Jul 12, 2011 18:18
Wow, this proper job stuff is challenging!
I'm now like a rechargeable battery that only charges to 25% no matter how long you leave it plugged in for!
I can't wait for this all to be over next friday so I can have a decent break and get a bit of a life back. Feels like all I've done is work and rest up to prepare for work!
I've managed to get some historical re-enactment gigs for August, only two confirmed so far, but hopefully more although I wasn't best pleased to see they were training someone up so they could be a medieval princess with their husband - er... isn't that meant to be what I'm doing?! :)
Hoping there will be enough work to make up a months wages, as that will mean a decent amount of downtime for me.
I'm currently practising that Blind Optimism thing for my finances working out over the next few months. My work contract is changing, which will mean less money each month, but a monthly salary and no claim form to complete making it better overall (currently I get more money, but not every month, making non work months impossible) - there's a slight pay increase to recognise the fact that I'm much more than a classroom learner support, my job will now detail what I actually do, which makes going for future jobs easier.
I'm also going to be starting a PTLLS course which is funded by work and I hope this will lead to a proper teaching qualification funded by them too - might not as it's not strictly part of my job, but I end up doing it anyway so.... we shall see what happens.
Life is good, tiring and challenging, but good.