Footsteps in the Desert: Chapter 4

Oct 22, 2009 17:22

Title: Footsteps in the Desert: Chapter 4
Author: poetics124/Poetics124
Rating: R
Pairing: Spock, later S/U
Summary: Spock's journey from a confused young adult to a Federation hero was a long one. Being in love was somewhat more complicated.
Disclaimer: Star Trek belongs to Paramount



Earth, Spock found, was a fascinating place. There were many different places to see and explore. Many different weathers to experience (he found he was as uncomfortable in cold as much as his mother said he would be). And, he found much to his own surprise, many different emotions to encounter among the different species in Starfleet Academy.

It was not his first time coming to Earth as his father had brought him, his brother, and mother there many times in an official capacity. Sarek had found it was logical to bring his family along with him from time to time to make relations between him and other species into a more productive climate as other ambassadors to the Federation had families that they would bring as well. But Spock had never experienced the myriad of ways to express emotion among other races. A Tellerite and an Orion would express sexual interest differently with a Tellerite barely showing notice while an Orion had once boldly approached him and wondered if his Vulcan ears were as sensitive as rumored. Andorians were much more emotional than he could tolerate which is why his first roommate had to move as the Andorian would whine from morning to night about his lack of emotion and coldness.

Which left him with his very human roommate, who was out of the room much of the time in the company of other cadets. Which brought him to Earth’s one similarity to Vulcan.

He was alone. He was the only Vulcan among this group of different planetary races. No one knew what he was about although many had questions.

Can you really mind read?

Is it true that you can go without food for months?

There is not much said about Vulcan mating rituals? Do you have sex?

Can I touch your ears?

His quick rebuttals lead many to stop asking him questions and for the most part by himself. His instructors were the only ones who kept up an interest in him and his potential. Spock slightly preferred it this way although he found being the Academy Grandmaster at three dimensional chess entertained his logical interest in intellectual challenge. But for the most part he kept to himself, working on computer programs and stimulations. It was this one program that had captured his imagination and which he had devoted his full effort towards.

“What are you working on?”

Spock looked up from his panel at his roommate who had uncharacteristically sat beside him in their common room. Usually at this time of night Klein Mitchell would be out and partying with his friends.

“I am working on a simulation that can test ability and aptitude in those who wish to command a starship vessel.”

“That’s interesting. Can I see it?”

Spock raised his eyebrow but handed over the panel to Mitchell out of curiousity of what he would say.

“This…this is some heavy stuff.” Mitchell remarked, his brown fingers rubbing his chin. “So there is no way to win on this program?”

“Theoretically….yes. The program cannot be defeated.”

“Tell me more.”

And Spock began to explain through the rest of the night.


“What went wrong? I wasn’t supposed to…”

“I have no idea…Cadet Spock?”

Cadet Spock raised himself from behind his science panel. “Yes, Lieutenant.”

“Cadet Mitchell just beat your unbeatable stimulation.”

“It is merely a prototype.”

“Understandable, but it had the same result none the less.”

“I…cannot answer why Cadet Mitchell was able to defeat the programming.”

Lt. Sanders gave Spock an easy smile. “It seems you have more work to do. I have no doubt you will get all the kinks out before our presentation in front of  Admiral Barrett.”

“Yes sir.”

Lt. Sanders left the stimulated bridge and Cadet Mitchell sat back in his seat. “That was embarrassing.”

“I do not know what went wrong. All of the…”

“I beat the stimulation by doing something unexpected.”

“Yes, your maneuver was rather ingenious even if not in Starfleet protocol.”

“That’s the problem. The program didn’t anticipate spontaneous action. It was only in the perimeters of Starfleet regulation.”

“I do not understand. The program is to enhance a cadet’s ability to be in command of a starship according to Federation dictates.”

“Spock…not everybody is a Vulcan. They don’t follow regulations like a machine.”

“I do not get your meaning.”

Cadet Mitchell rose from the captain’s chair to face him. “We didn’t take into account realistic actions of cadets in the scenario to break rules. Therefore, it is flawed and can be beaten.”


“You’re handsome for a Vulcan.”

Spock stared at the woman in front of him for a moment and in a split second believed she was heavily intoxicated. She touched his chest and Spock backed up and pushed her hands away.

“C’mon Spock. This is the first time I’ve ever seen you at a party. Loosen up with me.”

When Cadet Mitchell suggested that Spock get in touch with the emotion of other cadets he did not know he meant copulation with a fourth year cadet. Spock stared around the party to look for Mitchell to see him pressed up against the bar and talking to a blonde human woman. Mitchell glanced at him and gave him a thumbs up before continuing his conversation. He was in a trap that the Tal’oth didn’t prepare him for.

“This is rather illogical, Cadet Winston.”

“Who gives a damn. I like you….maybe you like me.” She leaned closer to him and touched his chest again her hand sliding lower. “I know underneath all that logic bullshit is a red hot burning man who wants affection just like every other person.”

He paused for a second and let her touch him, ashamed that he had missed another’s touch and had not had touch for over four years. This was not like his mother’s touch and it called to him in a way that felt…alien to him. It was not until she reached lower….much lower that he had a reaction. He pushed her hand and backed away.

“That is inappropriate, Cadet Winston. It is against code 42, section 5 to touch another’s genitalia without consent.”

“I won’t tell if you won’t tell.”

“Spock, come on man! Come to the patio with me!” Mitchell yelled over the music and waved his hands toward the patio.

Spock quickly bolted towards the patio where it was just he and Mitchell with a beer in his hands. Mitchell held back a laugh and smile. “Having fun Spock?”

“It is…rather fascinating.”

“Winston’s a wild cat.”

Spock’s eyebrows rose. “Why would Cadet Winston be a feline?”

“I didn’t mean that….nevermind.”

Mitchell went closer to the railing and Spock followed, both men observing the beauty of the San Francisco Bay before them.

“Man, my mother always dreamed of me being here one day.”

Spock remained silent as Mitchell had another drink of beer. Mitchell’s eyes were glassy.

“I should dislike you, Spock.”

Spock gazed at him. “That is illogical.”

“A lot of things are illogical, Spock. Doesn’t mean that they aren’t true.”

“Why would you have animosity towards me?”

“I…my mother died on the U.S.S. Kelvin when I was two.”

Spock remained silent as Mitchell looked out at the bay. He knew that Vulcans had hostilities towards humans because of the Kelvin incident due to pressure from the Andorians and Humans coming together to force their relationship with the Romulans from secrecy to the point where Vulcan had threatened to leave the Federation. His father was one of the keys in keeping Vulcan in the Federation and the alliance intact, though barely. It had left Sarek with the reputation of being a betrayer. Not only had he picked Earth over Vulcan but he had even chosen a human woman to mate with. He was a traitor and his sons were traitors. It had followed Serak and his family for years and now this incident was before him again.

“I keep thinking…maybe if Vulcan had told us about the Romulans before, that they shared ancestry, that my mother’s ship would have been prepared for what happened. That she would be here with me. She was the reason I went to Starfleet even though my father objected. I’m here for her.”

Spock did not reply but kept his silence.

“But that’s not your fault. You’re part human right? Your mom, she’s a human like my mother is a human.” Mitchell turned to Spock, his brown face in pain. “She’s still here.”


“So I keep thinking that you have to have some human in you, even though you pretend not to.”

“It is irrelevant.”

Mitchell smiled. “Just because it’s irrelevant doesn’t mean it isn’t true.”


By the fourteenth cadet who had failed, Admiral Barrett thought they were on to something.

“This is an excellent program gentlemen. I think that more tests should be conducted but I believe it is a knock out in terms of a graduation project. Lt. Sanders should be proud.”

Mitchell smiled and Spock raised his eyebrows while his hands were behind his back.

“What is this program called?”

“The Kobayashi Maru.”

fan: fan fiction

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