the "i'm so AWESOME!" meme!

Jun 04, 2012 10:41

I was talking to leiascully and coffeesuperhero about this when I was at their house last week and I threatened to bring it back and then I totally forgot. But it's a blah kind of day here in Boston (raaaain. clinical depreeeessssion. chiiiiiilly.), so why not today?

The "I'm so AWESOME" Meme!

(As last seen here.)

Guys, what do you think is the best fic you've ever written? The one you wish you could show everyone you meet so they would know how awesome you are? Not the fic that's gone over best or gotten the best reviews, but the one that you reread, nodding your head and thinking, "Damn, I'm good!"

Link me in the comments. I really want to know! It doesn't matter if I know the fandom. And tell your friends to come over and link theirs, too, or just do this in your own journal so I can ~*peruse*~. Don't worry if you think it's too self-indulgent or silly or whatever. THIS IS A JUDGEMENT FREE ZONE. It is about whatever story makes YOU feel good, whatever story has that turn of phrase that makes you smile each time and the plot that tied itself up neatly with a little bow. This is about the story that you wish you could proudly show everyone you've ever met (and maybe you do!) and also some strangers on the street.

I'll start us off. Last time I linked to The World of Safe People, which I thought would be my favorite story I ever wrote forever and ever, but it's been very recently eclipsed!

Everything About it is a Love Song
X-Men: First Class, Charles/Erik, post-canon (waaaaay post)
Aka "Old Retired Dudes in Love"

This was a long, sometimes hard story to write, guys. It started as silly comment fic and began to spiral out of my control with no real plot or purpose until halfway through. I struggled a lot with parts of it and wrote more of it blindly than I care to admit, but that made it feel so much better when I found the missing piece, the conflict of Charles' internal struggle, and it all began to come together. As soon as I discovered what was missing, everything else made sense and came together as a whole. I was afraid that parts of it would come off as too personal and too out of step with the rest of the story, but it all wove together easily and Charles' unease was easy to trace back through the sections and I liked the idea of giving the story a conflict that wasn't that easy to fight, that didn't have a quick solution, and that had nothing to do with them and their history together. I think it would have been easy to have them unhappy because of things in their shared past, but I really wanted the conflict to be outside of that, to be something foreign and hard to understand for both of them. Unashamedly, it's a story that I reread and frequently find myself going, "Oh my god, I wrote that line. That was pretty good!"

I feel like I showed far they've both come and what they've had to deal with, how it makes them who they are and how their love for each other still fits in. The humor of two cranky old men living together for the first time is well balanced with the emotion of their fifty year love story and their arguments and pain. I like to think it shows a changed world without being preachy about it.

Mostly, though, I think I did a pretty good job of capturing the sprawling epicness of their affection for each other and how dear they continue to hold it even after all the years that have passed. It's a good story, I think. It makes me happy to read it and, from the response it's gotten, it seems to make other people happy to read it as well.

ANYWAY. I have to go to a meeting now, but please comment and tell me which one of your fics is just THE MOST FUCKING AWESOME EVER. And then tell all your friends about it so they can come here and tell everyone how great THEIR favorite story is. Go! Go! Go!

i'm so awesome meme

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