Title: Small Consistencies
Fandom: Luminous Arc
author: PookaSeraph
pairing: Gen, with a touch of Heath/Kai
rating: G
disclaimer: Not mine, Never will be
summary: Heath reflects at a bar in San Reise
notes: End game spoilers. Slash.
Small Consistencies )
Comments 6
I was waiting it to be done. I am at the very begining of the game, but I1m prying on cutscenes on youtube and I'm already enjoying it... With so many girls, I thought I would be the only slash fan XD
Hopefully I will be inspired to write more, but I've not been writing much fanfic lately sadly.
(The comment has been removed)
Sadly my LA bunny/muse has run away, maybe someday. :)
Thank you for reviewing
*feels foolish for responsing to so many comments* XD
(wow, this is a response... 10 months late xD)
Actually, Kai is the only one NOT calling Heath "Sir", but just by his name... which I really liked at the end of the game >D
And the flustered guards make me grin x) It's too bad the Luminous Arc fandom seems to be very small, I've only seen two fics so far, including this one X_X; (and I'm glad that one of both was Kai/Heath!! %D )
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