In The End [5/?]

Sep 02, 2016 03:03

Pairings: HoMin
Rating: R
Warnings: boyxboy, some gore, might have adult themes in the future.
Summary: It's a normal day when life pushes them together. Who would have known a few hours later they would only have one another?
A/N: Hi! Small update because I was anxious af today and zombies calm me down (as strange as that sounds). As usual, no editing, pardon my mistakes.

=September 7, 2011=
Changmin dared to look around after they had a solid couple of blocks between them and the building. The city did not look much different at street level than how it did from the safety of Yunho’s apartment. Several shop windows were broken and a couple of doors were torn out of their hinges. While there were not many cars left on the street, there were some positioned haphazardly enough throughout the street that the speed at which they could go was severely limited in favor of maneuver time.

Changmin stopped looking into the cars after spotting a small blue family car, crashed against a wall and what was left of a woman and her daughter after the undead caught up with them. The mother was missing chunks of flesh off her arms, back and neck, while the girl’s face had been mostly ripped off, the blood-stained ribbon on her head serving as the only evidence of who she might have been.

While staring at the gruesome scene he noticed that the mother’s body began to move. As if woken from a dream by the sound of the car she turned around clumsily and fixing those chilling, milky eyes on Changmin. Screeching, she tried to get out of the car, her already torn limbs impaling themselves on the broken glass of the window, making new tears on the putrid flesh of her arms and draining globs of thick blood the color and consistency of molasses.

Eventually she managed to rip herself out of the car. Her hip jutted out at a funny angle, making her grotesque gait, determined as it might be, too slow to reach the moving vehicle. Chunks of flesh fell from her as she walked, and more than once Changmin thought she was going to collapse whenever she stumbled.

Changmin watched from the rearview mirror as several others joined her, in similar states of decay, chasing the car in slow, dragging steps. The more that joined the higher the volume of the groaning and moaning, combining together into a macabre buzz that permeated the air around them. It got to the point where they were slowly pouring from the side streets, some of them almost managing to grab onto the door handles and getting too close to comfort for Changmin’s liking.

Still, Yunho kept the speed constant, too fast for the hoard behind them, but not fast enough to lose them completely. It worked alright, keeping them from slamming into a wall or another car themselves, and keeping them well away from the infected, even if it made him nervous.


Changmin was too focused on the growing hoard behind them that he did not notice Yunho slamming on the breaks until he was being thrown forward, barely catching himself with his hands on the dashboard, his seatbelt digging harshly into his shoulder.

In front of them, a wall of vehicles stood. It seemed like the infected caught up to the fleeing population faster than they could leave the city, and many abandoned their cars in favor of running for their lives. There was not a single path to drive through, and as they sat there thinking the moaning continued to get louder and louder behind them. Changmin made the mistake of turning back around, watching as the undead got alarmingly close to the car.

“Oh my God, Hyung, they are almost upon us!”

“Shit!” Yunho cursed again, before shifting gears. “Hang on tight, Changmin-ah!”

That was the only warning he got before Yunho stepped on the accelerator, the car screeching as it moved backwards, slamming into several groaning bodies with a sickening squelch. With a swift turn, Yunho drove into an alley and then down the following street back in the direction they had come from, before taking yet another alleyway and driving through several side streets. Several infected still came after them, though as they got closer to the outer edges of the city, their numbers dwindled, both from being unable to keep up with Yunho’s madman-like driving and because it seemed like no more were joining the crowd the further way they got.

After what seemed like an eternity, they found a small dirt road that completely set them out into the country side, and away from the nightmare of the city. The landscape gave way to farmland and hills dotted in trees, and the air was no longer filled with the moans of the undead.

Changmin let out a breath he did not know he had been holding. Noticing his hyung had yet to say anything he turned to look at him. His eyes were set ahead, and there was nothing in his expression that denoted any fear, but then Changmin looked down at his hands by chance.

Yunho was clutching the steering wheel in a white-knuckled grip.

= September 9, 2011 =
The sweltering heat filtered through the windshield glass, burning Changmin’s arm as he sat on the passenger’s seat, door open and legs swinging back and forth lazily as he munched on a granola bar. There was sweat pouring down his neck and the armpits of his shirt were stained a darker shade of blue. Summer was on its way out but they were still weeks away from a cool breeze in the air and the need to wear long sleeves. Even then his short-sleeved cotton shirt was toeing the line of too hot, sticking uncomfortably to his skin. On his knees one of the maps they printed and market laid open, a new, shorter marker line drawn fresh next to the one they drew back home. At the end of it there was a fat dot and, as a joke, the legend “You are here” drawn next to it. Changmin looked at it again and snorted.

Outside Yunho cursed up a storm while he shuffled through every bag they had brought with them. For reasons unknown, the car gave up on them just outside of Kwangju and there was no way of fixing it. Changmin knew the search was futile, they had not packed a tool box, but Yunho refused to listen to reason. He thought that they must have packed something useful, something that might help them but Changmin saw it as it was: wishful thinking.

There was suddenly silence outside and the crunching of gravel was the only warming Changmin got before the door on the driver’s side was yanked open and Yunho all but collapsed on the seat with a huff. Just like Changmin, he was drenched in sweat and immediately reached for the lukewarm bottle of water on the cup-holder, downing a good third of it in one gulp.

“So, there was nothing,” Yunho mumbled.

Changmin shoved the last of the granola bar into his mouth to stop the ‘I told you so’ that itched to come out of it, crumpling the wrapper in his hand and letting it drop on the floor of the car. The collective mood had not been great the last couple of days and taking it out on each other was not going to be helpful in surviving. Instead, he flattened the map over the dashboard and pointed at the dot.

“If I am correct, we are currently somewhere around here,” he explained. “if we go around the cities we should reach Wando in five days, six tops.”

Yunho was silent for a moment, eyes scanning the map, before collapsing back into his seat with a groan.

“That number is really optimistic with this heat,” he grumbled as he wiped his brow.

“Should’ve scheduled our apocalyptic road trip for winter then,” Changmin joked, already opening another granola bar.

Yunho just shoved him, taking the bar from him and eating it in two huge bites.

“Come on,” he said, once he swallowed. “We need to repack.”

title: in the end, zombies, homin, dbsk fanfiction, dbsk

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