FIC: Small Consistencies - Heath/Kai - G - Luminous Arc

Sep 06, 2007 15:39

Title: Small Consistencies
Fandom: Luminous Arc
author: PookaSeraph
pairing: Gen, with a touch of Heath/Kai
rating: G
disclaimer: Not mine, Never will be
summary: Heath reflects at a bar in San Reise
notes: End game spoilers. Slash.

Heath tried to ignore the loud throng milling around the streets of San Reise. He sat near the window of a bar close to the old church, watching people come and go. He was mostly obscured from view by the poorly blown glass and the slight coat of grime over the windows.

The noise and the crowds were unnerving. His last few years had been primarily spent in the Ever Garden, the epitome of a small town where everyone knows your name. San Reise, unfortunately, was also full of people who knew his name, knew his deeds and generally had taken to calling him God Slayer when he wasn't around to correct them.

If he was going to be accurate that title would go to Alph and Lucia, but they had managed to run away from the attention and the clamor and make a life together, a Witch and her Rym.

Heath didn't hold a grudge, he was happy for them, and a knight's duty was to his country. Alph was no knight, he was a Garden Child, and he was also still a boy in many ways.

The waitress brought him a drink he had not ordered, another ale. He looked at her with a bit of confusion on his face.

"From the one over in the corner." She indicated a shorter girl, bluish hair, seated at another table.

He debated the relative merits of accepting the drink, and the company it implied, versus sending it back and heading back to work.

He supposed knights were allowed to be just slightly selfish from time to time, and accepted the drink.

She came over to sit with him. Her name was Marin and she had the unfortunate pleasure of reminding him very much of Iris, fawning adoration and quiet longing.

They spent a few minutes in awkward conversation, Marin obviously thrilled to share a drink with him, Heath distracted by ghosts and all the work he should be doing. Thankfully she was not so bold as some of the other women who had sought out his company in the months since the Church collapsed and he did not need to defend himself from hands or lips or anything else she might have assaulted him with.

He eventually excused himself, much to the lady's regret, and headed back to work. He even paid for her drinks. A quest to save the world had its own monetary advantages at least.

The walk back was less than a mile, but it took over a half hour. He was waylaid several dozen times with hand shakes, three people offering gifts (a chicken, five apples and a hammer), two more flirtatious women and several people who just seemed to want to touch his armor, which was an entirely different sort of strangeness than what he was used to dealing with.

He'd certainly attracted some adoring fans in his days as an Arc Knight for the Luminous Church, but really nothing on this scale. He had started to grow accustomed to the new level of attention but he really would have preferred a house in the countryside.

Instead he had interminable meetings about Church and Kingdom reconstruction, historians combing through new and old scripture to work out the truth about God and asking him unending questions, training new personnel for the replacement knights killed by Kingston's ambition, destroying the last of God's monsters on the planet. The exercise left him with hardly a minute to himself.

A mixture of trepidation and relief washed over him when he finally reached the Church building and slowly climbed the stairs. Guards saluted and he passed while he worked his way through the main entrance, the chapel proper and back into the old throne room where Kai sat silently, a cup of tea and too many papers scattered before him.

He looked up when Heath entered. "Was your trip out of your cage relaxing?"

Heath sighed, sitting down next to Kai. "You know it wasn't. I think I need a disguise, maybe a beard."

Kai quirked an eyebrow but said nothing.

"Have Saki's reports arrived?" Kai indicated a large stack of papers set between the two of them in response. Heath picked one off the top. A gesture sent the page currently assigned to the two of them scurrying off to fetch Heath a glass of water. For a moment, Heath felt guilty for not getting the drink himself, but remembered he had more pressing matters and a meeting with his Generals and their Lieutenants in under two hours.

A few moments passed and he noticed Kai watching him out of the corner of his eye.


Kai smirked slightly. "I was wondering how many marriage proposals you received today, Sir Heath."

Heath laughed, feeling some of the aggravation he had been feeling, the stress that had taken him to an out-of-the-way bar to begin with, dissipate. "None today, but tomorrow is another day."

Kai smiled as well. "Indeed it is."

Heath watched the placid face of his oldest friend for a few more seconds and then decided to act.

He grabbed the collar of Kai's dogi, pulling the samurai sideways towards him and kissed him hard on the mouth. He let go and returned to his work, a few seconds later a glance confirmed Kai's serenity had not yet returned. Heath smirked.

The new church guards were doing their best not to look uncomfortable at the display.

He turned to Kai again and the man was smiling at his papers. Heath went back to his papers, which he would fight side by side with Kai.

In this new world, he was glad to have one thing that had not changed.

fic, luminous arc

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