Avengers: Age of Ultron

May 02, 2015 19:11

This post is largely positive, and while I can definitely see how people would be disappointed/want something else/more from it, I'd prefer you didn't come into the comments to pick a fight about how my opinion is wrong. Which is not to say you shouldn't dislike the movie or want to discuss it, just try not to harsh my squee. I promise I won't try to squee your harsh!

(Generally, you guys are good about this, but I'm kind of still burned from the always-angry-outrage-culture of Tumblr and a little gunshy about posting opinions, I guess.)

Gosh, that was enjoyable!

I had zero expectations for the movie--I saw maybe...one of the trailers? Maybe two. And I've basically not been on Tumblr since Thanksgiving, so I haven't seen gifsets or anything, didn't watch any press...MCU really isn't my fandom, and I generally get my main enjoyment out of the source material as it happens, I guess.

ANYWAY, I had zero expectations, but I ended up really liking it!

  • Uh, I care super a lot about Hawkeye now??? Which, I mean, is unsurprising given they gave him a secret domestic life and babies, but also getting to see him talk and have a personality and aspirations and goals made him suddenly actually appealing.
  • Gosh, Natasha was so great. I loved seeing her background and her vulnerability and I LOVED how we got to see her sense of duty, turning that last retreat around on Bruce like that omg, NATASHA YOU'RE THE BEST.
  • PIETRO GOT FRIDGED. I LOVE IT. Is that weird? He's always been a character I find kind of tiresome--comics!Pietro is that "asshole on no one's side but his own" archetype I don't like and, idk, DoFP was the first time I really enjoyed him? So, like, I liked his arc in this, but he's highly disposable to me and I am always here for dudes getting murdered to further the development of ladies.
  • That being said, OH MY GOSH WANDA ♥__♥ I was very skeptical of how she was going to be handled, but I really loved what they ended up doing with her and I'm so excited to see her on the team.
  • I liked all the dudes, I thought their worst nightmares/motivations were all believable. I would have liked maybe one more scene between Steve and Tony to shake out their issues after their fight at the farm.
  • It was really funny! Unfortunately, though, seeing a sold-out show meant that I missed a TON of lines because of people laughing.
  • The whole theatre cheered for Sam and Rhodey when they showed up. SAM!! (Rhodey too, but SAM!!)
  • (I loved that it was like, "Tony and Thor talking about their girlfriends. Cut to Steve and Sam flirting talking." Saaaaaaam and Steeeeeve!)
  • I liked Ultron as a villain! As I joked to Naomi, I hope he gets fangirls the way Loki did. (I mean, come on, Ultron did daddy issues, fighting with his brother, and one-liners much better.)
  • The fight scenes were pretty well done. I didn't get sick at all!
  • The Vision carried Wanda out and Naomi leans over and goes, "SHE'S GONNA MARRY THAT ROBOT" and I died.
  • MOST IMPORTANTLY: the film did not joss my Nick/Moira post-Winter Soldier fic \o/
  • Um, what else? Just generally I really liked it! I'm excited to see it again with people!

I randomly came away with five fic ideas? (Well, I came out of the theatre with three, then Lisa suggested one, then I came up with another after.)

1) "Awkward Steve wears different hats" - This is the one I want someone else to write, about how Steve gets on well with all the Avengers separately and he's good (well, was good) at leading SHIELD strike teams and stuff like that, but he feels awkward leading the Avengers as a team, like he can't quite find his footing yet, so he says and does awkward things and immediately feels like an idiot. (This entire thing was inspired by Evans' face after he said, "Watch your language.") (But I'm still in a fight with Chris Evans.) (Also, this story, should you choose to write it, should end with Sam helping Steve grapple with this, because Steve is most himself around Sam.)

2) "N/M hanging out at the farm" - Nick and Moira obvs visit the Barton brood all the time. Moira spoils the shit out of those kids. And Nick is in casual clothes hanging out in the barn because obvs he and Moira were in the midst of a visit when Clint called Laura to tell her they were going to have guests. "We ALREADY have guests!" she says.

3) "Readers' Advisory for the Hawkeye kids (Natasha book club) (plus Wanda?)" - So, during the last scene I leaned over and whispered loudly, "THEY'RE READING WIMPY KID BOOKS," which was probably predictable, but I decided that Natasha buys them all kinds of books. And after the movie, when Wanda is still kind of fucked up and grieving, Natasha brings her out to the farm. And Wanda's not great at reading English yet and kind of blows off all the SHIELD therapists trying to get her to study, etc, but she keeps picking up the kids' books and reading them and enjoying them, and thus Natasha's book club is formed.

4) "Kit and Hawkeye kids pen pals" - Kit as in Lt. Trouble, of course. idek, I just want this to exist.

5) "Sam is teacher's pet" - All of the bb!vengers make fun of Sam for totally being a teacher's pet because Steve is AWFUL at separating work and not work. Like, on the battlefield? That's fine. On missions? Whatever. But like, when they're sitting around eating lunch or Sam does a particularly good job in a training exercise or whatever, it....slips through. And Natasha just smirks at him and Rhodey ribs him all the time, and he's soooooo annoyed (and part of it is fake!annoyed because he is DAMN PROUD of Captain America being his boyfriend, but part of it is real!annoyed because...come on, guys.) but then Wanda gets in on it and it helps her ~*~bond~*~ with the team, so Nat is like, "See? This is the first thing to get through to her on a personal level, so we need to keep making fun of you FOR THE GOOD OF THE TEAM, SAM."

Anyway, those are my thoughts on the Avengers. Please feel free to discuss.

movies, mcu

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