i'm too tired to put energy into coming up with a witty subject line this morning. sorry.

Apr 02, 2012 09:06

Good morning, internet.

Things aren't too great, but we're limping along. I spent most of this weekend sleeping, then couldn't sleep last night despite my continued exhaustion, so we're nearly back to square one. Yay D:

I did some exciting things this weekend, like see an awesome Dar show, but I'll have to wait until I have more time to go into it in detail. Suffice to say, it was ~*magical*~ and she played TWO songs off my Dar Bucket List and I can't wait until the new album and I love her so much oh my god.


Also, the xmenreversebang claiming happened! And I got my first choice! Which was the Orpheus prompt! (I know, you're all shocked, I have zero interest in the Orpheus and Eurydice mythology.) I have already talked to my awesome artist and I have ~*all these ideas*~ and I'm pretty psyched. It's hard to push that enthusiasm out of the way to remind myself that there are two other deadlines that I have to meet first. (Including Remix which is proving...difficult.)

But I'm still stoked. I hope the story turns out half as awesome as the art is.


I really need my brain to snap out of this thing I'm in. Or like. I don't know. I don't know.


Here's a thing. I have read like, every XMFC on the internet that's to my liking about fifteen times at this point, because my ability to consume media has finally outstriped fandom's ability to produce it. I've been re-reading a lot lately and just reached the end of a subset of my re-read.

What are your favorite fics? Your go-to, curl up on a bad day, have read so many times you've memorized bits, make you feel better fics? Because I have mine, of course, and I've probably read yours at one point, but it's always nice to revisit and it will give me a starting point for round two of the re-read that's not just "go to the start of AO3 and work your way forward."


Okay. Long day ahead of me. I need to get my game face on. And by that, I mean I need a cup of coffee pretty badly.

Have a nice day, internet.

work: office girl, i guess i'm in xmen: fc fandom now, rec, slanty face

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