i guess i should eat lunch, too

May 03, 2012 12:43

Hi, internet. I'm having a sad today. IT HAPPENS. I apologize in advance for getting my cranky on you. I am trying to ~*engage more*~ despite the sadness, especially since I feel like I'm maybe, slowly, starting to come out the other side of this mess, but who knows. I feel like at least some of the black moods now are situational instead of mental and I need to endeavor not to let those situations bother me (ie: stay away from the tumblrs if people being passive aggressive is going to make me cranky).

But! Progress!


Work has been busy for a variety of reasons that basically boil down to Doug, Margaret, and myself having additional responsibilities and trying to figure out exactly how to navigate those responsibilities. It's tricky. And with the business of May and all of this other stuff, I'm just trying to keep all the plates spinning. Wheee.

Tomorrow, I'm going to clean off my desk. That's my goal. It's a mess and it's wigging me out.


Okay, I'm going to decompress from how crazy busy this morning was and remind myself how much I like the people that I do like and look at pictures of McAvoy and Anne-Marie and make photocopies and not have to use powerpoint for a few hours. IT'S GONNA BE GREAT.

Anyway, HERE'S A MEME, INTERNET. Because I like you, and I want you to be entertained.

Top Five Things Meme: Comment asking for my top five of something (ie: top five teevee shows, top five fantasy jobs, top five awkward places where Will Bailey ground to a total stop to just write one more sentence down, etc) and I respond with explanations and/or minipicspams.

meme, rl blathering, work: office girl, slanty face

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