"And maybe you should sleep, and maybe you just need a friend."

Feb 05, 2005 22:16

So.. it's the Mardi Gras holidays for Louisiana. I'm off until Thursday, that's when I go back to school.

Last night I hung out with Shawn and Brittany. We went to Catholic's basketball game for like.. a half an hour and then left. But before we went, I picked up Brittany and brought her to Subway. At Subway, we saw a friend of ours with a group of his friends. His friends wouldn't stop leaving us alone. They were staring into the window of Subway. So Brittany told me to go mess with him. I walked outside and noticed him pounding his fist into the palm of his hand. I asked what he was doing it for and he was all, "It means I wanna penetrate all up in ya." I was so taken aback that I paused for a second and then went, "...Oh, okay then." It was so disgusting! Geez. I might mention that he was.. erm.. African American.

I'm so tired right now. Not just physically tired. Emotionally tired as well. I'm tired of almost all of my friends being so inconsiderate to my feelings and the feelings of others. Earlier today, Brittany was critcizing my driving. She's ALWAYS telling me things like, "I don't know how the fuck you passed Driver's Ed, no offense." But she usually only tells me things like that like if I make a wrong turn or something because I don't know where I'm going. She considers bad sense of direction to be bad driving. I've been in the passenger seat before while she drives before, and personally.. she's not the best driver in the entire world either, if you know what I mean. But I NEVER criticize her because I'm ALWAYS sensitive to her feelings. I'm NEVER rude to her. And I'm sick of it! I'm sick of always being the nice and considerate person in my group of friends. I wish everyone would just realize how terrible they are to others sometimes! I never tell her rude comments like, "Damn, you don't know how to drive." But that's just a common example of how she treats me. And I'm sick of it. She's so rude and rude to everyone else but no one tells her that because everyone's intimidated by her, including me. I wish I could just build up the courage one day to tell her off. But you know what? That's never going to happen. And you know why? Because I don't want to lose her as a friend, because if that happens then all of my other friends will be on her side because they're just as scared of her as I am.. and then I'll be alone. ...And I don't want to be alone.
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