightly haunting with the opera’ish voice
Anon: Milk@Coffee - 穿越珊瑚海 (Through the Coral Sea)
I originally gave this a try out of curiosity because I liked the cover of their album, and because their name, Milk@Coffee, sounded like heaven to someone who's a coffee addict, lol. It was because of this song that I began listening to more Cpop. I wasn't expecting much, but was pleasantly surprised when one of the most beautiful songs I've ever heard came floating out of my speakers. The piano, the beat, the voice... they all blend to create a lovely mellow sound. I'm sometimes wary of female vocals in K/C/Jpop because some of them can be extremely high-pitched as if they're singing under the influence of helium. However the singer for Milk@Coffee has a lovely soothing voice that is neither too high nor too low. It's one of my favourite songs to listen to when I'm sad or upset; I'm not sure of what the lyrics mean, but if the comforting words and a warm hug from a friend were put into a song, this song would be the result.
Anon: "Bu Shi Bu Xiang" by Anson Hu
"Bu Shi Bu Xiang" by Anson Hu is my current favorite Cpop song, and Anson Hu is currently my favorite Cpop singer. I love his voice and he sounds so sweet in the one phrase I can understand in this song: "Wo ai ni." And you've got to love all that synthesized music. :P
Anon: 因為你笑了-DR MOON.
The lyrics never fail to amuse me ("I just stepped in dog crap but I'm still happy because you just smiled...oh crap what do I do the buff looking guy in the bar is walking towards me I'm going to die...but it's ok because you just smiled!") and it's an upbeat, happy, half-rap half-singing piece. Plus it was what I was listening to when I learned I got accepted into university HAHA.
Anon: 簡單愛 - 周杰倫 (Simple Love - Jay Chou)
This song has an upbeat feeling to it and says about the feeling of someone who is in love. The catchy beat has me singing along to it and moving to the rhythm. The simple lyrics also allow everyone to sing along to it and also, understand the lyrics. Like the title suggested, “Simple Love”. It says about how simple and pure love is. Cycling together, watching a baseball game together, and watching the sunset together, etcetera. I feel happy just by listening to this song.
eightlightyears: Alex Toh - Wu xin Shang Hai (Baby I'm So Sorry)
My first favourite Cpop song! This song brings back a LOT of memories, both good and bad. My crush back in the day made me listen to this song, and surprisingly, I liked it the first time I heard it. My ex also used to sing this song for me over the phone whenever we had an argument.
chickadork: 春雨里洗過的太陽 (Chun Yu Li Xi Guo De Tai Yang) by Wang Lee Hom
My favorite Cpop song is 春雨里洗過的太陽 (Chun Yu Li Xi Guo De Tai Yang) by Wang Lee Hom. It seems all my favorite songs are by the artists I first heard in the genre, because Wang Lee Hom is the first cpop artist I was introduced to. This song is so chill, with a bumpy guitar and laid back rhythm. I love the english part where he sings"If you listen to the rhythm of the pouring rain." His voice is so smooth and deep! It's a good song to listen to on a summery day and is guaranteed to put me in a happy mood! ^_^
gummymagic: Wang Leehom's Chun Yu Li Xi Guo De Tai Yang (Spring Rain Washed Over The Sun)
Honestly....I don't know. Leehom's one of my ultra favourite artist, and he's released a lot of other songs which are a lot more upbeat and more to my liking. However this one has been on my mp3 since it was first released and remains one of my most played. I guess it stays my favourite because Leehom's vocals are quite constant and soothing during the song and the music itself has drums and guitar, as the main instruments, which keep a constant gentle beat, however they're not loud and banging as you'd find in most common music these days. Meaning I can listen to it whenever Im in any mood.
happy_gogogo: Wang Lee Hom/Can You Feel My World
While it wasn’t the first Wang Lee Hom song I heard, Can You Feel My World has become my all-time favorite because of the heartfelt and raw emotion Lee Hom lays out on the track. Even compared to his ballads, the song has a pained solemnity to it, which was given an even deeper meaning when I found out that he penned that song to his parents as a way of letting them know that he wasn’t trying to be a troublesome and defiant child, merely that music was where he heart lay.
harukakamiya: "Chi Bi ~Da Jiang Dong Qu~" by alan
My favorite Cpop song is "Chi Bi ~Da Jiang Dong Qu~" by alan. I chose this song because it is powerful, gorgeous, and the lyrics are astounding. In short, it's just plain epic.
iluxe_love: 夜曲 (Nocturne) by Jay Chou
Like almost anybody who’s familiar with cpop, I started listening to Chinese music by becoming a Jay Chou fan. If I had to choose one album to listen to for the rest of my life, one of my first choices would be Jay Chou’s November’s Chopin album, of which “Nocturne” is the first track. The instrumentals in this song (the piano! the strings!), all of which Jay Chou composed himself, are enough to make this song worth at least one listen. I felt that the lyrics to “Nocturne” too were especially poetic (written by famous lyricist Vincent Fang), describing the transcending love a young man feels towards his deceased lover and grasping onto his precious memories of their limited time together. Some people complain that Jay Chou doesn’t enunciate and slurs so it’s hard to tell what he’s saying or that he can’t rap to save his life; personally, neither of these qualities bother me and I quite enjoy the juxtaposition of slow choruses with fast but soft rap. It’s a dark, emotional song - exactly the type that I adore.
jojibear: 最幸褔的事 (translation: The Most Blissful Thing) by 梁文音 (Rachel Liang)
The first time I listened to this song, the thing that struck me was the deceptively simplistic motif that the song was built on: so light and simple. Yet the simplicity doesn’t take away from the rather deep and heartfelt message Rachel conveys through the lyrics. A simply beautiful marriage of music and lyrics.
kristi_desu: Wrongly Given Love - Zhang Li Yin featuring Jonghyun
I don't listen to a whole lot of C-pop, but I love Zhang Li Yin - and maybe I'm a little biased, because I love SHINee too. It's a ballad, and a bit mellow at first, but the vocals toward the end blow me away! I'm a sucker for such things, haha. It's very simple, but that makes it all the nicer to listen to.
lilsparky67: Ashita e no Sanka by Alan
Ashita e no Sanka is my favorite Cpop song. It has a powerful feeling to it. Alan's voice is remarkable and leaves you speechless. Her album as a whole is beautifully done and she deserves more credit for such fabulous work. The trademark sound to her voice is unbelievable and I always can listen to her, especially Ashita e no Sanka. It would mean a whole lot to me, if I could own this album. I really love her music!
Also, it's not the Cpop version, but I can't find it. I love it either way, so hopefully that's okay.
mirksu_h: Nicholas Teo - Finally Smiled
This song was used in one of my favourite dramas, Smiling Pasta, which I was watching when I was going through a difficult time in my life. That's why I loved the message in the drama, 'Just smile and there's nothing you can overcome', and this song makes me feel positive and really like there's nothing I can overcome. I used to listen to this when I went to work at 4.30 AM, watching the city lights and I this song gave me lots of strentgh to try harder and be happy.
ssophistication: simple love by Jay Chou
2 words, JAY. CHOU. he can't do no wrong. love the beat, love the flow. jay chou is "simple love". my all-time favorite song from him <3

alxndrnakajima: Hey!Say!JUMP's Mayonaka no Shadow Boy
For me,Hey!Say!JUMP's Mayonaka no Shadow Boy is my favorite J-pop song.Many fangirls or even most people I know don't want this song,it may seem to look cool and attractive to them since most members of Hey!Say!JUMP is really cute.I truly,deeply like and love this song because it is where my fangirl life started.This song was the first J-pop song I knew.Years ago,I was just browsing the net when my sister told me to search for this song.I was like very angry to her because she is ruining my "net session" that time.I began to love the song because whenever I think of it,I start to be more of humorous and happy towards my studies.I also changed my very boring life with a fresh ones.They may say that this song is not that great as others but surely,this song can turn things extraordinarily without really knowing it.Mayonaka no Shadow Boy really changed my old life then.If I can really say "thank you" to hey1say!JUMP I will really go to Japan and do it myself.This is where I discover myself being a fangirl,a young fangirl;and a fangirl without any doubt of being one.I hope that through this wonderful event of yours will lend me the way of having my first ever "fangirl stuff" for hey!say!jump.I know that it's impossible for a very young fangirl like me to have lots of money nowadays.Lastly,this song really gave me the strength to write this entry.
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angelstars07: LM.C - "Chemical KingTwoon"
I chose LM.C's "Chemical KingTwoon" because their concept for the MV of this song is almost exactly what the inside of my brain would look like! This song always puts me in a great mood and I love Aiji's rapping in this song. I also love that Maya has a very unique voice, LM.C doesn’t sound like other typical rock groups.
Anon: Asia Engineer - Orion
I wish I could have chosen at least one upbeat/dance song, but I just have a thing for sad/mellow songs, lol. I'm not a big fan of Asia Engineer, but "Orion" definitely surprised me. It was released a couple of years ago if I'm not mistaken, but it's a treasure that I discovered recently. Just listening to it makes me want to have a midnight picnic, lying under a starry sky. Coming from what I understand to be a hip hop group, this effort leans more to the pop side of things. Rapping is, of course, incorporated (it usually is these days), but it matches the song very well. The feeling of the song (to me at least) is rather bittersweet but hopeful. A nice song to listen to when you're feeling lonely, or just for some easy listening.
Anon: "Under the Sun" by Do As Infinity
My favorite Jpop song is "Under the Sun" by Do As Infinity. The sound really matches the title, I love happy (sounding) songs, and her voice is always great. Do As Infinity is not my favorite Jpop band anymore, but I still love listening to this song.
Anon: Fairyland- Ayumi Hamasaki
Anon: 5x10 - Arashi
I like this song because this song represents how the five of them feel to be able to make it to this day, the feelings they have towards all their fans that supported them. This song also has me feeling that they worked hard to come to where they are today. Like the lyrics stated, “we truly cried, we truly laughed”. Throughout the years they have been around, they have been truthfully living their lives. What makes it even more touching is that all the members contributed towards the writing of this song, which is their true feeling towards their 10th year anniversary. To me, this song is not written just by Nino and Sho; it is written by all the five members, all of them who do their best to achieve their dream, all of them who love all their fans, who work hard for their fans. I want to tell them, “thank you so much for everything you have done so far”.
Anon: My Girl by Arashi
I was having huge family problems and my mom, who never once liked Japanese, be it food to singers to whatsoever, somehow found an interest in Arashi when I just got into them at the end of last year at the time when I was listening to My Girl. You can say that song got me into them cause I really love the song and its lyrics. However, My Girl was also one of my mom's favourite Arashi songs which totally surprised me! It became one of my most favourite songs because of that too.
As I was saying, I had family problems and we now had to be separated for good and we can never see each other again. The memories I had of her when I play My Girl totally aches my heart, even though it was my favourite song because I love her so much. The song really had good lyrics and each time I play it, I'm only reminded of her since it was also her favourite song. The whole lyrics made me feel teary-eyed especially at the part "Ichibyou goto deatta hi ga toozakatte yuku keredo Kawarazu ni kimi wa ikiteru Mune no naka de".
babystarfir3: Snow White BY 関ジャニ∞ [Kanjani 8]
To begin with, I am not a fan of Kanjani 8. I prefer other JE groups like V6, Arashi, etc. But I grew to like this song so much , it's now my favourite JE song. When I first heard this song I just heard the piano intro which was on the DVD of にぃにのことを忘れないで Niini no Koto wo Wasurenaide. I instantly fell in love with it and went to search for the song online. I figured it had to be either a NEWS or Kanjani8 song since its Ryo's movie. I managed to find the song and was really surprised because I thought Kanjani8 only did happy [noisy?] songs. This song suits any mood, it has a really sweet, smooth melody and it lifts my spirits whenever I feel down. The background intruments match so well with their voice which makes the song sound pretty. The lyrics are really beautiful, basically the person is standing outside in the snow and thinking about a lost love. Alright I'm not going to write an entire essay. To summarize it , the song is just Awesome! You wont regret listening to it. [=
chickadork: Ayumi Hamasaki - STEP you
My favorite Jpop song would have to be Ayumi Hamasaki's STEP you. Ayumi was the first Asian singer I listened to and STEP you is from the first album of hers I heard! It's got this dark and sexy feeling, and it's full of attitude. I love the powerful guitar and the catchy vocals. The music video is also pretty sweet and made me love and understand the song even more!
eightlightyears: TVXQ - Love In The Ice
I wasn't much of a TVXQ fan when they first started, in fact I made it a point to stay away from them because I felt that they already had too many fans and didn't need me to support them, LOL! But this song made me change my mind about them and I ended up loving them; and when I first heard this song, I remember literally getting goosebumps and was like, "now I get why people love TVXQ..." It's a very emotional song. This is actually my favourite TVXQ song of all time.
gummymagic: Spontania's Kimi No Subete Ni ft. JUJU
Do you really have to ask? Go give it a listen first :D
I kid. As with most popular music these days. This song is also about love. Honestly though, lyrics and words in music never interest me, because when you listen to a bunch of asian music....you're never gonna understand any of it half the time anyway (except for the odd engrish here and there). Anyways what I love about this song is the fabulous mix of rap that Spontania does, and Juju's slightly husky powertone. Its got a fab beat that makes you think of western RnB, but its not quite at the same time....
happy_gogogo: lecca/Start Line
Before lecca, the only Japanese female singers I saw posted on blogs were the cute helium-voiced girls the likes of Morning Musume-not that there’s anything wrong with that, but after a while it gets a bit stale. To say I was shocked when I heard lecca was an understatement; besides the obvious difference in vocals, I fell in love with her take on reggae. Start Line was proof that lecca had incredible potential, as well as prolific songwriting skills, being able to pull from personal and life experiences for her music.
harukakamiya: "evolution" by Ayumi Hamasaki
My favorite Jpop song is "evolution" by Ayumi Hamasaki. I chose this song because not only is it one of her best songs, it is a song that strikes so much in me. It is powerful, it is beautiful, and it reminds me that the world is amazing.
iluxe_love: “Destiny” by Miliyah Kato
I used to stick to only songs that were used as openings and closings of my favorite anime, but Miliyah Kato changed that. Miliyah Kato is more known for her single “Forever Love,” a collaboration with Shota Shizumu, but I enjoy her single very much underappreciated “Destiny” much more, albeit not her most popular song. I found the music video to “Destiny” coincidentally on YouTube and it was love at first listen. The piano accompaniment complements her strong and beautiful voice quite nicely; both of these translate into an anguished lover’s tone that is unmistakable even if you don’t understand Japanese. It’s the type of song I can put on repeat and listen to all day without getting tired of it. Besides, the music video shows some great choreography. Fans of R&B artists like Mary J. Blige will like Miliyah Kato a lot (other songs I recommend: her latest double A side single, “Bye Bye” and “Sensation”).
kirakaze: Koda Kumi ~ ECSTASY
If I was stuck on a deserted island with only one song to listen to, it would probably be this one. I could seriously listen to this song all day. I love it. I love seriously all of Kuu's work, but this song is my absolute favorite. ♥
kristi_desu: "Yabai Yabai Yabai" - Matsumoto Jun
This is actually my favorite song.. ever! I didn't even have to think of what to use for my J-pop song. This one, it's underloved and needs attention. It's so upbeat and cute! Not just the sound, but the lyrics too! I didn't have any particular love for Matsujun before I heard this, but his nasally voice is perfectly suited for this song. Yeah, okay, I can see how some people would find the song annoying. I'm just not one of them! It's a really fun song. I feel a need to dance whenever it plays! ~Viva myself~..
lilsparky67: Dearest by Ayumi Hamasaki
By far my favorite Jpop song is Dearest. Ayumi Hamasaki's my favorite Jpop artist; likewise, this song is really beautiful. I love the way she sings in it and how meaningful it is. I was first acquainted with it while watching Inuyasha and have been obsessed ever since. Practically anything Ayumi touches turns to gold or shall I say platinum. I would be speechless to own anything by Ayumi because Japan CD's are extremely expensive. It's truly an amazing song and it really gets to you. It's emotionally attaching and I will never forget about it.
luminights: "SMILY" by Ai Otsuka
This is one of Ai Otsuka's older singles, but even on the saddest, rainiest and downright maddening days of my life, it never fails to cheer me up! The lyrics are all about living life to the full and digging out the best from every day. The chorus is so cheerful and catchy that you'll definitely catch yourself humming to it! In conclusion, SMILY is bound to infect you with that bubbly happy vibe that Ai Otsuka spreads with her music.
mirksu_h: w-inds. - Natsu sora no koi no uta
w-inds. was the very first Asian band I listened to and they got me into liking Asian music and Japanese culture. This song is from their album Ageha which was the first Asian cd I bought. I began to love this song after I saw the boys perform it. The song makes me feel summery even in the middle of winter and if I want to lift my spirit, I always listen to this song. Everything in it is just so cheerful, hopeful and happy.
ssophistication: first love by Utada Hikaru
beautiful song sang with a wonderful voice. this song will absolutely make people think about their first love. I also really like the mv.

angelstars07: B2ST - "Take Care of my Girlfriend (Say No)
I chose B2ST's "Say No" because this was the first song in a very long time that made me go 'WHOA that was amazing'. I really felt the emotion in the song even though I didn't know what they were saying, and once I read the translation I loved the song even more. During the b2st/mblaq debut times I was team mblaq all the way, but when I heard this song it made me love b2st just as much <3
Anon: Brave Brothers - Finally (feat. U-Kiss Kevin & Alexander)
The annoying robotic voice saying "Brave Sound" aside, this is another lovely song that I've had on repeat. What isn't there to love about this song? Many people have probably said this, but the vocals from U-Kiss' Kevin sound so angelic and pure. Although he's very young and have any dating experience (thanks Pops in Seoul! haha XD) he still conveys the emotions of loss and love very well. Another plus is Alexander's manly-sounding rap as a bridge in the song, which gives the song some variety and contrasts nicely with Kevin's higher-pitched voice. The song also came with a memorable MV that everyone was rather disturbed by. I actually thought it fit the song nicely (once I got over the fact that I'm watching a heart drinking and smoking, lol) - however, another version with Kevin and Alexander appearing would have no complaints from me =D.
Anon: "Eco Love" by Sunny Side Up
As soon as I heard "Eco Love" by Sunny Side Up, I was in love. I really hope they come out with more stuff because their whole Project Part 1 album was really nice and calming. This song is the happiest of the five, though, which is why it's my favorite.
Anon: The One- Se7en
Where is Se7en? Always loved everything about this song, and listen to it in remembrance of his awesomeness. ;;
chickadork: SHINee - Love Like Oxygen
My favorite Kpop song is Love Like Oxygen by SHINee. Hehehe, it sounds so corny and overly happy but I love it so much! It's got some thumping bass and some silly little guitar sounds and synths. Omo its just so ridiculous you can't help but love it and want to dance around. Their vocals are gorgeous, no autotune or anything like that getting in the way! Oh and the mv to this thing is epic.
eightlightyears: Brown Eyed Soul - Nothing Better
This song is just BEAUTIFUL! It just makes my heart flutter whenever I hear it. The melody just brings tears to my eyes. I really am a sucker for beautiful ballads!
gummymagic: Yiruma- River Flow In You (with Vocals by Ruvin)
I just realised you guys don't have a Yiruma tag. -legasp- Well River Flows In You was originally a piano piece in Yiruma's First Love album (I think). And dang was that a great album. River Flows In You is a piano piece which was elegant with its gentle rise and falls. It completely won me over and made me a Yiruma fan. But when it was released with vocals. *collapses* Ruvin's voice fits in so well with the piece, because his voice compliments the softness of the piano so amazingly well. This is one of those things you can listen to whilst you're dosing under a tree on a sunny day........ Yiruma doesn't necessarily count as kpop. Nevertheless its such a beautiful song and should be listened to at least once.
happy_gogogo: Epik High/Nocturme (Tablo's Word)
Another song that wasn’t necessarily my introduction, but remains my all-time favorite bar none. It would be a few years before I knew the translation of the lyrics, but the song itself was so much in your face and prophetic that it grabbed hold of me and wouldn’t let go. Nocturne was Tablo rising to the pulpit and preaching about the state of society using his own mix of literature, firsthand observations and subtle religious references; his message as always is that life is not to be judged on the surface and to not let yourself fall within the common traps that are laid out in life.
harukakamiya: "Egugugu" by Yozoh
My favorite Kpop song right now is "Egugugu" by Yozoh. I chose this song because it is relaxing and cute. It calms me down, and reminds me that I shouldn't take things so seriously.
iluxe_love: “Let’s Go Party” by 2NE1
For a long time, I avoided kpop because I thought that the multitude of girl groups that exist in kpop all sang sugary pop songs in high pitched, overly cute voices. I was wrong. 2NE1 proved me otherwise. I adore 2NE1 for their funky style and their individual, unique music that makes them different from all the other girl groups. Strong vocals, catchy beats, and tasteful rap defines their music. I genuinely liked all the songs on 2NE1’s mini album but I especially like “Let’s Go Party” because it’s a song I can easily imagine hearing at a club somewhere. It’s not as much as a dance song as other songs (the type that make my ears hurt after repeated listening). In contrast, “Let’s Go Party” is easy on the ears and has a laid back yet cool mood. I am not ashamed to say that another reason why I love this song is because I always try to imitate the “tonight~ tonight~” part, an awesome way of displaying the utter fail I am at singing. (It’s empowering, lol.) Admittedly, I am quite new to kpop but 2NE1 is definitely my favorite girl group.
kirakaze: BoA ~ Girls on Top
BoA was my introduction to Kpop, and this song is just...fffffffffffamazing!!! ♥ I even learned the choreography for it. xD I've always really liked upbeat stuff you can dance to, and BoA has been in my top 3 artist rankings ever since I heard this song, because it inspired me to seek out more of her stuff.
kristi_desu: "Over the Rainbow (Rock Version) - TRAX
I'm not usually into rock music, but this is the first Korean song that came to mind. (Maybe it doesn't count as K-pop? Well I hope it does!) The melody is gorgeous, and the vocals could hardly get any better. I can't understand Korean, so for all I know, the song is about.. apples. I don't think you have to understand it to love it. I mean, obviously, you don't even have to be a fan of rock!
lilsparky67: Gee by SNSD (So Nyuh Shi Dae or Girls' Generation)
My favorite Kpop song is called Gee. It's by SNSD (So Nyuh Shi Dae or Girls' Generation), in my opinion, is the best girl group in Kpop. Gee is the most addicting song in Kpop and I listen to it every single day. If not once a day, then multiple times a day. I can never get bored of it, it always makes me happy. I'm rather obsessed over their music, so this song is no exception. It would be an honor to hear this song on actual CD format. I would listen to it over and over again on a physical CD.
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mirksu_h: Dong Bang Shin Ki - Rising Sun
This is the song that got me into K-pop and Dong Bang Shin Ki is my biggest and most important fandom to date. I heard some other DBSK songs before this but then when I heard Rising sun, my life changed. It's such a powerful song, it has me on it's hold since the very beginning until the end. It has so much awesome elements that even now, after years since I first heard, it feels like I discover something new when I listen to. The song makes me all hyped and excited. :D It's an awesome dance song but the vocals are also incredible strong. This song really portrates the awesomeness of DBSK.
ssophistication: because I'm a girl by K.I.S.S
beautiful song, beautiful voices...I love these girls <3 I really enjoy singing along to it, well at least the english version hehehe

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hey!say!jump, boa, otsuka ai, alex toh, anson hu, nicholas teo, *j: songs, brown eyed soul, *k: songs, milk@coffee, kanjani8, do as infinity, kato miliyah, se7en, dr moon, trax, *c: songs, kiss, girls' generation, lecca, rachel liang, !mod.post, f.i.r., jay chou, u-kiss, lm.c, utada hikaru, brave brothers, yiruma, alan, shinee, ayumi hamasaki, tvxq!/dbsk/thsk, juju, w-inds., epik high, beast, 2ne1, zhang li yin/jang ri in, spontania, sunny side up, koda kumi, yozoh, leehom wang, asia engineer, arashi

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