it's a poor sort of memory that only works backwards. (adventures in doctor who)

Nov 30, 2011 02:19

As some of you know, I have been trying to catch Doctor Who enthusiasm, on and off, for literally years, SO THIS IS A VERY EXCITING POST FOR ME TO WRITE. I tried to somewhat organize the squee, but seriously, abandon linearity, all ye who enter here. S4 is where I fall in love with it and watch the whole thing, but there are spoilers for most of ( Read more... )

dw/tw: doctor who, obligatory love of psychotic jackasses, dw/tw: donna noble i love you

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lutamira November 30 2011, 15:06:48 UTC
not reading your post because I'm only mid-way through S1 of the re-boot and don't really want to spoil myself too much, but am taking heart from the fact that a) you took so long to get hooked and b) are now sounding like you really like the show. At this point I'm all - everyone looooves this but it isn't really very interesting yet at all and how many more episodes do I have to watch before it is? Also, my TV watching time at this point is about 1.5 episodes/week, so I'm not getting very far very fast...

Did this post have a point? I'm not sure. :)


pocochina November 30 2011, 20:11:39 UTC
So...I think when I started watching it, I was approaching it like a big-arc story like BtVS, where you kind of have to watch all the episodes in order, and then was getting bogged down in stand-alones. It's hard for me to get immersed in worldbuilding when it all changes so much constantly. But this time around I skipped around and it helped, and by S4 I wanted to see it ALL. (I was mostly using suggestions in comments on this post I put in my memories ages ago, if you want to check it out!)


lutamira December 1 2011, 15:26:53 UTC
This is really helpful - I am expecting BtVS, and arcs and complexity and all that. I'll modify expectations somewhat, and be a bit more pick-and-choosy about which eps I watch. (I am excited for Captain Jack!)

Thanks for the link too - nice to know that lots of people don't necessarily love S1 or S2 all that much.


angearia December 1 2011, 06:00:18 UTC
Yes. I've stopped and started with DW so many times. I always try at the beginning and just get horribly bored. Sorry, Eccleston-as-Doctor. Sorry, Rose. What got me hooked was just throwing chronological viewing out the window and starting with Series 5 which I LOVE SO MUHUHUCH.

After I got well and truly hooked, I found the strength to go back and try Series 1 again. Which... still didn't work. So I jumped to Series 3, loved it, then watched Series 4, loved it, and one of these days I'll find a way to care about Rose and the Doctor.


pocochina December 1 2011, 07:56:12 UTC
I always try at the beginning and just get horribly bored. Sorry, Eccleston-as-Doctor. Sorry, Rose. What got me hooked was just throwing chronological viewing out the window and starting with Series 5 which I LOVE SO MUHUHUCH.

It's a jump-around kind of show, appropriately enough. <3


lutamira December 1 2011, 16:46:00 UTC
See, this information is so helpful. Both Mr. L and I are like - this is kind of sort of entertaining, but neither the Doctor nor Rose is really compelling enough to watch whole seasons of - so it is good to hear that it gets better, and that there is no shame in giving up and skipping ahead. :)


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