i have no idea what this was meant to be

May 07, 2015 20:55

I opened up LJ and this popped up as a restored draft. I...have no idea how this was supposed to end. I think I wrote it in the middle of the night on Saturday.


I came up with one more fic I want to see post AoU!

(Like, right now, while I was trying to sleep.)

I want the missing scene from right before the party when people are starting to arrive and Steve is there with Sam and he sees Tony and Thor both going solo, and Nat and Maria are chatting and Clint is making drinks for Bruce and himself and Steve hisses to Tony, "I THOUGHT YOU SAID WE COULD BRING DATES. WHY AM I THE ONLY ONE WHO BROUGHT A DATE?"

I don't know what it would even be about, I just like the idea of


AND THAT'S WHERE IT STOPPED? So, who even knows, but I still like the idea of it, and it's not like anyone reads LJ anymore, so here you go, internet--the beginning of a story about ~*~something~*~, free to a good home!

sam/steve, mcu

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