rec + rambling about stuff

May 02, 2012 10:44

Good morning, internet.

I'm very cranky this morning. I think it's a combination of not sleeping and feelings and irrational dislike of things and the usual general brain stuff. I'm trying to like...rally and persevere. I will try my hardest to be my usual charming self for you, though.


One thing NOT making me cranky is THIS AWESOME FIC :D :D :D

So, I've been bitching a lot for the past week or two about how ~*nobody writes crazy in love Erik*~ and how there are so many fics where Charles is crazy in love with Erik but not as many as there should be where Erik is crazy in love with Charles. And, you know, I understand that Erik is all centered on revenge and all, but that doesn't mean he can't also be crazy in love, okay? LOOK AT HOW HE LOOKS AT CHARLES IN CEREBRO. LOOK AT HOW HE LOOKS AT CHARLES AFTER THE SATELLITE DISH. He's crazy in love.

Anyway, as I said, I've been whining about this on basically all available platforms and....I'm a terrible person, I don't know that I know if she has an LJ name...but waxedpaperdoor ~*took up the call*~ and wrote awesome, awesome fic about totally smitten Erik.

Eternal summer shall not fade over at AO3. IT'S PRETTY GREAT! AND YOU SHOULD GO READ IT! :D :D :D


I've taken a break from the new Dar after 12038919023 consecutive listens and now I've been listening to the Hunger Games soundtrack a lot. GUYS. IT'S PRETTY GREAT. Except for a couple small things. There are two Taylor Swift songs on it. Even I know enough to know that Taylor Swift is A Famous Person.

(I'm not always good at that. It's not out of any sort of music snobbery or anything--I don't think there's anything wrong with pop music and there have been times in the past I've listened to tons and tons of it. But I don't listen to the radio because I have my iPod and when I do, I listen to the folk/rock public radio station by my parents' house and I don't have cable, so my exposure to this stuff is....very limited. I mostly find new music by liking songs in vids or that people post online and then searching out more by the artist or because people take me to shows they think I'll like and...stuff like that. I HAVE NOTHING AGAINST POP MUSIC AND I WOULD NEVER JUDGE YOU FOR YOUR MUSIC CHOICES. I know very little about music overall.

I'm just putting all that out there because when I told the (in retrospect) hilarious story about that time I didn't know who Adele was, apparently people thought I was ~*judging pop music*~ or something. I'M NOT. I'M JUST HONESTLY REALLY DUMB ABOUT MUSIC.)

Um, anyway, tangent aside, even I know enough to know that Taylor Swift is A Famous Person. She has two songs on the soundtrack and I really like the first one ("Safe and Sound") but the second one feels...very out of place? The whole album has a really sound thematic feel, except for that second Taylor Swift song and I guess I'm just not sure why they included it if they already had one track from A Famous Person and it fit the theme and it was really good. I'm not saying the second song is BAD, just jarring in context?

My other issue is that the last song, which is called "Just a Game" by Birdy (I don't know who that is). There are a lot of lyrics like, "now I'll be safe in your arms and you'll protect me" and stuff and I get the distinct impression they were going for Katniss' pov with this song and just... way to miss the point. Wow.

I...have no idea why I've written this much about music. I never write about music. Because I am really dumb about it.


Okay, I wrote all of that to try and ungrouchy myself and then I had some coffee and a bagel and now I am much less grouchy than I was! Amazing how that works! (For those of you following along at home, I have reached the point where I am frequently hungry, just too indifferent to do much about it. That's the first step back to "eating like a normal person.") Now I'm going to quickly run this report and then write some stuff. I've gone from zero ideas to a hundred ideas in the matter of a few days. Sometimes I wish I knew how not to write.

(That's mostly a lie.)

For the record, I'll be in NJ from Saturday to Monday. The following Saturday is the NAMI Walk, the Saturday after that is the XMFC viewing/early anniversary party, and the Wednesday after that I leave for Arkansas! I will be there for SO LONG, guys, but I still predict it will be NOT LONG ENOUGH. The weekend I get back is my birthday/birthday picnic. May is going to be an action-packed month, for reals.

rl blathering, i guess i'm in xmen: fc fandom now, hunger games, rec

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