"I can't believe you cliffed Rose Byrne." "I HAD TO CLIFF SOMEONE! THERE'S A BOAT AT THE BOTTOM!"

Apr 02, 2012 21:24

OH MAN OKAY SO. On Saturday afternoon, I met littledust for lunch/dinner where we loudly had feelings about The Hunger Games at each other and I ate a cheeseburger because they had goat cheese and it was wonderful.

After we ate, we drove to a hippie art school in the middle of nowhere to see Dar! Oh man, guys. This was such a rich hippie school, I can't even tell you. It was pretty ridic. For example, their refreshments included full bottles of Pellegrino and sweet potato chips. Are we on the same page here?

Anyway. Apparently it was a fundraiser for this hippie school and we were some of the youngest people in the audience. Usually I find Dar shows are about 50/50--50% people my parents' age and 50% people my age. Anyway, none of that is important, the important part was THE SHOW WAS REALLY GOOD.

She played a lot of stuff from her new album and TWO SONGS OFF OF MY DAR BUCKET LIST. (What, you don't have a bucket list of songs you want to to hear your favorite artists perform before you die?) It's so weird, after a gazillion years of living in NJ and seeing her like, four times a year in the surrounding area, I've heard four songs off my Dar Bucket List since October. I'm not complaining, mind, but... oh man.

The Easy Way
Road Buddy
I'll Free Myself*
I Have Been Around the World*
The Babysitter
I am the Ones Who Will Remember Everything*

Set break

The One Who Knows
The Christians and the Pagans
You're Aging Well
Summer Child*
The Hudson
Storm King*
Mercy of the Fallen
When I Was a Boy
Encore: We Learned the Sea

The songs off the new album make me SO HAPPY, guys. I seriously can't wait. I had heard "I Have Been Around the World" before, but all the other new songs (starred) were totally new to me and I can already tell that "I Am the One Who Will Remember Everything" is going to be a song I listen to on repeat for forever. I already have incredibly intense feelings about it. I've maybe listened to the preview bit on iTunes like, fifteen times. GUYS WHY ISN'T IT APRIL 17TH YET? D:

I can't believe she played "February," guys. I HAVE WAITED SO LONG. And it was so wonderful ♥ And it gave me a lot of feelings and I just... ::hands:: She said this song came about after someone said to her, "Winter is about having faith that the flowers will bloom again" and she wondered what happened if you lost that faith. AND IT'S SO PERFECT AND AKLJEIOWFAJFLKSDF oh god, guys.

Also she played "When I Was a Boy" which I haven't heard since my very first Dar concert like...fifteen years ago. And...yes omg. It was amazing.

Also also, she played "You're Aging Well," which she also played at the show before the last show I saw and I always kind of hoped to hear? But it's off The Honesty Room and not like, one of the ~*staples*~ of her older stuff, so I never expected to hear it and now I've heard it twice. So that was great. And everything was great and we took an epically backwards route to get home, but everything was wonderful.

IN CONCLUSION, GREAT SHOW. Annnnd she's playing on my birthday (which is a Thursday) and if anyone else wants to go...let me know :D


IN OTHER NEWS, my IUD saga continues.

So, let's see, for those following the saga of my uterus, I had a zillion years of really painful, really heavy periods where I regularly passed out and threw up from how bad my cramps were. I had an IUD inserted...the beginning of February? And my first period on the IUD was...weird? I spotted periodically throughout the month and still had some cramps when my actualfax period came around, but they weren't that bad. I also had them periodically throughout the month? Usually when I was spotting. But my actualfax period ended up lasting like, two weeks, it was INSANE. And it was way lighter than usual, but I was bleeding forever.

Anyway, this month I've had less spotting and my period should be happening nowish? But I'm having even less bleeding than before, which is good, and the periodic cramps and super annoying, but I also feel like I can't complain because they're so much better than I'm used to.

Hormonally, it's really hard to tell what's going on because I'm also like, super depressed. And I don't know how much of that is hormones and how much of that is brain chemistry and how much of that is anxiety, etc. It's pretty much all a big gross stew of hormones and feelings and hysteria that I'm trying not to get on anyone else, including, but not limited to, my roommate, my co-workers, and you guys. I know I haven't entirely succeeded on any of those fronts and I apologize for anyone I've gotten my feelings all over.


Fiiiiinally, of all of "my shows" that I thought mcwonthelottery would take to, I don't know that I would have bet on In Plain Sight, but we started watching it on a whim and I am incredibly amused by how much she enjoys all the characters. Especially Mary, because Mary is ~*the greatest.*~

It's also making me wish for all the fic with various combinations of Mary, Marshall, and Bobby D. Pretty much any combinations, guys. Or all three at once. SERIOUSLY, GUYS. Please get on that. I love all of them. THEY ARE SO GREAT. UGH ALL THREE OF THEM NEED TO COME HERE AND FUCK HANG OUT AND BE AMAZING OH MAN.

Um, so, obviously, I'm having a resurgence of feelings about Mary and co. I haven't seen this past season because I don't have cable, but I know they got rid of Bobby D :( But I will live in my head where Bobby D and Mary and Marshall go on crazy road trips and fight crime together and are sexy BFFs.


In conclusion, I have a lot of fic I'm supposed to be writing, but instead I'm watching teevee and writing this entry.

tmi, ips, set list, dar williams, slanty face

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