A friend of mine had a strange issue with a trade: the Pokemon she traded from her Ruby to an Emerald lost its nickname, and she can't figure out why, nor can she change it obv since she's not the OT. Here's her rundown of the situation
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Hey guys, I've been trying to clone my Shiny Entei, Shiny Suicune, and Ash's Pikachu for a friend of mine on SoulSilver. But I can't figure out how to do it
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Uh, how would you clone a pokemon with a special ribbon? I tried to clone my event Shaymin, Deoxys and Darkrai using the GTS, but it says you can't offer them for a trade since they have a special ribbon. How do you clone them then? I've seen others do it. ;O
Btw, mods feel free to delete this if off-topic or whatever. I'm not too sure about it.
I don't know if this has been mentioned already, but if anyone in the UK isn't already aware, GAME are doing a Shaymin event in April, for which the details are here (scroll down for the list of stores & dates
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I don't know if everyone is sick of this topic or if its frowned upon but it's something I finally approached myself. I was worried about the "blue screen" but I decided to try to clone a pokemon
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