Measuring tapes never lie

Feb 13, 2008 22:06

Bastard bitching bollocking BBC 3!!
. But let's not dwell on me having my signal break up repeatedly resulting in me having to give up on Reset...

I'm going to need to watch this again. Well, I always rewatch but...

I liked it, but perhaps not as much as I was expecting to. Maybe I'd just been looking forward to it too much? And I'm sure I missed some salient points on first viewing.

Oh lordy, credits tinkering to include Adam!

Aw, Gwen and Rhys messing about on the bed, just back from Paris. Very cute.

Back at the Hub, Gwen doesn't know who the frilly heck Adam is.. but he soons fixes that with a touch of fake memories, the blaggard! Eww, he's touching up Tosh now, making her 'remember' their first kiss, a year ago. Creepy nasty man.

One plus point to Adam, GeekOwen is adorable, and he really suits those specs. Ahem. GeekOwen has a huuuuuge crush on Tosh, who is oblivious and knocks him back. The others are all agreed he'll never get anywhere but he just can't see it. "Love is blind, apparently" declares Ianto. Is that why you don't seem to have noticed the tedious Gwen-Jack stuff so far, my sweet?

Uh-oh, back at home again Gwen's forgotten Rhys. Poor old Rhys, he really goes through it with that woman, one way or another. He's not an intruder, you silly, he's your live-in fiance... oh never mind. Gwen calls Jack for back-up, but of course he doesn't come racing to her rescue on his own. The dastardly Adam is in tow... Cue much gun-waving at Rhys. But hey, Jack remembers him. And gotta give him props, Adam is plausibly nice. Even when he's been a bit sloppy with the Rhys thing and has to get Gwen out of there.

Jack being good to Rhys and promising to put things right. Rhys on webcam, recounting his and Gwen's past. Too quiet to catch everything on first viewing, but I like how they met at college, and the stuff about spagbol and garlic breath :) "I'm gonna marry this bloody mad woman, even if it kills me." Aw. Gwen is kinda remembering, but not really. Ianto takes her back to the flat and gives her a nice comforting wink as he and Jack leave.

Meanwhile, Jack has been seeing things - back in the cells, and now out on the street with Ianto. Jack won't let Ianto go 'hunting' with him - Ianto says it's been a while and seems a bit :( about it. So off Jack goes into the sewers on his own and sees his dad :o When he resurfaces in a hurry, Adam suddenly appears, saying he went with him. He encourages Jack to talk about what he's been seeing, says he's always been there for him, he can confide in him. Ewww! This is all such a violation.

Jack lets the memories come, so we see the Boeshane Peninsula and his childhood living under the threat of invasion. And we get the answer to Gray's identity (if we needed it). As the invaders swoop in, Daddy charges Jack to "Take Gray. Keep him safe." Only, one minute Jack is holding his little bro's hand and then... he's not. He tries so hard to find him, but finds dead dad instead. He searched for Gray for years (well, I've got a feeling he's going to find you sooner or later Jack...). This is all the last thing Jack wanted to remember.

And back at the Hub, Ianto has different memories to Tosh of the mysterious box lying around. Dundunduuunnnn. So off he goes to check his diary. I like how Ianto keeps paper records, seems to fit his character so well.

Leaving GeekOwen to declare his love to Tosh (he's already plied her with smoked salmon sarnies, dear boy). He says he aches for her, really pours out his heart, and Tosh is so cold (being all loved-up with Adam, ewww). "You're not my type. Never will be." Poor GeekOwen - even without the geekiness, they've been redeeming him so well this season. All the better to break our hearts...

Gwen's still not 'getting' Rhys, but when Rhys has a strop - Rhys The Rant - at a shop checkout he makes her giggle and she starts to thaw. Rhys is a rock, I'd have him!

But who cares right now?! Ianto's reading his diary and Adam's not in it. He jumps a mile when Adam suddenly appears beside him. Can't say I blame him. Adam really works him over with ghastly fake serial killer memories. He tries to resist - "I didn't do that!" - but Adam is real good at this stuff. Ewww! Says he helps Ianto dispose of the bodies, 'shows' them doing it. "It's me you call" he lies, and plants a smacker on him before showing him more horrible stuff. But my abiding memory is of Ianto sobbing in the rain over what he's 'done', a victim behind him. If we didn't already want Adam to suffer horribly, what he does to Ianto, and the rush he feels putting the 'bad stuff' in, seals the deal. This sequence is beautifully shot and cut together, even though it's vile and is the stand-out of the episode for me.

Rhys shows us his insecurities. How much more can we love him and root for him? Gwen and Rhys get reacquainted ;) While Adam gets down and dirty with Tosh. "How far would you go for me? I need to know. Would you die for me?" Uh-oh! There may be (more) trouble ahead...

Ianto plaintively cries out to Jack on his return to the Hub, begs Jack to lock him up, tells him about the murders. Jack hugs him as he declares he's a monster. Jack's having none of it! Gets Ianto to talk him through it. "It felt so good." Silly alien lie detector thingy says yup. But Jack's still not buying it. Gets him to describe the second murder. "Something in me wants to kill." Lie detector says yes, Jack says phooey (well, words to that effect). Jack finds security footage of Adam laying hands on people and spinning them lines - handy that, and very sloppy of Adam. But at least Ianto can see he's been fucked over.

I rather like Jack and Ianto watching Adam still playing his games, not knowing he's been rumbled. The group hug turns my stomach, and Ianto's flinch away from him is perfect. There's a Jack-Tosh gun-toting stand-off as Jack tries to incarcerate Adam, until Ianto intervenes. Adam reckons he helped them all, made them better - phooey! Tosh may be brimming with confidence, but at the price of her sensitivity; GeekOwen may be adorable with his cynicism stripped away, but he's also a doormat, a prude and a bit incompetent. And what's so great about being convinced you're a murdering monster huh?!

It's retcon time and the team call up past real memories. Owen has mummy issues, Tosh has maths issues and a need to be noticed for who she really is, Gwen loves Rhys... but not like she loves Jack. Ewww! Ianto remembers falling for Lisa, and then losing her *hugs* But what does he have left? "You." (Jack). Definitely getting the vibe in the last couple of episodes that as much as Jack cares for him, with Ianto it's the real deal. Please no more heartache! Jack fondles them all in not quite a creepy Adam way as he dishes out the pills, and sweetly strokes Ianto's hair and kisses his forehead. Before they go night-night, Tosh thinks she's sorry to lose so much by forgetting Adam. Noooooo!

Adam tempts Jack with promises of awakening his good memories about his dad; but midstream inserts himself into them and ruins it. Bastard! He doesn't want to die, briefly explains about his suffering in the nothingness before attaching himself to the team and their memories - and I do not feel sorry for him one little bit! Jack pops the pill and Adam pops out of existence (well, writhes and fades away). 'Byeeee, not missing you already.

So they've lost two days, and Tosh/Owen roles have been reversed again *sigh* The flowers business is a bit of a heartbreaker... but if Adam just ironed out Owen's cynicism, maybe all the things he told Tosh are true? And looks like naughty Jack's been reading Ianto's diary! "And for the record, measuring tapes never lie." "FUCK!" Ianto mouths silently. Indeed.

Jack plays with Adam's box - steady! - containing his last good memory of home and out pours Boeshane sand. Which leaves Jack looking puzzled... which is sad, yes, but we won't have heard the last of this.

So, in a way I wanted more dastardly Adam doings and a better explanation of why than the twenty seconds we got close to the end. It was way too late to feel any empathy for him. And him leaving the security footage around made the discovery too easy, too pat. But I was creeped out and enjoyed it anyway.


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