accurate icon keywords are accurate

Jan 06, 2012 23:58


I say "almost" because there's still one outstanding story. The girl SWORE she'd have it to me tonight and said she wanted to finish it because it was for a friend, but it's now nearly three hours after the deadline and fifteen minutes before I told her I'd be in bed and it's not here. I have a pinch-hit, just in case, and in about half an hour I'm just going to post that be and done with it. But. The point is. EVERYONE HAS A STORY. And anything else that happens is not my fault.

(I probably shouldn't be publicly bitching about this but I am SO PAST THE POINT OF CARING YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW. And I do it every night on Twitter, anyway. And out loud to Becca. Constantly. Becca will be SO GLAD when this fest is over and she doesn't have to watch me pull my hair out over formatting and late stories and clearly rushed things and... yes. Becca is the best roommate. But I still won't buy her a condo, no matter what my boss suggests.)



I wrote three secret_mutant fics. They have all been posted now.

IF YOU GUESS THEM, YOU WIN A PRIZE. A ficlet, probably, or if you want, I'll mail you a care package or something.

Anyway, here are the hints:
  • All three are over 1500 words long.
  • Two of them may as well have been signed in purple sparkly marker with big neon arrows pointing towards me.
  • The other one is tonally similar and stylistically similar to things I've written in other fandoms, but not really anything in XMFC (yet).
  • One of them has an INCREDIBLY OBVIOUS TITLE, but I won't tell you HOW it's incredible obvious XD

A couple people commented on the screened comments entry I made earlier that week and I am TOTALLY COUNTING YOUR GUESSES, but anyone who hasn't guessed yet can guess in this handy poll so I don't have to screen these comments too.

Poll secret mutant guessing!


I'm going to post a brief rec list tomorrow. I haven't read everything yet, but there are a few I absolutely loved. And I know it's lame to rec things if you already know who wrote them all, but now you can READ THEM without the PRESSURE of knowing who the author is. Or something.


Oh god, it all ends tomorrow and I can have my life back. ::weeps::


(Seriously, though, I would say it was a learning experience rather than a bad experience. Part of the problem was that I wasn't expecting 100 people to sign up, which was perhaps my mistake. But, live and learn and in the end, there are 90-something new fics in fandom and 90-something people who are getting awesome presents, and that's what matters. I bitch because that's how I deal with stress, but I'm glad this is a thing that happened and I hope everyone enjoyed participating.)

poll, secret_mutant

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