Maxie doesn't BSOD; he just trains until there's nothing left to kill. Then he just...doesn't stop.

Jun 13, 2011 08:34

[Most mornings in the rocky areas around Umbra Cave are fairly peaceful; there's not much in the area that would be naturally inclined to cause many disturbances, you see. However, there would be no particular need to mention this morning if it were exactly like most mornings, now, would there ( Read more... )

gotta train em all, user: oceansbane, bow to team magma, full life consequences, i am a moron, i don't feel like dancing, screw the sea - i have land

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Comments 140

must_do_well June 13 2011, 12:54:44 UTC
[[Mitch has been searching for Maxie for a while, frustrated and worried by his leader's sudden disappearance. They had been camping nearby when Torkoal awoke, sensing the tremors in the earth, and Mitch quickly traced them to the area in which his leader currently stands.

...well. Sort of.]]


[[He's forced to fly in on Swellow to avoid being injured by the violent attacks; at this range, he's yet to get a proper view of just what sort of state his boss is in, but it's clear from his actions that he's not exactly pleased.]]


oceansbane June 13 2011, 13:06:08 UTC
[Maxie isn't feeling terribly prone to civil conversation right now; at the same time, he's not so far out of it that he doesn't recognize the voice when the sound of it reaches him. It's definitely familiar; there's no way it wouldn't be, as Mitch holds the dubious honor of being both the very first and absolute last person he wants around him right now.

It takes him a moment to really register what should be done about this, but eventually, he stops the onslaught.

He isn't about to look up to acknowledge Mitch's presence, instead keeping his gaze downcast and focusing on breathing; his hands close tightly, clenching hard into fists at his sides, but he doesn't seem too inclined to move otherwise.]

...found me eventually, I see.


1/...oh boy must_do_well June 13 2011, 13:10:14 UTC
[[Mitch has Swellow release him a few good feet before they reach the ground; he lands expertly, despite the churned soil and rock, onto one knee, and decides to stay there for a moment in respect.]]

Leader, my apolo-


2/no clue must_do_well June 13 2011, 13:12:32 UTC
[[It's as he raises his head that he notices the bruising on Maxie's face, the state of his eye and the blood around his mouth, and his face goes white.]]

L-Leader, what...


WITH LESS FAIL hookorbycrook June 13 2011, 20:14:47 UTC
[Amber is still relatively new to the island. He's been lucky in that so far he's only met a few members of Team Magma. Mack was his usual snarky self, and Mitch was... cuddling him, but overall it's been almost peaceful here. Of course Amber's been a bit worried about what the hell happened in Hoenn before arriving here, but the boss reassured him that it was a mistake. Amber wants to believe it was a mistake, and so he will. He's currently been staying close to Angie, but today he's decided to explore the island a bit on his own. Today's destination is Umbra Cave - there's always the possibility of running into Team Magma over here so Amber is clearly prepared to fight should the need arise ( ... )


oceansbane June 13 2011, 20:34:48 UTC
[Maxie doesn't see him initially - there's something about approaching from the left right now that's not going to work very well. Given that his actual vision is no longer functional, his peripheral...well. Again, that isn't going to work very well, Amber.

Especially given that Camerupt will notice your presence far before Maxie will.

He bristles abruptly, sharp flames licking at the edges of his mouth in preparation for a Flamethrower, which is something Maxie does notice; Camerupt doesn't actually attack, however, given that this one doesn't seem to be posing a threat just yet. Maxie turns, trying to locate the apparent threat; at the very least the bright blue of Team Aqua's uniforms makes this one fairly obvious against the stark backdrop the caves are providing.

Maxie's expression is incredibly wary for a good, long moment; it takes him a while to recognize him. Is that...? He didn't get his name, but that's Archie's admin, isn't it? The skinny fuck from the cavern. The one his rival took with him after giving his hulking ( ... )


hookorbycrook June 13 2011, 22:22:15 UTC
[Amber had come from behind - he hadn't seen Maxie's severe injury at first. Approaching from the left was habit for him by now - most people were right handed and were usually easier to catch off-guard on their left. That wasn't to say he actually wanted to catch Maxie off-guard, that only would end badly.]

[Camerupt begins to charge up a Flamethrower, and Amber instinctively calls out one of his numerous Volbeats. He had no intention of fighting, but he wasn't going to let himself get incinerated. The Volbeat put up a Protect barrier without the command being issued.]

[Maxie finally speaks, asking the rather obvious question.] My leader has nothing to do with this. I was in the area. [Amber's expression is carefully controlled even though there really isn't much he could give away. He's not entirely sure how his leader and Maxie deal with one another here on the island. The truce is still in effect but...]

I felt the earthquakes and decided to come investigate.


oceansbane June 14 2011, 06:56:24 UTC


Really, Amber? Really?

As strangely as he's going to be regarding your...Volbeat, however, he'll respond, that odd, manic smirk still present across his features.]

And now you've found the source. But that's really neither here nor there, is it?

Tell me - have you seen your leader lately?


usedellipses June 13 2011, 23:42:38 UTC
[dear Arceus are those Earthquakes getting annoying. It's a good thing there aren't any structures around that could fall on him, but it is clearly time to tell some ruffian to get off his-


...given his last encounter with this person, very little about this situation surprises him]

You've probably pushed it to the point where it can no longer use that move.


oceansbane June 14 2011, 06:59:58 UTC
[Great, so now there's criticism on top of -

...ah, it's you. The one with the fierce mustache and the bitchy commentary. He's not entirely sure what to do with you, but glaring sounds like a good option for now - so he'll just be doing that, trying to get his own breathing under control and a bit less...jaggedly shallow.]

Thanks for the advice.


usedellipses June 14 2011, 23:05:59 UTC
I would offer you an Ether, but quite frankly I'm sick of that racket. Doesn't your Camerupt know any other attacks?


oceansbane June 15 2011, 02:43:25 UTC
A bit unfortunate if it didn't, don't you think?


fieryillusions June 14 2011, 03:15:18 UTC
[ those Earthquakes are so fucking annoying--

oh. they're from Maxie's Camerupt. and there's Maxie. looking quite off.

... Mack will retract that statement quickly and fly in closer with his Swellow, absolutely panicked. The thought of just running on through the area crosses his mind but it quickly disregarded not for his own personal reasons for once, but because he wouldn't get there as quickly. ]

Sir! Sir, what happened?!


oceansbane June 14 2011, 07:04:55 UTC
[...Mack, you are being practical even when you're freaking the fuck out. There is something to be said for that; hell if Maxie knows what.

As it stands, however, he isn't exactly looking too capable of civil conversation right now; however, after a moment of seeming to ignore Mack entirely in favor of focusing on Camerupt, he answers him.

After all, he's not so far out of it that he doesn't recognize the person calling him.], Mack. Don't concern yourself.


fieryillusions June 15 2011, 00:50:34 UTC
[ He's special. Very special. ] ... I meant about the eye, sir.


oceansbane June 15 2011, 03:15:22 UTC

[...not to mention blunt. As it stands, Maxie shifts position a bit, the action subconscious - turning his head slightly, as though to avoid letting Mack really look at the injury straight-on.]

Believe me, that isn't going to go unpunished.


aquaboss June 16 2011, 03:12:41 UTC
[Umbra Cave is one of those places on the island that Archie would never set foot in. The area surrounding the cave is completely safe though - and today he's been training in the surrounding area. Crobat is toughening up nicely, but he still can't compare to the rest of Archie's team. Though he usually only carries six Pokemon, Archie has a seventh with him today in the form of that lovely pink duck. The Ducklett is getting stronger, but it still hasn't evolved, much to Archie's displeasure.]

[He was taking a break when he first felt the tremors, but even then he didn't bother to investigate. It's been awhile now, and finally he's decided that whoever is spamming Earthquake should probably knock it off. That battle with Maxie has left him with some serious knee and ankle pain ( ... )


oceansbane June 16 2011, 03:35:33 UTC
[Maxie doesn't respond right away, instead keeping his gaze focused on Camerupt; for a moment he considers continuing to order attacks - he doesn't feel like dealing with this idiot right now - but for the time being he remains quiet, using the time to render his breathing a bit less shallow.

When he does speak, his voice is blunt, unusually cold.]

I don't believe anyone asked you.


aquaboss June 16 2011, 03:40:36 UTC
[Archie can't say he's surprised by the greeting, but at least his interruption is giving Maxie a moment to rest. Thank you for not throwing another Earthquake in his direction, he probably wouldn't be able to take another without breaking something.]

No, but if you really think I'm just gonna leave you up here 'til you kill yourself, then you're clearly mistaken. [He folds his arms, not making any move to come forward, but evaluating Maxie at a distance.] Why'd you remove the bandage anyway? You were tryin' to keep me from seein' that eye in the first place, right? So what, you just don't care who sees it now?


oceansbane June 16 2011, 03:48:12 UTC
[The way his gaze darts upward at the questions should be answer enough, really; that eye isn't looking too much better, there, though it doesn't detract from the fact that his expression is still highly agitated.]

I'm not about to kill myself, Archie - I've more important things to do with my time than waste it like that, especially as I don't know exactly where one spends those few weeks.


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