Footsteps in the Desert: Chapter 5

Oct 26, 2009 17:59

Title: Footsteps in the Desert: Chapter 5
Author: poetics124/Poetics124
Rating: R
Pairing: S/U
Summary: Spock's journey from a confused young adult to a Federation hero was a long one. Being in love was somewhat more complicated.
Disclaimer: Star Trek belongs to Paramount


Disclaimer: “She Walks in Beauty” belongs to Lord Byron. “Ava Maria” belongs to Franz Schubert



He avoided the first torpedo and came close to being hit by the second. He was surprised to see the third torpedo hit by phaser fire of another ship.

The Enterprise was here.

2256: First Semester

He had seen her in his class before but did not know she could sing with such beauty until now.   He kept his presence unnoticeable in the back of the auditorium, his concentration on his own lute forgotten.

He had heard better singers in his life, some even on Vulcan, but there was something about the tone of her voice that spoke to him. That made her noticeable. Her pitch was admirable but not astonishing. Her talent was good, but not amazing.   But he was struck by how he, for a moment, didn’t really care about any of that watching her. There was no calculation of the trajectory of her sound waves echoing off the walls or determining the amount of force it took her to get out her long notes. She was…she was beautiful.

Spock took a long blink and began concentrating on his own piece he was performing for the night on his Vulcan lute. Thinking of a cadet this way was…illogical.


“That was an excellent performance, Lt. Commander Spock. I admired it greatly.”

Spock held his drink of water and looked at the admiral. “I appreciate your praise, Admiral Barrett.”

“And look here, Cadet Uhura! Come over here.”

Spock kept his face impassive as she approached. She was out of her chorale robes and in her Starfleet uniform but she was still taking his breath away. Uhura gave a bright smile and walked towards both men.

“You sung like an angel tonight.”

“Thank you, sir.” She looked towards Spock. “And what did you think of it, Lt. Commander?”

“I believe it was adequate but not masterful.”

He was confused by her flinch and the admiral cleared his throat. “Have I said something offensive?”

“No, Lt. Commander.” Uhura covered. “You were being honest.”

With a small nod, she turned and walked away towards the other performers of the night and Spock followed her with his eyes.


“Lt. Commander, can I ask you a question.”

Spock looked up from his PADD to see Cadet Uhura by his door. He pointed towards the small chair on the other side of his desk and she took her seat.

“What is your question, Cadet Uhura?”

“I just wanted to know what was so adequate about my performance at the concert?”

“This is not about your studies?”

“No, it is not about my studies. I believe I’m doing beyond adequate at that task.”

Spock thought on the work she had turned in for him and agreed with her assessment. She was the best student in the class without question. Maybe even one of the best students he had encountered at the academy.

“Indeed, cadet. You are doing admirably.”

“I’m a perfectionist.”

“And this brings you to me because you believe I misjudged your performance last week?”

“I worked very hard on that piece, sir.   I know that Vulcans have beyond average hearing so I want to know what you heard that no one else did.”

“No one else has said that you had an adequate performance?”

“Not one person.”


“So I want to know what you heard that makes you different.”

“It is irrelevant, cadet.”

“Not to me, sir.”

Spock dropped his PADD and gazed at her. “If you wish, Cadet Uhura. Please sing.”

She almost seems shocked at his acquiescence and took a moment to compose herself. She then sung with as much passion as she could find. Spock closed his eyes, examining the information that was coming through his ears. He then held up his hand to stop her.

“Your pitch is .23476 off of the notes you wish to acquire.”

Uhura glared at him for a moment. “You wish for perfection. No one would be able to hit a note with that much precision.”

“You said you were a perfectionist. I merely held you to your word.”

Uhura stood and looked at him. “Thank you for your time, Lt. Commander.”

She walked out the door and his eyes followed her.


“I would have never taken you as someone who would like Byron.”

Spock looked up from his grading to see her look through his library where his collection laid. His mother had given him the paper books as a present for his graduation from the academy and his new job as an instructor. She had written that no true teacher could go without the classics in their original form. She was trying to make up for his father’s absence at his ceremony in her own way with the present as well.

“Why would you assume I do not know of Byron, Cadet Uhura?”

“I don’t know.” Uhura said as she touched her hand to the spine of the anthology. “It doesn’t seem…logical for a Vulcan to know of a poet of such emotion.”

“Earth customs and artists are not unknown on Vulcan, Miss Uhura.”

“Yes, but don’t you believe you are missing something in translation when you read it by not being able to access your emotions?”

“We believe it is not necessary.”

“You are missing out, I think.”

Since their first office meeting she had come back every Friday to discuss the problems as he saw them with her singing and these conversations had drifted to other subjects. It was not unusual to find them both in his office, involved in discussion for hours. It was his suggestion they move their conversations to Friday, as he had no office hours on those days and many cadets used their weekends in other activities than trying to talk to their Vulcan instructor.

“My mother was an earth teacher. I have heard Byron with emotion. It was…fascinating.”

Uhura picked up the volume and looked at the table of contents. She smiled as she reached the page she wanted.

She walks in beauty, like the night
Of cloudless climes and starry skies;
And all that's best of dark and bright
Meet in her aspect and her eyes:
Thus mellow'd to that tender light
Which heaven to gaudy day denies.

One shade the more, one ray the less,
Had half impair'd the nameless grace
Which waves in every raven tress,
Or softly lightens o'er her face;
Where thoughts serenely sweet express
How pure, how dear their dwelling-place.

And on that cheek, and o'er that brow,
So soft, so calm, yet eloquent,
The smiles that win, the tints that glow,
But tell of days in goodness spent,
A mind at peace with all below,
A heart whose love is innocent!

Spock kept his eyes on his PADD as if he did not hear and Uhura closed the book and put it back on the shelf.

“That’s always been my favorite. I’ll see you later, Lt. Commander.”

Spock watched her leave as he always did. She did not hear his confession as his door slid shut.

“It is one of my favorites as well.”


“Performing a solo for the Starfleet Chorale Choir, Cadet Nyota Uhura.”

He watched as she made her way towards the center of the stage, a small smile on her face, and take a deep breath. He was once again in the back, unnoticed, and unseen. She began to sing.

“Ave Maria
Gratia plena
Maria, gratia plena
Maria, gratia plena
Ave, ave dominus
Dominus tecum
Benedicta tu in mulieribus
Et benedictus
Et benedictus fructus ventris
Ventris tuae, Jesus.
Ave Maria”

Spock stood still, his eyes closed, and thought of his father as he played his lute so long ago. He had never understood what his father had wanted. Not until now.

“Ave Maria
Mater Dei
Ora pro nobis peccatoribus
Ora pro nobis
Ora, ora pro nobis peccatoribus
Nunc et in hora mortis
Et in hora mortis nostrae
Et in hora mortis nostrae
Et in hora mortis nostrae
Ave Maria”

The applause was deafening and the audience stood. Spock stood still, not clapping, his hands behind his back. Uhura smiled widely and took a bow. Spock took in a deep sigh, deeper than he’d probably ever taken.

“Masterful.” Spock admitted to himself underneath the applause, “Absolutely masterful.”

He was unsure whether he meant the performance or the girl.

fan: fan fiction

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