Slow and Steady

Sep 14, 2010 14:10

Title: Slow And Steady
Length: oneshot
A!N: inspired by this picture

Something was bugging Seohyun. Yonghwa could tell from the way she held her lips in that cute and utterly kissable pout.

"Do you have something you wanna tell me?" He asked, searching her eyes. Smiling reassuringly, she shook her head as she avoided his gaze. Something was definitely bugging her. Immediately, he searched his brain for anything he might have done to upset her.  Was it his answers to any of the questions on the radio and variety shows? Or could it be something he did?  Did it even have to do  with him in the first place? The questions weighed on his mind throughout the filming even as he teased her and made stupid jokes just to see the way her eyes sparkled when she was amused.

Finally, as they were watching the filming crew pack up and waiting for their managers to arrive, he asked tentatively, "What's wrong? The cameras are off and you know you can tell me anything, right?" Her brows furrowed, trying to make up her mind.

Abruptly, she looked up and blurted, "Yong-oppa, do you think we should have more skinship?"

Caught off guard, his eyes widened and he blinked wordlessly, trying to form a coherent response. "On the show, I mean," she added quickly and flushed a pretty shade of crimson.

"I knew that, " he replied, chuckling at her pure cuteness.  "You've read those comments about us being boring and having less skinship than the other couples?"

"Hyoyeon unnie told me to ignore those people but I can't help thinking that the show would be a lot more interesting if you were paired with someone less awkward and better at the marriage thing and what if the ratings drop because of us and we get kicked off the show and..." She trailed of as she realised she was babbling.

"Hyun, I just want you to be comfortable," He said gently, mentally beating back the part of him that wanted more than that, the part of him that wanted hugs instead of friendly high fives, the part of him that wanted to kiss her whenever she did that irresistable pouting thing.

He took a deep breath and continued. "Besides, relationships develop at different paces and it's not all about skinship. Never ever blame yourself because there's no one i'd rather be with on this show than you and i'm the luckiest guy on the planet to have you as my virtual wife,"

Seohyun practically melted right there on the spot. That was the nicest, sweetest thing anyone had every said to her, and the fact that it was coming from him made it all the more special.

"I know this is all new to you and I don't want to rush you into things you aren't ready for. We'll probably get there someday, together. It's not going to be easy but it's all worth it to me. It's more than worth it. " He finished his speech, looking deep into her eyes. She gazed back, feeling his sincerity, her heart swelling with emotions.

The sound of  Seohyun's manager's van honking brought both of them back from their own little world. She blushed again and gathered all her things, fumbling a little.

Yonghwa watched her as she made her way to the van. Suddenly, she turned around, her hair flipping like a girl in a movie. She ran back and gave him a fleeting hug. He gasped and just as he had the presence of mind to raise his hands and hug her back, she let go.

"Thank you, Yong-oppa," she said a little breathlessly, but her word were full of meaning. He recovered his senses and smiled at her wordlessly, still giddy from the unexpected hug.

They were getting there. Maybe someday they would hold hands. Maybe someday, he hoped, they would kiss. But for now, this was enough.

yongseo, fanfic

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