Brokeback Mountain - Jack/Ennis (4 Recs)
Stalemate by
baileymoyes - Set during that last time Jack & Ennis were on the mountain together, Jack realizes a few things. An interesting look inside Jack’s head during this pivotal scene. Instead of feeling triumph, or relief, or joy, Jack was shocked and horrified at how much he’d hurt his friend. It was just like him to push things too far, want too much, hang on too long.
Scars by
wannabebrit - It’s set while Jack and Ennis are up at the cabin in the mountains and Ennis thinks about their relationship. This story has an amazing Ennis voice here - a mix of guilt, love for Jack, and hopeful thinking - and there are some very bittersweet tender moments between him and Jack. Ennis isn’t used to seeing Jack like this. Big bed, low light, warmth not from their bodies, but from the dwindling fire in the fireplace. The figure next to him moves and the sheet falls down, exposing an expanse of back.
Stillness by
wannabebrit - Set during one of their trips to the mountain, Jack thinks about his relationship with Ennis and the lie of a life he leads most of the time. It’s bittersweet and sad at points, but I do love those rare moments where they got to be happy. Jack usually hates the quiet of the night. Even up in the mountains, where life doesn’t stop with the cover of the moon, he is unnerved by the stillness. Even the water doesn’t seem to want to move. It’s not supposed to be like this, not here.
Another Camping Trip by
lolitaray - On one of the many camping trips, Jack worries about Ennis and thinks about the times he truly gets to see him. I loved the Jack voice in this. It’s hard to tell where the flashback and present intermingle at first, but the voices and the perfect setting descriptions make it a worthwhile read. He thought Ennis would turn and grumble about wasting the wood, half hoped he would. But Ennis didn’t move, body turned away from the flames and looking out, letting the chill of the mountain take his breath. Jack peered curiously, trying to make out the expression of Ennis’s face, the dusky charcoal of the night settling thick around them.
Pirates of the Caribbean (3 Recs)
Of Swords and Flowers by
bigdirty - Anamaria - A story about where Anamaria came from and her life as he she learned to fight. I love it and I love this little bit of history for a character that doesn’t get enough attention. Anamaria nearly choked on her drink the first time she heard a sailor talking about this place that way. Not a Sabbath passed that someone wasn’t buried, violence and sickness both running rampant.
Five Ways of Running for Home by
penknife - Elizabeth/Jack, Elizabeth/Will, Jack/Will, Elizabeth/Norrington, Will/Norrington - I love the voices in this story. I love the different ways the characters interact (HOT) and I didn’t want the story to end. When she opens her eyes he's looking down at her, and she stretches up to kiss him before he can speak. It's not a bit like their last kiss, and yet it is. Hard and hungry and wrong and right.
All Messed Up (In a Trusted Wreck) by
bantha_fodder - Norrington/Annamaria - Set in between the two movies, Norrington is relieved of his duties and finds himself acquainted with an unlikely sort. I never really thought about Norrington/Annamaria as a pairing, but I loved it in this story. Is there more? The men mutter as he strides past. The rumours start off quiet, accusations barely a whisper on the wind, but these things have a way of spreading and it's less than two days later that the men talk of him as though he's nothing, as though he's not their superior officer.
The Covenant (3 Recs)
All Around Me by
merctales - Caleb/Sarah - As series of drabbles set during the run of the movie. I love the Caleb voice here. I love how he’s trying to hold it together and be who everyone expects him to be. Ok, Caleb thought as he tried to stifle a laugh, they were going to have to get Reid some new lines. Because, seriously, telling this girl-Sarah-that she reminded him of his grandmother was lame.
Where by
kittydesade - Pogue - As Pogue ascends he tries to hold onto who he is to get through it. I love the way this was written and the little insights it provides into Pogue’s character. But he wasn't ready for this. Not for the wind that picked him up and took him and shook him till his teeth chattered against each other and made his whole face ache.
Sleeping Beauty by
dragonsinger - Pogue/Kate - Set in the aftermath of the movie, Pogue sits by Kate’s bedside. I love the Pogue that’s written here and interactions with Kate are sweet and wonderful. He thought back to their last conversation, her teasing him about being jealous, him worried for her safety. If only she had known the truth, maybe she could've protected herself. The last words they'd said to each other had been in anger. He didn't want those words to be the final ones.
Random Movies (2 Recs)
The 12 Days of Courtship; Inadvertent and In Reverse by
carleton97 - Empire Records, Lucas/Marc - I found this story via
zeplum and it is made of the awesome people. There are a few typos, but nothing too jarring and the whole story completely makes up for that in spades. It’s set around the holidays and different scenes in the relationship of Marc and Lucas from taking it slow to people finding out to a really fluffy, happy ending. "Lucas, you have to listen to this! It's the best bagpipe music ever." Mark squirmed around on the couch until he was sitting up, then moved over until he could slide his headphones over Lucas's ears. He left his hands on the headphones even after they were settled on Lucas, his fingers tapping out the rhythm against his head.
t.b.c. by
lalejandra - The Breakfast Club, Claire - Set after the movie ends, Claire thinks about her life and how that day in detention changed her. I love how lost and idle Claire feels. He'd wanted her, she realized, to make a statement. He'd had way more faith in her than he should have.