Week One Team

May 06, 2011 18:11

Things that I liked this week:
 Explaining to a Team Member that an Asylum Seeker is not someone who wants to go into a mental institution.
Having to repeat things in a westcountry accent before they'll do what I'm asking.
The shyest Team Member cutting the fringe that hid most of their face.
Someone bringing in a comedy mug because they love my flamingo mug.
Making someone feel more comfortable "because I have a worse laugh" than them.
Hearing that several Team Members were still unsure about the Team but staying on because Leo and I are laidback and cool!
The look of pleased surprise when I reflected something back to a Team Member and understood their difficulty.
Leo having to bribe everyone with teas and coffees to get them to do a basic skills assessment.
Team Members voluntarily tidying up and playing teambuilding type games without realising it (the Rizla game is KINDA team building!)
Team members who didn't manage to get in early still coming in later rather than missing the whole day
Sharing geeky book joy with a Team Member and promising to read Red Mars because they like it.
The display on the wall they did for Week 1.
That my pleas were heard and the room left in a lovely state.

Worst thing so far - the paperwork the paperwork oh dear goddesses I'm drowning in paperwork! 
#I think the first week is the worst for that, and the first first week has to be the worst of all as we're struggling to be proactive on things and have constantly been on the back foot as we realise what we already should have done. 
It's also like two or three fulltime jobs jammed into one and I'm not getting paid NEARLY enough for them!! Leo feels the same and hopefully we'll manage to wangle better funding and a payrise. Princes Trust has to be a name that gets decent funding surely?! We are tutors, we are counsellors and we are admin and all three of those are huge jobs that need more time than we have for them.

Next week we're at a residential all week, I'm hoping there will be some down time for Leo and I to relax and have some space. He's managed to get the two of us rooms to ourselves with the other Team staff sharing, and I am very grateful for that! I think I'll need a sleeping space all to myself over next week.

At the moment I'm very happy. I've really looked forward to work this week, looked forward to seeing the Team and feel I have a good job that challenges me and uses my talents, makes a difference in the world and isn't in the slightest bit boring (ignoring the risk assessments!). Not entirely sure I've had that before, if I could get paid a bit more then it would be perfect!
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