oh god, why is mcavoy in ireland filming? mcavoy+miss piggy is all my dreams come true

Feb 13, 2012 12:50

Hi, internet.


So there are like, five places I go to eat regularly. One of them is the deli place in the lobby of our building. Every time I've gone there in the past month (roughly once a week) I've had the same girl. Every time, we've had the following exchange:
Me: Can I have the [whatever] without cheese, please? I'm allergic.
Her: ::makes entire sandwich. Turns around to wrap it up:: Oh, did you say no cheese?
Me: Yes.
Her: Oh, sorry. ::remakes entire sandwich from scratch::

It's literally happened four times now. I guess it's better than getting upstairs and unwrapping it and seeing the cheese, but still D:<


I am dying over the Miss Piggy interviews from the BAFTAs and I can't even watch them yet! I'm just staring adoringly at the gifs since I can't watch videos at work. AMAZING. AMAZING. AMAZING. Oh my god, I don't even give a shit who Tom Hiddleston is (I seriously had to wrack my brain to see why I knew the name before I remembered he was that guy from Thor) but the gifs of him hugging Miss Piggy are basically the most amazing things I've ever seen in my life.

I mean, let's be honest, I would probably react the same way to meeting Miss Piggy. I think most of us would!

So that is pretty much getting me through a day when I have to transcribe a zillion meetings' worth of minutes. That and Be My Thrill which I am listening to on repeat. It is entirely a Daycare Verse album in my head. And every song makes me so happy ♥ It has been TOO LONG since I've seen them live, guys. (And by "too long" I mean "eighteen months" because I am a spoiled suburban New Jersey kid who's used to seeing her favorite people at least once a year, if not more.) When they toured this summer I was in Atlanta for the Boston date :(


Also, let's do this, just for fun times. I'll, you know, take the actual photos when I'm at home and not at work:

Ask me for a photo of anything in my life/around the house/etc. I'll collect a number of requests and post the resulting photos in another post. I trust you guys to know what's within reason!


Annnnd back to minutes :(

muppets, meme, the weepies, rl blathering, the war against dairy

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