Master Fic List

Dec 31, 2037 15:41

About my continued absence and the future of my stories:

Sorry to everyone that keeps coming to check on updates. I do have a job now. I just recently started so don't feel like I cheated you. My mental health is bad most days, and I don't want to use it as an excuse because it is not the root of the problem. I am just not into the Kpop fandom anymore. I do want to continue these stories, because like I've said plenty of times, I hate it when authors just abandon their stories. But since they are not based on an interest of mine anymore, it is really hard to even think about updating them when I need to use that energy for other priorities. I would be lying if I said they were going to get updated anytime soon. So... I don't know, wait at your own risk? Again, sorry about all of this and thank you for your continued support regardless.

Things you should know:   Perhaps some of you guys already know but for any newcomers out there this account is both my personal account and my writing account. If you want to add me you can go ahead (I'll add you back) but there is no need since I don't lock any of my stories. Personal entries are f-locked, but only so that I don't spam those that only come for the stories. I accept 99% of friend requests though.


Chaptered Stories

Rating: PG13
Summary: The Dong Bang apartment has become too crowded. When more living space is needed, the boys will ask the company for new living quarters. When they arrive at the destination they are met with their dream house, however, will that dream turn into a nightmare once obscure things start happening in that house?
Status: On hiatus
1 2 3 4 5

Keep Your Head Down
Pairings: YunJaeMin
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Jaejoong wants to be forgiven for leaving HoMin and they know what they want as retribution.
Status: On-going
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

The Red Caravan
Pairings: YunJae
Rating: PG-13 for now
Warnings: boyxboy, no historical/geographic setting, AU.
Summary: It's Spring time in the capital and everybody rejoices when the Red Caravan and its performers arrive, signaling the start of festival season, however, Prince Yunho is also in town, returning after three years battling in the Holy Land. What happens when the Red Caravan's most famous peformer, Kim Jaejoong, and Prince Yunho meet?
Status: On-going
1 2 3 4 5 6A 6B 7 8 9A 9B 9C 10 11

In The End
Pairings: HoMin
Rating: R
Warnings: boyxboy, some gore, might have adult themes in the future.
Summary: It's a normal day when life pushes them together. Who would have known a few hours later they would only have one another?
Status: On-going
1 2 3 4 5

For You, Always
Pairings: JaeMin
Rating: NC-17
Warnings:boyxboy, and if you're really strict about the definition of incest then... incest.
Summary: Jaejoong is the oldest son but not the heir. Changmin wants nothing but his older brother’s approval. A bond stronger than blood binds them together and brotherly love develops into something more.
Status: On-going
1 2 3 4 5

One Shots

Pairings: YooSu
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Yoochun fucked up one too many times.

Game Over
Pairings: YunJae
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Jaejoong let's himself get caught.


Pairing: HoSu-ish.
Rating: PG-13

Personal Interest
Pairing: YooMin.
Rating: NC-17

Pairing: General
Rating: PG

Dry Season
Pairing: HoMin
Rating: PG

Tumblr fics:

Contrary to popular belief, I haven't been totally inactive. I've been writing some short stories as part of a challenge (to keep each other writing) with a friend. You can find them here. They are mostly EXO fics with the rare DBSK fic and (in the future) SHINee fic.
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