Yongseo drabble! :)

Sep 13, 2010 17:23

First post! haha. I had this running around in my mind after watching the latest wgm episode. it's really short and i think it's all jumbled up with hyun's conflicting emotions and all that :|  I'll probably edit it to make it better when I have the time. Gosh. I suck at thinking of titles. haha. Forgive the lame title.

Title: Not Jealous...not
Length: Drabble
Characters: yongseo
A!N: inspired by yongseo couple WGM episode 23

"Why do I have to come across her in front of my wife..." Seohyun hears Yonghwa mumble. Her jubilation at meeting her favourite actress dips a little. While a part of her is fangirling like crazy, another part of her is analyzing his words, his sentence structure, his tone, his movements. She does it unconsciously, as if she were really his wife. But you're not, she silently chides herself. So why are you so hung up on whether he wishes you weren't here or if he's just worried you'll be jealous? She doesn't have an answer, so she tosses this question to the back of her mind and focuses on Ueno Juri instead.

She's pretty. Really pretty. That's probably why Yonghwa is acting like a lovestruck fanboy instead of his usually calm, cool, confident self. She misses the Yonghwa that does his best to make her laugh and make her feel comfortable with him. She misses the Yonghwa who acts like his world revolves around her and her alone.

"Here, Seohyun. Hold your bag," Yonghwa says, handing her her bag, right after he offers to hold Juri's bag. Seohyun blinks once, unused to the new Yonghwa. "Okay," she replies simply and takes her bag from him, feeling a little hurt but refusing to let it show. He seems a little flustered at her cool response. Did he expect me to protest? Her  thoughts are like a tangled ball of string, floating along with japanese phrases and grammar in her head as she tries to talk to Ueno Juri, since Yonghwa is too busy staring to say anything coherent. You knew I was joking right? His eyes flicker to hers. Not funny, she keeps her eyes on his for half a second before looking away, knowing that he got the message.

Back at their "home", she busies herself with the orange juice, taking her time. After all, Yonghwa probably wants to be alone with Juri. Unexpectedly, he lingers around their kitchen, watching her as she works. "Go talk to her," She encourages, shooing him away. I'm not jealous. Not me. She almost succeeds in convincing herself. Still, she sneaks a peek out of the corner of her eye. His head turns to face her and their eyes meet briefly. She turns back to the glass of orange juice. Her heart is skipping crazily again and it's not because she's in the same room as her idol.

yongseo, fanfic

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