Maxie doesn't BSOD; he just trains until there's nothing left to kill. Then he just...doesn't stop.

Jun 13, 2011 08:34

[Most mornings in the rocky areas around Umbra Cave are fairly peaceful; there's not much in the area that would be naturally inclined to cause many disturbances, you see. However, there would be no particular need to mention this morning if it were exactly like most mornings, now, would there ( Read more... )

gotta train em all, user: oceansbane, bow to team magma, full life consequences, i am a moron, i don't feel like dancing, screw the sea - i have land

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WITH LESS FAIL hookorbycrook June 13 2011, 20:14:47 UTC
[Amber is still relatively new to the island. He's been lucky in that so far he's only met a few members of Team Magma. Mack was his usual snarky self, and Mitch was... cuddling him, but overall it's been almost peaceful here. Of course Amber's been a bit worried about what the hell happened in Hoenn before arriving here, but the boss reassured him that it was a mistake. Amber wants to believe it was a mistake, and so he will. He's currently been staying close to Angie, but today he's decided to explore the island a bit on his own. Today's destination is Umbra Cave - there's always the possibility of running into Team Magma over here so Amber is clearly prepared to fight should the need arise ( ... )


oceansbane June 13 2011, 20:34:48 UTC
[Maxie doesn't see him initially - there's something about approaching from the left right now that's not going to work very well. Given that his actual vision is no longer functional, his peripheral...well. Again, that isn't going to work very well, Amber.

Especially given that Camerupt will notice your presence far before Maxie will.

He bristles abruptly, sharp flames licking at the edges of his mouth in preparation for a Flamethrower, which is something Maxie does notice; Camerupt doesn't actually attack, however, given that this one doesn't seem to be posing a threat just yet. Maxie turns, trying to locate the apparent threat; at the very least the bright blue of Team Aqua's uniforms makes this one fairly obvious against the stark backdrop the caves are providing.

Maxie's expression is incredibly wary for a good, long moment; it takes him a while to recognize him. Is that...? He didn't get his name, but that's Archie's admin, isn't it? The skinny fuck from the cavern. The one his rival took with him after giving his hulking ( ... )


hookorbycrook June 13 2011, 22:22:15 UTC
[Amber had come from behind - he hadn't seen Maxie's severe injury at first. Approaching from the left was habit for him by now - most people were right handed and were usually easier to catch off-guard on their left. That wasn't to say he actually wanted to catch Maxie off-guard, that only would end badly.]

[Camerupt begins to charge up a Flamethrower, and Amber instinctively calls out one of his numerous Volbeats. He had no intention of fighting, but he wasn't going to let himself get incinerated. The Volbeat put up a Protect barrier without the command being issued.]

[Maxie finally speaks, asking the rather obvious question.] My leader has nothing to do with this. I was in the area. [Amber's expression is carefully controlled even though there really isn't much he could give away. He's not entirely sure how his leader and Maxie deal with one another here on the island. The truce is still in effect but...]

I felt the earthquakes and decided to come investigate.


oceansbane June 14 2011, 06:56:24 UTC


Really, Amber? Really?

As strangely as he's going to be regarding your...Volbeat, however, he'll respond, that odd, manic smirk still present across his features.]

And now you've found the source. But that's really neither here nor there, is it?

Tell me - have you seen your leader lately?


hookorbycrook June 15 2011, 00:33:02 UTC
[Sh-shut up! Volbeats are great Pokemon! Not even Special can save them.]

No, I suppose it isn't. [The second question is one he probably should have been expecting, but Amber is still surprised by it. He absently clasps his hands behind his back before answering.] Yes. He was nearby when I arrived here on this... island. ["Awesome Island" is still a stupid name.]


oceansbane June 15 2011, 02:41:58 UTC
[Of course it is. Why do you think Maxie never calls it that? But again, neither here nor there - Maxie just tips his head a bit at that latter statement, though the smirk hasn't left.]

I imagine he was rather pleased to see you.


hookorbycrook June 15 2011, 04:15:15 UTC
He seemed to be. I am one of his Admins.

[Amber's expression has hardened into something close to a glare - you aren't going to bring that up, are you? You weren't even there! How would you know? Unless... Mitch is on the island. He would have said something. Something that would make the boss sound bad.]


oceansbane June 15 2011, 04:20:55 UTC
Mm, so you are.

[Oh, you can glare at him all you like, Amber; honestly, when it comes to your opinion, just look at all the fucks he gives.]

I'd assume your boss is quite proud of you, actually, if what I've heard is true. It seems you did us the favor of taking the Blue Orb off our hands - is this correct?


hookorbycrook June 15 2011, 04:23:15 UTC
Yes, I did manage to take it from Mitch. [The boss sort of dodged Amber's questions about it, now that he thinks about it.] I don't know what happened after that. [This is partially true, but no need to tell the leader of the opposition the truth, now is there?]


oceansbane June 15 2011, 04:38:20 UTC
[Maxie laughs a bit at that; the sound is relatively subdued, but that doesn't change the fact that it's incredibly dark. Almost feral.]

And judging from your wording, it wasn't easy - you managed, did you? How clever.

[He lowers himself to one knee on the ground then, sitting back on his heel; he brings his other knee up toward his chest, linking his hands loosely around it. He isn't concerned with an attack from this one - the man apparently trains Volbeats, and seems more concerned with being on the defensive besides.

To say nothing of how it's easier to conserve energy this way; he isn't about to show any more signs of exhaustion than he has to in front of the opposition. As it stands, the shift in position is more casual than anything - more than a bit disrespectful, perhaps, in that he obviously doesn't consider the guy to be a threat, but he sees no need to show him any respect to begin with, so that's fine.]

Your name, boy. Amber, wasn't it?


hookorbycrook June 15 2011, 04:46:10 UTC
[Amber doesn't reply, he merely continues staring at Maxie. Of course it wasn't easy - Mitch had the damn thing! There's no sense in lying; Amber's never seen the sense in it. He doesn't show any sign of acknowledging just how terrifying that laugh was, but his hands are clenched tighter behind his back. Volbeat still remains by his side, curiously watching the two.]

[Maxie lowers himself to the ground and Amber simply watches. He doesn't see anything wrong with it being a disrespectful position - Maxie is the boss's rival and deserves at least some respect for that. He doesn't like how it implies that Maxie doesn't even feel the need to be prepared for an attack, but at the same time Amber wouldn't actually attack without direct orders. He does battle defensively most of the time.]

Yes, it is. [He's not surprised that Maxie doesn't know. Archie probably doesn't know the names of Maxie's Admins.] I haven't been here for very long. [He finally removes a hand from behind his back to gesture about at the island in general.] I have ( ... )


oceansbane June 15 2011, 04:58:55 UTC
[So he'd gotten it right, then. Mitch had repeated it to him once, and then there was the entire display with the hulking tank and the Walrein - Archie had snapped out the name then, too. Nice to know Norman hadn't damaged him any further than what was already obvious, then.

But what was said just now...that was interesting. Probably the first actually interesting thing that's been said so far. Implying that Mitch told him about the truce...why mention Mitch at all, why not just explain that his boss notified him of that? Unless Archie didn't tell him - and Maxie knows that Archie would have told any admin that still matters to him. Otherwise, that would have run at least some risk of the admin in question assaulting him, and he would have been within his rights to retaliate...

Oh, Amber. Archie giving you the cold shoulder, is he?

Either way, Maxie doesn't comment on it, and his tone doesn't change from the casual, conversational tone he's been keeping up with Amber this entire time.]

Well, that much is true, at least. If we ( ... )


hookorbycrook June 15 2011, 05:04:04 UTC
[Maxie's silence isn't a good sign. Amber hasn't even thought about why the boss didn't tell him about the truce on the island. It never occurred to him.]

[And of course, Maxie really isn't making the situation any better with those words. Amber does take a half-step back, once again clasping his hands tightly behind his back. The truce. The truce is the only thing keeping him safe at the moment.]

So I figured. [But there's still that skeptical look there, as if Maxie will just decide to let Camerupt cause Earthquake again regardless.]


oceansbane June 15 2011, 05:30:28 UTC
[Not while he's making quite this much contact with the ground, genius.]

I may not know exactly what you did to obtain it, but I don't tolerate little tricks like the one you pulled with the Blue Orb. You're safe with me for now. But as soon as this truce breaks...well. We shall see, I suppose.

After all, I won't disrespect your leader by taking his kill, if he wants it.


hookorbycrook June 15 2011, 05:48:33 UTC
[Well, it was literally Trick so...]

I suppose so.

[And then Maxie had to bring that up. It doesn't even occur to Amber that Maxie might not know about what happened in the sub.] That was an accident. He said he wouldn't, and I believe him. [But uh, he's definitely looking a bit more concerned now.]


oceansbane June 15 2011, 06:16:24 UTC
[...that would actually amuse him, if he knew. However, as it stands that's simply serendipitous wording, and he has other reasons to be amused right now besides.

He laughs again.]

Well, then. My mistake...of course, you realize that really isn't any better for you, don't you? That leaves you for me.


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