thanks + meme

Jan 04, 2012 11:19

Hi, folks.

Thanks for all the comments yesterday--they were very much appreciated, even though I don't really have it in me to respond to most of them. It doesn't mean they didn't make me feel better, just that looking back on posts like that after I've posted them tends to make me feel worse. But thank you for your comments and emails and such. A couple of you emailed me things to cheer me up and I WILL reply, I just need to get back on top of things at work.

(As it happens, my boss and brilligspoons's boss are both out of the office for most of today, so I've been able to quietly wade through everything I missed, thankfully. Aside from data entry, I'm all caught up and it totally wasn't worth the panic attack I had over it this morning. OH, BRAIN CHEMISTRY. WHAT EVEN.)

Anyway, um, thanks for that. You guys are great. I'm not entirely sure why you're reading my journal, most days, but I do appreciate it and I'm glad you're there ♥


ONWARDS AND UPWARDS. I didn't do yuletide this year, but I did write three stories for secret_mutant. So, ina twist on the "guess my yuletide story!" meme, I'm going to have you guess my secret_mutant stories, if you're into mutants.

(This offer is not valid to anyone I wrote bits of them to over IM or anyone who works in my cubicle.)

Here are some hints:

  • There are three of them.
  • Only of them has already been posted, so keep following along, obviously.
  • Two of them are really obviously mine. Like, if you were to describe the story of my heart, this is what you would get.
  • The other one, I think, is also recognizably mine in style and tone, but it's not a style and tone I've frequently used in this fandom--it would be more recognizable from Torchwood or SGA or even TWW.

If you guess one, I'll write you a thing. If you guess all three I'll write you...idk a bigger thing.

Anyway, comments are screened, keep in mind as you're reading for the rest of this week, and I'll remind everyone of this post on Friday night before the reveal on Saturday afternoonish.

meme, secret_mutant

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