tales from cardigan central: mobile edition, part 6*

Jan 05, 2012 14:39

pocky_slash: I accidentally put too much dressing on my salad. My life's the worst
Also, is your phone there yet?
mcwonthelottery: it's not
my life is also the worst
pocky_slash: i don't know how they expect us to get by with these hard lives.
mcwonthelottery: i don't either
let's just give up
and live 100% mutant/sherlock lives
pocky_slash: yeeeesssss
mcwonthelottery: but not a crossover
pocky_slash: oh god no
mcwonthelottery: because no.
pocky_slash: Unless it's Erik and Charles driving by 221B very quickly to rescue Steve
mcwonthelottery: right
pocky_slash: I'm glad we agree on the constraints imposed on Sherlock/mutant crossovers.
mcwonthelottery: #whywearefriends

mcwonthelottery: (texting on new phone) This is a test?
pocky_slash: Yes, Steve, this is a test. Do well and we'll hang it on the fridge.
pocky_slash: Fail and we'll send you back to the scary lady in England.
mcwonthelottery: Noooooo!

tony stark and the bandroids, quotes, i guess i'm in xmen: fc fandom now, cardigan central, sherlock, daycare verse

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