
Apr 11, 2006 17:27

Someone just said that my use of ellipses "would be pretentious if it didn't come off as so absent-minded."

I'm trying to figure out if that's a compliment or not.


So, in case you are new to the world of Kait&Tara roadtrips, roadtrip food mainly consists of the following:
1. Store-brand fruit snacks
2. Juice boxes

On Sunday night, while scrutinizing the fruit snack wrappers, we discovered that dinosaur fruit snacks are SO ANGRY OMG. Seriously, they all have mean faces and sharp evil teeth. Meanwhile, shark fruit snacks are very happy to be fruit snacks! They're all smiling and swimming around as if they are encouraging you to partake in their fruity goodness.

I just figured that was something you should all be aware of.


I bumped into Emily on my way back from Intro to Soc. and it seems that she, too, is spending a lot of time giggling and/or smirking at people who we can now say we've seen naked. Seriously, it's very hard not to start giggling a little when you walk past someone who you've seen wearing nothing but a hat.

This is seriously going to be the best issue ever.


Tonight, I am going to try and post the following:
1. Philly write up
2. An entry about the Naked Issue photoshoot because it needs to be documented liek woah (and you can totally tell I'm serious about something when I start using satirical 'netspeak typos)
3. Thoughts about VMars. Because this is the first time in a long time that I can watch in on teevee!
4. Snippets for the Song Title Ficlet Meme. (If you haven't already requested something, go and do so! It'll be awesome, I promise.)

dinosaurs, to-do, fruit snacks, indy, writing, batshit insanity

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