
Feb 12, 2012 21:57

So, I accidentally started a new story this weekend. Sigh.

I didn't mean to! I was looking at the Happy Ending Fest and meant to write maybe a couple thousand words and now it's... spiraling out of my control. 9k and I haven't even gotten to the wooing D:

I really wanted to spend this weekend working on one of my works in progress or, if I had to start something new, maybe the cop AU I have completely plotted out and daydreamed about extensively. But no. Pining Charles, wooing Erik, and awesome Moira and Raven. EIGHT HUNDRED MILLION WORDS OF IT. I've spent large stretches of today just babbling at littledust about it. Because she is very patient and indulgent. But still. So many words.

What is my life?

It's pretty classic me, too. No plot, lots of ~*feelings*~ and everyone's in love and lives happily ever after. After 23094829304 million words. Hopefully it will be done soon.


Let's see, work was work. We watched Jekyll for the nine millionth time this weekend. It was made a zillion times better by the addition of shouting, "THAT'S NUMBERWANG!" at every scene that Benjamin was in. (And since Jekyll is already a million times better than anything else, making it a zillion times better was pretty impressive.) Today metonymy came over and we watched Empire Stikes Back and Return of the Jedi because Becca's never seen them. Apparently she spent most of the time watching me and Naomi make heart-eyes at the screen and silently squee at each other.

(See: every Han/Leia scene. CHILDHOOD OTP. ♥)


I think I had more that I wanted to say here, but I can't remember what it was now, as usual. I'm tired. I don't feel well. I don't want to go to work tomorrow. All the usual shit.

How are you, internet? Why are you not here cuddling with me?

i guess i'm in xmen: fc fandom now, writing: is hard, cardigan central, sw, friends

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