what if i just set the building on fire?

Nov 20, 2013 16:12

Hello hello, internet. How are you? My foot hurts.

Last night, walking up the path to the house, I tripped over the sidewalk, took a tumble, ruined a pair of tights, scraped up a knee, and stubbed my toe so badly I'm pretty sure I sprained it. It hurt A LOT right after and EVEN MORE when I first woke up, but I've been doing the "twenty minutes on, two hours off" icing and elevating thing, and taking pain killers and it's getting better. I'm hoping it's totally fine by the weekend. I'm still pissed, though. So far it's cost me about $25 bucks between the medical tape/ice pack I bought and the $13 parking because I didn't think I could walk to the bus this morning. Blech.


Last night I had a dream that I was watching the Bomb Girls movie and it was terrible. Like, they flashed ten years in the future and basically the entire movie was about how miserable everyone was in their life choices. Gladys had married BadAccent DumbSpy and turned into a stay-at-home mom and was miserable, Kate married some dude she didn't love to prove she wasn't in love with Betty, Betty didn't talk to anyone any longer, there was something with Lorna but I can't remember what, and Vera wasn't there at all. And, like, the whole thing was just them sitting around being miserable. Ugh.

(The highlight was that it was narrated by Reggie, who was a reporter or something? And seemed to like her life? idek.)

So, let's all relax--nothing that is actually produced can be as bad as that dream, right?


I need to figure out a way to deal with tumblr. Not being on tumblr is GREAT. But there are definitely things/interactions/people/activities that go on there that I'm missing. I think I need to change the way I go about interacting with tumblr as a platform in order to make it work better for me, but I'm not quite sure how to do that, yet, aside from just tumblr savioring the name of every person I find annoying/irritating/upsetting. Maybe I will time limit myself? Make a filter? idek. I don't know why this is such a hard platform for me to get my brain around, compared to all the other social media consume. I LIVE on Twitter and Twitter has never made me want to slam my laptop shut and throw it out a window, SO.

I need to think more on this.


I am getting REALLY excited for my trip out west. It hasn't quite seemed real to me yet. My brain has been seeped in ennui for so long that I've...forgotten how to get excited? It's hard to explain, but I've been so stuck in each sucky moment in the present that I couldn't get excited about the future. I still haven't quite processed that in a week I will be on my way back to Jersey and in a week and two days, I will be on a plane to see ivy_rat. CRAZY.

I have to pack or at least make a packing list and...idk. Finish up all this dumb work stuff. It will be SO WONDERFUL to not have to worry about work shit for two weeks. I think today (in like five minutes) will be my last meeting with my boss before my vacation, thank god. I almost murdered my whole department (save Kyleigh) this morning during our full staff meeting. I'm so, so tired of this place :(


I closed all my tabs on Monday afternoon and I was SO PROUD OF MYSELF but now I've already got three more /o\


Writing wise, getting up at 5am is still going well. Today was the first day that I actually seriously considered not getting out of bed. I slept really poorly and my foot was killing me, but I made myself get up anyway. I had to totally rearrange my usual morning writing set-up so I could elevate my foot, but I still managed to get ~850 words out, so...not too bad!

I'm really, really close to finishing this project, which is pearl_o's birthday present. I'm on the last scene, and I know what's going to happen, it's just...connecting the dots. Even once I finish, it's going to need a thorough editing, but just having the words done will be such a weight lifted. It will be the first story I've finished in a really, really long time.

My current schedule is to finish this by the weekend, spend the weekend working on my secret_mutant fic, finish my secret_mutant fic before I go, and then spend my vacation working on SMM fics, if I feel the urge to write. (I'm going to have some writing time--see the next section.) I'm going to try to avoid taking any pinch-hits this year, which makes me feel like a jerk, but seeing as how I've done six pinch hits total in the last two years, I think it's my due.

So, fingers crossed, folks.


Do I know anyone in the Portland/Pacific Northwest area who wants to hang out during the day on Friday, December 6 or Monday, December 9? pearl_o will be at work during those times, and my current plan is to park my butt in a coffeeshop and write/read/drink coffee, but if someone wants to have sweet hangs, I would be up for that!


Okay, I stopped working on this for supervision, then had to write a report when I got out, and now it's almost home time, so I'm wrapping up. I hope you're well, internet!

tumblr w0es, sick, work: office girl, vacation, writing: is hard, bomb girls, secret_mutant

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