If I was sorted into one of Hogwarts' houses...

Jul 27, 2011 17:37


Awesome, yes? Yes.

It makes perfect sense too, since I'm extremely loyal to my fandoms and celeb obsessions. I'll admit that my loyalties do dwindle at times, but it takes just a short clip to remind me once again why I fell in love.

Okay, so the hard-working aspect isn't really me persay. I can't help it though. I'm naturally lazy. But at work it's a different story. I do all this crap at work, like taking out the trash and sweeping everywhere, and people don't usually tell me to. So I'm pretty hard-working at work, but not at home.

Acceptance is one of my most prevalent traits. I don't mind a lot of things; I go with the flow all the time. Plus, you can't change people or events that you have no control over, so it's better to let things ride their course instead of fighting against it. Maybe that's more indifferance than acceptance...

Now, I know that the Harry Potter parody, A Very Potter Musical, pokes fun at the Hufflepuffs by exclaiming, 'What the hell is a Hufflepuff?' and by proclaiming that they are particularly 'good finders,' and I don't recall any kind of references of that stuff in the books, but I would like to add that I am a good finder(esp. at work). While working, I often have to search around the store looking for go-backs, items customers leave in the wrong spot, and I'm pretty awesome at it. You wouldn't believe where some customers jam things just to avoid walking ten feet to put it back where they got it from. I mean, seriously!? By the time I reach the end of the store, my shopping cart is filled with misplaced items.

And that's why I would be placed into the House of Hufflepuff. :)

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hufflepuff and proud, trying to win a sweepstakes, harry potter

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