i am more confused than i was before!

Apr 11, 2006 22:29

Okay so... wow. I am more confused than ever before. For serious. Oh, VMars writers. You mess with my mind like whoa.

Okay, so, before all that, this is what I love: little meta jokes. I AM PRO-PARIS HILTON JOKES. omg, I laughed so hard when Keith said that.

I am also pro-Wallace and Logan hanging out and bonding. I think that Veronica losing the Kane scholarship is a crappy way to ruin her hopes and dreams (especially because she loses it in such a shitty way!), but I guess there aren't that many other options to keep her at Hearst.

There is something going on with Beaver and I am dying to figure out what it is. At first I thought he might be gay, now I think there might be something larger under the surface? Although, admittedly, I only think that after reading Jacob's recap of last week's episode, and he is very think-y. Perhaps over-thinky at times. So I don't know about that.

Anyway. This episode. The dream thing was interesting. It harkened back to the days of Lilly's ghost, which I absolutely love. Daddy!Mars getting his own b-plot was pretty awesome and I LOVED when he found Veronica in the closet. omg. Amazing.

Generally I thought this was a really good episode, but it just leaves me so confused. Curly, Haaron, Woody Goodman, Weevil, Thumper, Dick, Kendall... my brain is spinning with the possibilities. Four episodes left and I'm still no closer to figuring this out. Christ almighty, do I ever want to figure this out! (But no spoilers!!)

So what's left outstanding? We don't know who sent the bus over the cliff. We don't know what Haaron and Kendall are cooking up. We don't know what's up with Beaver. We don't know what's up with Woody. Weevil's got a thing, apparently, at least according to previews. We don't know why Curly had Veronica's name on his hand. Am I missing anything else?

This is going to be an action-packed four weeks, I'll tell you that much.

teevee, vmars

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