Maxie doesn't BSOD; he just trains until there's nothing left to kill. Then he just...doesn't stop.

Jun 13, 2011 08:34

[Most mornings in the rocky areas around Umbra Cave are fairly peaceful; there's not much in the area that would be naturally inclined to cause many disturbances, you see. However, there would be no particular need to mention this morning if it were exactly like most mornings, now, would there ( Read more... )

gotta train em all, user: oceansbane, bow to team magma, full life consequences, i am a moron, i don't feel like dancing, screw the sea - i have land

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oceansbane June 14 2011, 07:59:03 UTC

[Maxie's tone is sharp, though it's in direct contrast to his actions once Mitch lets go of him; he turns back to Camerupt, though he isn't issuing further orders. He has a few berries on him, though they're useless as anything but treats - while this has always been Marge's specialty, not his, he's seen enough of what she does with them to know at least that much; he offers one of them to Camerupt, who takes it from his hand, albeit very grudgingly - clearly, he's not very impressed with the fact that his trainer is being obstinate to the point of stupidity.

As soon as Camerupt has taken the berry, however, Maxie kneels down again, lowering himself to one knee and pressing his hand against the creature's side; the gesture is admittedly for support, but there's also the issue of balance - the lack of depth perception makes the act of kneeling a bit...interesting, and he isn't quite used to it y-

...his hand tenses against Camerupt's side, and he kills that thought before it completes itself - he's not going to get used to it, because there will be no need to get used to it. And he isn't going to bother thinking things like that, because that's resigning himself to it; he isn't about to give up, because giving up has never been something he does, and he isn't about to start now. He's been through entirely too much overall for giving up to even be an option.]

There are a few individuals that need to be destroyed first.


must_do_well June 14 2011, 09:04:56 UTC
If ya keep pushing yourself like this, that eye could never heal!

[[Mitch is yelling before he even realises what he's saying, hands balled tightly into fists as he scours the desolate landscape for useful plants. As he turns back to face his leader, he sees him leaning against his pokemon, and with a cry of 'Sir!' he's at his side, supporting him.]]

Please...if you fight like this, you're playin' right into their hands! Let me look after you and rest for a while! You're going to do your pokemon an injury and worsen the one you've already got!


oceansbane June 14 2011, 10:29:23 UTC
[Though Maxie continues to lean against Camerupt's side, at the sound of the yelling his free hand tightens again, his knuckles going white; though he's aware of Mitch's approach, he flinches when his admin touches him. It's an involuntary reaction, instinctive; he has his right hand against Camerupt, and he can't exactly see what's happening on the side Mitch is approaching him from.

There are so many reactions he could give here; for a moment it crosses his mind to shove Mitch away. Ultimately, he doesn't.]

It could never heal...

[He can feel himself shaking again; there's hints of a laugh behind his words, cold and bitter.]

Do you really think I haven't considered that?


must_do_well June 14 2011, 10:46:06 UTC
Of course ya have. I know you're not stupid, sir.

[[Gingerly, and not without hesitation, Mitch gently places his hand on the uninjured side of Maxie's face, in an attempt to turn his gaze properly towards him. The flinch his initial touch received has saddened him somewhat.]]

But it will. I know it will.

You've just gotta give it time to.


oceansbane June 15 2011, 02:38:50 UTC
[The desire to be contrary flares up sharply at Mitch's initial statement; he wants to snap at him, to tell him to leave him alone - but the feeling of Mitch's hand on his face stops him entirely. He allows Mitch to alter the direction of his gaze, blinking a bit as he does so; a moment passes where he simply stares, clearly unsure of what to do.

And then he shifts slightly, pressing into that touch - hesitantly at first, though it isn't long before he adjusts and does so again, more firmly this time. Though he would normally take such gestures as a continued display of pity, this is...nice; it's comforting, somehow, and he finds that he wants to encourage it instead of pushing it away, even if doing so makes him feel weak as hell.]

You don't have to look after me, you know.

[...granted, that may be forming some very odd contrast with the fact that he's clearly enjoying Mitch's touch, but. Technicalities, really.]


must_do_well June 15 2011, 05:26:45 UTC
[[The fact that his boss is pressing into his touch makes Mitch grin happily, and he runs a gloved thumb down his cheek. Physical expressions of affection are rare, when it comes to his boss, so's nice. Real nice!]]

O'cos I have to sir, it's my job!

[[That, and healing his injuries will help with Mitch's guilt over the fact that he obtained them at all. But he buries that notion for now; there will be plenty of time to chastise himself when his boss is taken care of.]]

Let's go find somewhere safe for you to lie down, ok?

[[Mitch is well aware of how proud a man his leader is, and as such he doesn't question whether or not he's able to stand and walk, but an arm is offered to him anyway.

Just in case he needs it.]]


oceansbane June 15 2011, 06:11:54 UTC
[It's definitely for the best that the question wasn't voiced aloud, as that would have made Maxie refuse any offers of assistance on principle; as things are, however, he reaches out almost without thinking about it, using Mitch for support while he stands up. It takes him a moment to actually focus on doing anything for a moment afterwards - it feels almost as though the ground is lurching up beneath him, despite the fact that Camerupt hasn't been causing anything of the sort since Mitch showed up, and he doesn't trust himself to walk immediately. gives him a moment to recall Camerupt, however, and to get his bearings, because like hell if he's just going to cling to Mitch the whole time. Just. Give him a moment, all right.]

I assume you've been searching for a while.


must_do_well June 15 2011, 06:23:06 UTC
Of course, sir. As much as I could!

[[He will indeed give him that moment, but as soon as it's over Mitch will be right there by his side, just in case he requires more support.]]

I see you've been trainin' pretty hard. You must be exhausted! I'll find you some food once we get back to the cave.


oceansbane June 15 2011, 06:34:53 UTC
[Maxie shakes his head a bit at that.]

I don't need anything; I've caught a few things while I was out here.

[Walking isn't too bad, or at least not as bad as it could be; he's all right for now, but the uneven ground is going to prove...interesting, he's sure. For now, however, he's fine.

...well. For a given value of "fine", anyway. Most would probably look at him and assume "mildly intoxicated," but...]

You can relax, you know.


must_do_well June 15 2011, 06:40:28 UTC
[[Well, Mitch will follow closely behind him, anyway!]]

I...right, sorry sir. I just...

[[...dammit, how does he vocalise this without making Maxie's injury sound horrific? That won't exactly go down well, and he'd rather his boss stayed calm rather than angry.]]

...I didn't expect ya to be hurt, that's all. M'sorry I wasn't there to help.


oceansbane June 15 2011, 06:49:36 UTC
[...he'll probably appreciate the closeness in proximity later.]

I'm not looking for an apology from you - that isn't necessary, Mitch.


must_do_well June 15 2011, 06:52:54 UTC
[[...ok, maybe the guilt-tripping can start now.]]

...but...I...failed you...


oceansbane June 15 2011, 06:59:32 UTC

[There's a distinct hard edge behind the word, and it's mirrored in his gaze; he may not be able to see out of both eyes, but it doesn't make the reaction any less expressive, and the look he gives Mitch is a pointed one - not angry, but very sharp.]

What are you talking about? I never said I was holding you accountable for this.


must_do_well June 15 2011, 07:05:25 UTC
[[Mitch seems honestly surprised at Maxie's reaction.]]

But...I shoulda been there to protect you...


oceansbane June 15 2011, 07:07:36 UTC
No. I should be capable of defending myself and not requiring the constant assistance of my subordinates. This was carelessness on my part, not failure on yours.


must_do_well June 15 2011, 07:10:17 UTC

[[...while the words seem heartening, Mitch is having a hard time processing them.]]

...boss, please, ya don't...if I've screwed up, please tell me!


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