
Apr 15, 2011 16:21

Trip to Hull cancelled through new job commitments, but London this weekend and Dover castle next are still on.
Credit card limit has increased by £1000, which will help me reach the end of this month, but doesn't allow me to buy a Kindle regardless of what the spoiled toddler in my head thinks.

New job isn't the shiny huge pay increase that I thought. :(
I'm actually taking a drop in salary if you look at my pro-rata, and I currently can't afford any holidays... I am taking one at the start of August regardless and hoping that I can work fulltime in the Student Records office for spare cash in between Teams.
Also hoping this new post quickly leads to bigger and better things as I seriously won't be able to carry on like this for too long. I reckon I can last till the end of this year.
Next year I find myself a better salary one way or another...
Am also practising blind optimism and am determined to (eventually) see the good in everything, even in going from "hurray I'm comfortably well off" to "bugger I'm still barely scraping by" within a week.
I was willing to volunteer to get leaner support on my CV, Team will give me a job and connect me to a huge well thought of charity. This can only lead to bigger and better things and is worth the small sacrifices I currently make.
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