Hindleap Warren

May 13, 2011 15:26

A week in an outdoor activity centre with 13 Team members and my Team Leader. What could possibly go wrong?!

It's been a fantastic week, all the minute to minute niggles and stress get overwritten by the pride I feel remembering my Team overcoming their fears and bonding together more and more as the days passed. The difference between this Friday and last Friday is immense!

I learnt where the weak spots are in my armour, what I need to strengthen and work on. Mainly connected to my introversion.
I also learnt the ways in which this job and myself are perfect for each other - yes, all you who told me that can feel smug and think we knew that! But I am a kinaesthetic and  experiential learner so until I have experience of it, I cannot fully comprehend how it works. Now I do.

Far too many high points to mention, but a few personal special moments contain the various events that have lead me to be named Team Mummy, and facing my own fear of heights to do the zipwire and leap of faith. 
Everyone surprised me, I surprised me and I cannot believe how much I care about these guys in such a small space of time. 
Two weeks ago, I hadn't met them! How mad is that?

The last special thing is Leo and I learning more about each other and how we work and generally improving our working relationship.
Seeing the other Teams and staff, I feel I have the perfect Team and Team Leader for me and am so utterly grateful for that.

This year continues to feel like the positive payback I deserve after some really tough times and I'm determined to make the most of it and enjoy it to the full.
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