Drabble: The X-Files: Notes: "It Arrived One Day."

Nov 12, 2009 03:27

Title: It Arrived One Day.
Word Count: 178.
Character/Pairing: Teena Mulder (Mulder's Mom)
Disclaimer: Don't own X-Files nor the characters.
Rating: PG.

It was something she lived for, she wouldn’t lie. Of course, she never spoke of it. Not to anyone.

When they took her, when they took Samantha, nothing could console her.

They couldn’t choose Fox. And they couldn’t choose Samantha. But then they did. They did choose and they took her daughter, her baby.

There was something missing for a long time. It ran deeper than Samantha, deeper than the absence of her laughter, her singing, her presence at the dinner table. They ripped a part of her away too. They sent a part of her with Samantha that left a hole that could never be filled.

But then, it came. Short. A plain note card. No return address.

Thinking of you.

Months later. Another.

She’s fine.

And many more months later, there was another.

Everything will be okay.

The notes continued to arrive without any indication of their origin, but she knew. She knew who sent them without needing a name or address.

But she was sure she only imagined the stale cigarette scent that accompanied them.

the x-files, teena mulder, drabble, the cigarette smoking man

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