storydivagirl and I are both going to be reccing
yuletide stories in the next couple of days. We decided for the sake of not frustrating ourselves that we would just create our own lists and deal with the inevitable duplicates between us. So expect some overlapping recs in both lists.
This is a list of the stories I found on my first scan through of the archive. The fandoms I'm unfamiliar with or just dipping my toes into, or any stories I may have missed on the first go will come next.
Get Where You've Been Going--Vince/Eric--I declared to my Secret Santa that this would be my favorite story even before I read any of the others. After reading the others, it's a close call, because some were damn good, but yes, this story definitely wins at everything. Vince gets a little possessive and Eric gets a little sneaky and it's all very in character and fabulous, with cameos by Turtle and Drama and looks back at the evolution of Vince and Eric's friendship.
He slides up behind Eric, grabs the drink at Eric's elbow and downs it. "Hey," he says to the guy, smiling, toothy. Vince bumps Eric with his shoulder, moves forward just enough to bring their bodies into contact at different points; shoulder, elbow, hip. He feels a thrill of satisfaction when Eric allows it without even seeming to notice. "You want to go home?"
Long Distance Call--Vince/Eric--An AU set to the idea that Vince couldn't convince Eric to move to LA. It's an interesting look at the differences in both of their lives.
"Well, why the fuck do you think I keep asking you to come to LA?" He sounds halfway between exasperated and amused. "One of these days, E, you're going to say yes to me, and you're not going to be sorry."
Queer as Folk UK:
Introductions--Stuart/Vince--This gem showcases Stuart and Vince's friendship from their first meeting to their first fuck. It skips over canon and just shows you what happened before and after, which works beautifully.
Stuart took to coming around after that, all the time. He was in with Hazel, easy as easy, for all that he slouched and swore and got Vince drunk and taught him to swear: as far as Vince could see, she approved of all that.
Stranger Than--Stuart/Vince--This story explores the legend of Stuart and Vince and what the people back in Manchester are speculating about them versus what's actually happening. Lovely.
"Well if I'm not getting shagged here then I'm bloody well going somewhere I can." Stuart stumbled into the wall, muttering to himself, "where are my shoes?" which were on his feet. He realized that after a moment, and watched his feet as he walked towards the door, as if he weren't sure of where they were landing. "I'm leaving," he said firmly.
Area 51--Stuart/Vince--Stuart and Vince in America. Stuart takes Vince go alien-hunting Nevada for his birthday, with some interesting results. To tell you what they find would give it away, but trust me when I tell you that it's worth a read.
"It's not about little green men with antennae; it's about documented alien interventions into historical events. Stuart's seen the evidence, haven't you, Stuart?" he added, holding the phone out in Stuart's direction, and Stuart called out, "All right, yes, I've seen pictures! Alien pictures! Collected by desperate and pathetic paranormal fanboys just like--"
From Eroica With Love:
Provenance--Klaus/Dorian pre-slash--Dorian hits on the perfect Christmas present for Klaus. I wondered what he could find that Klaus would appreciate and was surprised and satisfied with what the author came up with.
He pried the front off the crate efficiently, glaring at A, who was hovering nearby trying not to stare too obviously, to catch it. As it came away, a shower of packing material tumbled onto the floor, covering Klaus' neatly blacked shoes with Styrofoam peanuts and red tissue-paper roses and revealing the gift.
Asleep When You Should Be Awake--Tosh, Owen--Tosh and Owen get drunk. Owen's his usual oblivious and blunt self, and Tosh reacts characteristically. I liked the integration of Doctor Who canon and Tosh's voice, which I thought was spot-on. Such a soft spot for Tosh!
She giggled; 'Such a lightweight,' thought Owen. Waving the mistletoe around her head, she twirled so that her coat fanned out; but half-way round her heel caught in a flagstone and she tripped.
Just Sex--Jack/Ianto, Gwen/Owen--This is a fun PWP with a great Ianto voice. I love that Jack admits that Ianto's politeness gets him off, because you know it does.
Jack raised his eyebrows and let his legs fall further apart. Ianto's eyes were drawn to his obvious hard on, despite his best intentions, and he cursed himself for the blush he couldn't control.
Rubik's--Gwen gen--Gwen thinks about Suzie, Torchwood and her role in this new, strange world, post-"They Keep On Killing Suzie."
He's still human (she likes to think). All human (looks human, feels human, tastes human) and people have come back from the dead before (according to the UNIT files, half of which she doesn't believe, half she doesn't want to.)
Interlude--Jack, Ten--Jack gets a visit from an old friend picking up something that he'd...lost. I love the bittersweetness of this fic, and the way that the author leaves it openended.
Jack's head shot up when he heard the question, and he found himself facing a lanky man, with obviously purposefully tousled brown hair and a pinstripe suit. "Who are you? How did you get in here?"
Without a Trace:
Highways and Bridges--Danny/Martin--Danny and Martin spend some time in Martin's old stomping grounds while looking for a missing girl. It's a great character piece for Martin, as well as good for giving us some of that interaction between them that has been missing on the show recently.
"Hooking up with someone you like-is that something to be ashamed of?" Danny's giving him way more credit than he deserves, or maybe he thinks Martin's as innocent as he looks. Martin can't tell. All he sees is Danny's 'patient' look, like he's ready to block the sidewalk all day waiting for an honest answer.
Friday Night Lights:
It's Not a Silly Little Moment--Matt, Landry--I liked the teasing in this, and the sense of naivete that Matt has. Give it a few more years, buddy, and you won't have to ask if it's important to celebrate your one month anniversary.
"I'm telling you, honey, girls love dancing with their special fellas," his grandmother said. She stood up and began to waltz from the living room into the kitchen. She stopped behind his chair, bent over and kissed his cheek before she continued dancing and humming under her breath.
Banky's Night Out--Banky/Hooper--Banky tries the whole "fag" thing on for size. It's endearing in a way that could really only work for Banky.
He'd tried so hard. He'd watched Holden's back, looked out for his best interests. He'd held Holden's needs at the front, kept his needs second. All Banky had really wanted was for Holden to get what he wanted. He saw that now. Now that it was entirely too late.
Bourne Identity series:
Behavioural Software--gen--Jason Bourne is stalking Nicky and it's scaring the HELL out of her. It's creepy and interesting and a little sad. Overall, a great read, and made me a little sad that the characters just couldn't make any kind of Julia Stiles/Matt Damon sex work.
That first time she saw Bourne for herself, she accepted the car home and triple-bolted her apartment doors. A few days later, the sensation of being watched went away. It came back a few months later, and again a month after that; no pattern that was discernable to anyone but Bourne. It was even odds which of them, her or Landy, Bourne would visit first whenever he decided to turn stalker; she learned to live with it, to function normally even when her nerves were screaming at her to scream, to run, to hide.
The Breakfast Club:
Teenage Wildlife--Brian/Bender--Bender shows up at Brian's job and they take a ride together in Brian's van. I love Brian's voice here - the way he's tentative and scared, and the way that he sees Bender.
Bender pulls something out of a deep inner pocket, and just nods at Brian's rambling. Brian doesn't have to look to know that what's clenched in Bender's fist is a bag of weed. He loses his train of thought and just fidgets, rubbing the curls at the back of his neck.
Empire Records:
Life Like Fallin' Down--Gina/Deb--See what Yuletide does? It even encourages me to read femmeslash, which I am usually not a fan of. I really like the snarky chemistry these two characters had though, and the sex is very hot.
Gina closes the distance again, tangling her fingers in one of Deb's silver chains and yanking her forward, until they stand nose to nose, both panting slightly, staring. She gives the chain an extra tug and murmurs soft and extra-sweet, "I still don't like you . . ."
Freaks and Geeks:
Girl Talk--Lindsay/Kim--Continuing my femmeslash movement, I enjoyed this sweet little story. Just the two of them talking in Lindsay's bedroom.
Somewhere inside, Lindsay realizes her parents being strict and Nick being kind of a stalker aren't the same as Kim's problems of a dysfunctional family and a boyfriend with whom she's always fighting but can't get rid of, because he's the closest thing she has to someone who loves her.
Good Will Hunting:
Apples and Oranges--Will/Chuckie--Even as Will heads all the way to California for Skylar, everything still comes back around to Chuckie. The description of their relationship is spot-on to the movie. Also, the sex is really just incredibly hot.
The best is when Chuckie comes in his pants, cursing Will the whole time until he runs out of breath and starts gasping like a fucking runner, grinning open-mouthed and shaking and sweating up a goddamn storm.
Sword--Hiro, Ando--Hiro goes on a quest to find his sword. The banter between Hiro and Ando is lovely here. I love those two together! Hiro is witty and adorable, but a little more somber after Charlie's death and the six months he spent offscreen.
He hoped he could be humble and patient enough to listen to what his sensei wanted to teach him. Not that he didn't remember that Obi-Wan had understood Luke's impatience and reined it in for him, but he was nonetheless resolved to trust his sensei's purpose.
Clarity--Claire gen--I love Claire, and this is the story of what could potentially happen after the last episode. She speaks to Simone and goes back to Matt and Audrey. I loved the interaction between her and the other characters, and the way that her voice is very much a scared and determined but definitely still sixteen year old cheerleader.
Looking at Audrey, how she was amazed but not frightened, not paralyzed by the insane things she'd just seen, Claire thought: I could do that. I could investigate crimes and protect people. Not just wait for something to happen. I could stop fires before they start.
The Office US:
All the Patient States--Pam/Toby--Yuletide also makes me leave my safe OTP zone, and I'm glad I did! Toby and Pam are two people bound together by a desperation for sanity.
After Toby drops the contracts off on Michael's desk (Michael stating very loudly, "If it wasn't for you, Toby, these people could all live in mansions!"), he pauses at Pam's desk.
Conflict Resolution--Lassiter, Shawn--Lassiter punches Shawn and has to go to a psychiatrist. Shawn handles things in his usual manner.
"There's no point in you being here if you're not willing to take part in the healing process."
Lassiter nods. "Does that mean I'm free to go?"
Say Anything:
The Biggest Fool--Lloyd/Diane--Almost ten years later, Lloyd's an accidental success in his career, but a disaster in his personal life.
They'd bought their return tickets before Diane's unilateral edict that they'd be better off without each other and therefore spent six interminable hours squeezed side by side in economy, not talking.
The Covenant:
A Life In Moments--gen--Snapshots of the characters set before, during and after the movie. I like the sense of comraderie and loyalty that sets the tone for the whole piece, even when the characters are fighting with each other.
Reid, as usual, was the one to call him out on it. The damn power usage tug-of-war was about as fundamental to his relationship with Reid as their ancestral history.