it's a poor sort of memory that only works backwards. (adventures in doctor who)

Nov 30, 2011 02:19

As some of you know, I have been trying to catch Doctor Who enthusiasm, on and off, for literally years, SO THIS IS A VERY EXCITING POST FOR ME TO WRITE. I tried to somewhat organize the squee, but seriously, abandon linearity, all ye who enter here. S4 is where I fall in love with it and watch the whole thing, but there are spoilers for most of ( Read more... )

dw/tw: doctor who, obligatory love of psychotic jackasses, dw/tw: donna noble i love you

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Comments 24

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pocochina November 30 2011, 19:58:15 UTC
Rose is a gem! I love her! That's a perfect analysis of her story too, it's been a while since I saw S1, but yes to everything. I could've done without the crush on the Doctor if only because that was so overplayed for both her and Martha. But it doesn't make her not awesome! That total, all-encompassing thirst for adventure is such a treat to see.

And Martha, yes! I love her pragmatism. I love, too, how there's not really a false zero-sum competition between whether her perspective or the Doctor's formalist idealistic pacifism is "better." They're just different, and they work together well because both of those philosophies are necessary.

but oh, DONNA. I mean, I knew from a few comments here and there that I was going to love her, but I didn't realize just how perfect a picture she would be of someone so great, held back by so much insecurity. I always love stories that explore that, but adult women NEVER get that journey, so she's refreshing on that level as well as so many others.

what you want to see is what you get back, and ( ... )


embolalia November 30 2011, 13:48:20 UTC
Hurray for Doctor Who! I'm with you on season 4 - it's my favorite by far. (And if you haven't read this yet you should check it out: Also this is a good reminder - more DW in just a few weeks! :)


pocochina November 30 2011, 19:59:30 UTC
yay Who! and oooh, thanks for the link!


scifishipper November 30 2011, 14:03:43 UTC
I want to comment on everything because I have so many of the same feelings only I LOVE TEN AND I DON'T FRAKKING CARE WHO KNOWS.

I don't have a problem with Ten's IT IS ALL ABOUT THE DOCTOR (!ME!) because it is. The adoration seems appropriate considering that HE IS AN ALIEN TRAVELING IN A TIMEY-WIMEY SPACESHIP AND HE DOES ALL THE THINGS AND SAVES EVERYONE (ALMOST). Yes, he metes out justice as he sees fit - how else would he? He makes mistakes and can be a jerk BUT I DON'T CARE! I'm "all in" with Ten in much the same way that I am "all in" with Lee. He's self-centered, incredibly intense, loving, selfish, judgmental, and gorgeous. I do love, though (and unlike Lee), that he LOVES LIFE AND CELEBRATES THE WONDER OF HUMAN LIFE and brings joy to so many people. <3<3<3

(This is basically just squee bc I can't write meta. I'll just co-sign yours!) <3<3<3


pocochina November 30 2011, 20:06:26 UTC
he metes out justice as he sees fit - how else would he?

Yes! I was expecting to think a bit less of him, to be honest, because I'd heard dark tales of him striding around dealing out Fates Worse Than Death, but really, what the hell else was he supposed to do? Just let the Angels or the Family of Blood run amok? THAT would make him irresponsible and sadistic.

I'm "all in" with Ten in much the same way that I am "all in" with Lee. He's self-centered, incredibly intense, loving, selfish, judgmental, and gorgeous.

oooh, yes. I totally see it, I guess it's not much of a surprise that I <3 him.

And OHYES, that delightful joie de vivre, he squeaks and flails and does crazy shit because all just so much fun.


lutamira November 30 2011, 15:06:48 UTC
not reading your post because I'm only mid-way through S1 of the re-boot and don't really want to spoil myself too much, but am taking heart from the fact that a) you took so long to get hooked and b) are now sounding like you really like the show. At this point I'm all - everyone looooves this but it isn't really very interesting yet at all and how many more episodes do I have to watch before it is? Also, my TV watching time at this point is about 1.5 episodes/week, so I'm not getting very far very fast...

Did this post have a point? I'm not sure. :)


pocochina November 30 2011, 20:11:39 UTC
So...I think when I started watching it, I was approaching it like a big-arc story like BtVS, where you kind of have to watch all the episodes in order, and then was getting bogged down in stand-alones. It's hard for me to get immersed in worldbuilding when it all changes so much constantly. But this time around I skipped around and it helped, and by S4 I wanted to see it ALL. (I was mostly using suggestions in comments on this post I put in my memories ages ago, if you want to check it out!)


lutamira December 1 2011, 15:26:53 UTC
This is really helpful - I am expecting BtVS, and arcs and complexity and all that. I'll modify expectations somewhat, and be a bit more pick-and-choosy about which eps I watch. (I am excited for Captain Jack!)

Thanks for the link too - nice to know that lots of people don't necessarily love S1 or S2 all that much.


angearia December 1 2011, 06:00:18 UTC
Yes. I've stopped and started with DW so many times. I always try at the beginning and just get horribly bored. Sorry, Eccleston-as-Doctor. Sorry, Rose. What got me hooked was just throwing chronological viewing out the window and starting with Series 5 which I LOVE SO MUHUHUCH.

After I got well and truly hooked, I found the strength to go back and try Series 1 again. Which... still didn't work. So I jumped to Series 3, loved it, then watched Series 4, loved it, and one of these days I'll find a way to care about Rose and the Doctor.


wheatear November 30 2011, 18:31:15 UTC
Oh my god I love everything about this post. Isn't Doctor Who wonderful. You've reminded me of how much I loved the first four series - especially S4, you're right, that was the best.

Yes to everything you say about Ten. I think he'll always be my favourite.

Except we still are taking things on faith, we believe Ten when he says it's a ball of timey-wimeyness. So all it really does is shift the authority who's not to be questioned from God to, uh, an all-powerful all-knowing alien who takes the form of a white dude and has power over all other creatures. Ooh, this is interesting. I think it's still different though, because the idea is that behind it all there is a scientific explanation, even if it's not one we know or understand. Doctor Who is a show full of magic, but all the magic in it is science. (Obviously not realistic science. But you know.) I really love the way that Doctor Who portrays a universe that is amazing and magical and strange, but not supernatural ( ... )


pocochina November 30 2011, 20:16:57 UTC
I think it's still different though, because the idea is that behind it all there is a scientific explanation, even if it's not one we know or understand. Doctor Who is a show full of magic, but all the magic in it is science. (Obviously not realistic science. But you know.) I really love the way that Doctor Who portrays a universe that is amazing and magical and strange, but not supernatural.

Totally, and I do love the paradigm shift. I'm just cautious of "TRUST ME BECAUSE SKIENCE!" in a world of evo-psych just-so stories and "sex addiction" and disbelief in climate change and Reaganomics getting credibility as "rational thought, BECAUSE WE SAY SO, LISTEN TO YOUR BETTERS" you know?

I know American viewers aren't (and don't need to be!) the primary intended audience, it may just be a slight cultural issue, but it sets off my spidey-senses a bit in a direction I don't always love.

And oooh, I haven't seen that two-parter, but I'm looking forward to it now, thank you!


wheatear November 30 2011, 21:00:10 UTC
Oh, I see! Yeah, that's... not how I interpreted it at all. XD It could quite possibly be cultural differences because I don't have those associations. For me, Doctor Who is very much in the spirit of open-minded inquiry - everything you said in that first line about curiosity and being excited to learn is so true, and that's what I love about it.


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