ron, charles, min, moira, erik, and eleven

Feb 13, 2012 19:01

So, there was a meme on Tumblr where people ask you a character and you answer some questions about them. I feel like it's fun to answer, but I ultimately continue to feel Tumblr fails as an actual social interaction tool because there's no way to converse aside from reblogging. So I'm posting the answers here, both for my own organizational purposes and in case anyone has anything they want to say.


How I feel about this character
SO MANY RON SWANSON FEELINGS. I want to be Ron Swanson when I grow up. I have many Ron Swanson moments in my life, especially "All the bacon and eggs you have" and "and now it's gone and I hate everything!" moments. I like that Ron is generally the straight man, but instigates shit when he needs to and can get just as crazy if pushed. And I love his gruff affection for his staff, even when they're driving him crazy.

All the people I ship romantically with this character
I ship Ron/breakfast food.

My non-romantic OTP for this character
RON AND LESLIE ALL THE WAY. Even more so than Ron and April or Ron and Andy, it has to be Ron and Leslie. I feel like Leslie just decided they were besties at some point and Ron just had to reluctantly hold on for the ride and now he's kind of okay with that!

My unpopular opinion about this character
I'd say, "I don't think I have any," but apparently a ton of people ship Ron/Leslie and I cannot do that.

One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
Hmmmmmm. Um, I hope Ron continues to be awesome? idk.


How I feel about this character
Do you have several hours? Because that's how long it would take to pour ALL MY FEELINGS out at you. I HAVE SO MANY FEELINGS ABOUT CHARLES XAVIER. I love him to bits. I love that he's so complicated, that he cares about everyone and wants everyone to be happy, but is also totally selfish. I love that he wants everyone to reach their full potential while limiting himself. I love that he's a telepath who consistently says the wrong thing.

I love that he's protective of Raven and that he falls in love with Erik before they even fully meet. I love that he flirts with girls in bars with stupid lines. I love how fiercely he wants a peaceful world. I love that he's just an absolute asshole sometimes. I love that, when faced with the prospect of Erik taking up Shaw's crusade, all he wants to do is get the fucking helmet off of him.


All the people I ship romantically with this character
ERIK. Um, sometimes I get tunnel-vision-y OTP with characters. Charles/Erik is one of them. I'm not interested in reading about them with anyone else. I'm not interested in thinking about them with anyone else. I have all sorts of side-ships in the fandom and am pretty flexible about them and about friendships and all of that, but when it comes to romantic stuff, I am hardline OTP all the way.

My non-romantic OTP for this character
Charles+Raven, of course. I want so many more stories about their friendship and siblinghood and what losing Raven meant to Charles. It had to hurt at least as much as losing Erik, albeit in a different way. They had all those years together--where are all the stories about their sibling hi-jinks?

I'd also like to see more Charles+Moira. I feel like I've ruined my own brain for it by writing so much Erik+Moira, but I'm trying to rectify that.

My unpopular opinion about this character
I feel like, given fandom's tendency to either make him a sociopath or martyr him, all of my opinions are "unpopular?" I don't see dark!Charles working at all and I don't like to see him characterized as a victim or zenly coming to terms with all his issues. He's a dick. He's sometimes manipulative. He's self-centered and forgets, sometimes, that not everyone is a rich, educated, white man. He thinks he knows what's best not only for everyone he knows, but for all of mutantkind. But he's also smart and kind and cares for his friends. He genuinely wants everyone to be their best. And he's also insanely powerful. He's overcome a lot of things, least of all the intensity of his mutation.

There's a really depressing lack of fic where Charles is characterized this way, especially once he's in a relationship with Erik. And don't even get me started on the top/bottom thing and fandom's (hurtful, demeaning) obsession with it.

One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
I wish the whole beach scene had gone differently. The ending of that movie makes so little sense. I wish they'd allowed Charles to stay Erik's hand so we should have seen them more fully develop into the type of people who would make the snap decisions they make in that final scene.


Okay, dudes, for the uninitiated, Min is a secondary character in the AMAZING miniseries, Jekyll. If you haven't seen this, do yourself a favor and hook yourself up. It's available on DVD here in the states from all the major places and it's also streaming on Netflix Instant.

About...what? Three, four years ago?...Netflix recommended it to Becca. She was skeptical that Netflix thought she would rate it so high, but quickly fell in love. When I came to visit, she told me to watch it and I was also skeptical, but eventually used my dad's Netflix account to stream it and ALSO fell in love and immediately bought it. IT IS SO GOOD, guys. The acting, the writing, the characters, the story, all of it. If you are unfamiliar, do yourself a favor and look it up.

Anyway. Onto MIN.
How I feel about this character
I LOVE MIN. Min is the absolute most amazing comic relief side-character who is also totally awesome. I love her little jokey asides--basically everything she says makes me laugh. SHE'S SO AWESOME. I would watch Min's talk show every day, you guys. Or a show about her fighting crime. Or, basically anything about her, actually.

All the people I ship romantically with this character
Miranda, obvs!

My non-romantic OTP for this character
Becca proposed a spin-off where Jackman and Min fight crime and I am 100% behind this.

My unpopular opinion about this character
I don't think I have one? I mean, there's no fandom and if anyone doesn't like Min, THEY are the ones with the wrong, unpopular opinions, SO.

One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
I'd have loved to see what happened to Miranda and Min after. And their ~*baby*~. I had lofty ambitions to write my own S4 of Torchwood where Gwen and Ianto and Rhys go on an American roadtrip with Min and Miranda and their babies and Renata's cat. So I'm sad that never happened.

I'm also sad that Min doesn't have a talk show, because we would watch it every day and be on it and it would be great.


How I feel about this character
LOVE LOVE LOVE. Um. I love Moira. That is how I feel about her. I want to hug her. And make out with her. And marry her and have her babies.
I came at XMFC from a background in the cartoon and comics. I had seen and enjoyed the previous movies and even read some Charles/Erik fic written by friends of mine, but I'd never been there myself. When I heard that Moira was going to be an American CIA agent, I balked a little at first, but by the end of her first scene I was completely sold. She was so smart and levelheaded and kickass. She didn't fall for Charles' shit or Erik's shit. She didn't care about all the political crap that Charles and Erik got themselves tied up in. She had a job. That job was stopping Shaw/WWIII. And she did it admirably.

My two favorite things about Moira: 1) "::sigh:: I think we should just talk when you're sober." Because. It's funny every time. 2) She tries to shoot off the fucking helmet. She doesn't try to kill Erik. She doesn't try to wound him. She goes straight for the fucking helmet. Moira, I love you.

All the people I ship romantically with this character
Apparently Phil Coulson and Nick Fury, depending on what universe I'm in XD
I've also read Moira/Emma and would probably be willing to read Moira/any of the other ladies. Moira/Sean squicks me in this universe because Sean seems like (an immature) 16 and I usually pin Moira a few years older than Charles, in her late twenties.

My non-romantic OTP for this character
Honestly, I really want to try and write more Moira+Charles, but I really feel like Moira and Erik have more in common and I LOVE writing their sort of cantankerous and begrudging friendship. I mean, clearly, as I did 42k of it and am already writing the sequel.

They'd have a lot to talk about, I think, if they just sat down and did it. And they're hilarious together. And I want a million words of them snarking and investigating crimes and I maybe plotted out a whole cop AU I will never write, just so I could spend hours daydreaming about them as partners.

My unpopular opinion about this character
Well, I like her. That's pretty unpopular. I hate it when people call her a "cockblock," I hate it when people make her a jealous brat. Luckily, there's been WAY less Moira!bashing than there was female character bashing in my last fandom. I've heard about stories where she's Charles evil ex, but I've never read any myself, thank god. Mostly people just ignore her, which I guess is better than the sort of vitriol I'm used to lady characters getting :\

One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.


How I feel about this character
I like Erik well enough! I'm not crazy over him. When I was first in this fandom, a lot of people I knew where big Erik fans who also liked Charles and I'm glad I've found some peeps who are big Charles fans who also like Erik. I understand why Erik is the way he is and I sympathize, but I have trouble writing him sometimes. He's super complex and I can't really relate to him the way I relate to Charles.

All the people I ship romantically with this character
Charles. Full stop. See my answer for Charles re: hardline OTP shipping when it comes to these two.

My non-romantic OTP for this character
Moira! See above for all the reasons why. I just love their dynamic, even if I've mostly made it up since Erik almost literally doesn't talk to anyone in this movie except for Charles.

My unpopular opinion about this character
ERIK IS NOT IN THE RIGHT AT THE END OF THIS FILM. JESUS FUCKING CHRIST. I understand he's been persecuted. I understand he's had a terrible life. I understand he's afraid of the same thing happening again. BUT. GENOCIDE IS NOT THE FUCKING ANSWER. And if one more fucking Erik fangirl bashes Charles and talks about how Erik was totally justified in taking Charles' sister and leaving Charles injured on a beach so he could go off and commit genocide, I will reach through the computer and strangle them.

One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
The ending of the movie, man. I don't understand how Erik goes from hating everything Shaw stands for to taking his side. I don't understand how Erik decides that genocide is a good idea. I don't understand why Erik equates hating Shaw with hating humans seeing as how Shaw was a mutant. Really, nothing after Erik puts on that fucking helmet makes any sense, so I just blame the Helmet of Irishness Fascism for the whole end of the film.


How I feel about this character
SO MANY FEELINGS. Oh man! When S5 started, I was just so RELIEVED to be through with Ten and RTD that I thought anything would be better than we'd had lately. But I hadn't imagined I'd love Eleven so much and in a million years I never would have predicted that I would love him more than Nine. And I don't know that I love him more than Nine--it's a different kind of love. But I have no compunctions telling people he's my favorite Doctor. He's just so...simultaneously young and old. Things still weigh on him and he still feels guilty, but he allows himself and his companions to have a good time. He's accepted that he doesn't really have to be alone, and that he should try to get the most out of life in the times he's not alone in order to prepare himself for the times he will be.

All the people I ship romantically with this character
Eleven/River! Eleven/Amy/Rory! I am pretty boring and canonical here!

My non-romantic OTP for this character
Eleven/bb!Amelia! All the way, man. I love him with most of the people we've seen on the show, but I love him SO MUCH with bb!Amelia. I would watch a whole show of that.

My unpopular opinion about this character
I'm not sure what's unpopular or not anymore! I don't really participate in the Who fandom, aside from writing the occasional Canton fic or reading my friends' fic, so I'm not sure what people think about Eleven. I love him, is basically my opinion XD

One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
TARDIS full of Ponds forever :(

eleven, charles fucking xavier, ron swanson is our hero, jekyll, who, parks and rec, i guess i'm in xmen: fc fandom now, moira is fucking badass, erik lehnsherr

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