secret_mutant recs

Jan 07, 2012 18:19

Here are some quick recs before the author reveal (which won't be until late, or maybe early Sunday morning, so never fear, I just want to get it done while I'm thinking about it so I can spend the rest of the afternoon mindlessly watching teevee)!

I questioned whether I should do recs at all, since it might uncouth, but whatever. To be totally honest, 95 stories went up. I don't remember who wrote about 85 of them. This isn't every story I enjoyed, just a smattering. Also, I still haven't read most of the longer stories since I haven't had an excess of time lately, so make sure you check those out too--I'm sure they're excellent.

Now! Onto the recs!

First off, MY GIFT FIC!

Irresistible force, meet Immovable object
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Charles doesn't understand how he ended up where he is, with a blind date for the New Year's Eve party and a crush on someone entirely unattainable -- or so he thinks. Modern AU.
Rec: Eeeeeeeee! My prompt was for Charles and Erik to be each other's blind dates for a NYE party and it was everything I could have wanted a more. Charles and Erik know each other from work and, after a heated argument that makes Charles realize he wants Erik, he reluctantly goes to meet his blind date. AMAZING. Go read it! :D

"Thank you, Erik."
This is SO AMAZING guys. It's Erik and Charles doing laundry. I...can't even explain to you how happy it made me in the little details. (Also, this was a gift for littledust and it was submitted on a night that littledust was actually at my house and it was SO HARD not to say anything to her.)

There is something about this drawing that's warm and affectionate in a way that makes my chest hurt. It's really, really beautiful.

"Gods Among Men"
Rating: PG-13
Summary: One day, the world will tremble and kneel before us. One day, you won't need to hide who you truly are.
Rec: A really determined, angry Erik who isn't sure how to deal with Charles and everything else that's happened since Miami. I especially liked the juxtaposition of Erik's thoughts on Charles' telepathy and how he should be a god, how he shouldn't have to hide, with Erik's inevitable act of cutting himself off from those very powers the second he has a chance. The imagery in this is wonderful.

Celestial Navigation
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Not everything has to be life or death. Sometimes it snows in September, just because a little girl wills it so.
Rec: I already ordered you to go read this. Get on that already.

knit up the ravelled sleeve of care
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Erik has the flu.
Rec: Erik with the flu is just as much of an asshole as you'd imagine in his refusal to let anyone near him. It's AWESOME XD

Watch the Sun Rise
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Charles and Raven have some Christmas traditions, but this is the first year since they all came back from the beach in Cuba, so things are a little different.
Rec: This is a beautiful look at Raven and Charles' relationship, but I've gotta admit, the thing that bumps it up from "awesome fic" to "must rec this" is the line where Charles admits that he's angry. SO MANY FICS that deal with the world post-Cuba tend to paint Charles as this zen, sweet, almost condescending punching bag who's totally come to terms with the world. And Charles IS angry, but he just understands that you need to channel that anger, you need to focus on other things and--okay, maybe this needs to go into my Charles meta post and not a rec, but still. Go read that fic, it's great.

Xavier's Variation
Rating: NC-17
Summary: fill for this prompt: “Charles desperately tries to seduce Erik but Erik is totally blind to it. Raven helps.”
Rec: Oh, this is HILARIOUS and sweet and funny. I tend to not like fics where the whole thing is a giant misunderstanding unless the author can really sell it to me, and the twist in this one does just that. And, so funny, guys. So funny.

Practical Applications of Radioactive Material
Rating: PG
Summary: It's a big world, but unusual people are everywhere.
Rec: This hilariously places XMFC in the greater Marvel universe as Charles and Erik bump into other Marvel heroes around the country.

Still Life with Cookies
Rating: NC-17
Summary: "Do you know," said the nude model, "you have the most amazing OCA2 mutation?”
Rec: Non-powered AU: Erik is an art student, Charles is a model in one of his classes. This is another one of those fics that hinges on a misunderstanding, but again, the author sells me very hard on the misunderstanding and I buy it. Erik's been hurt by dating people in the past who just wanted him to draw them. When Charles starts pestering him about working together on a project, he rejects the idea over and over again, while forming a friendship that is on its way to something more. SO GOOD. The characters are all super sharp, despite the AU setting and the story made me smile like a loon.

The First of Many
Rating: R/Mature
Summary: Modern, still powered, AU. Erik tries to find Charles a present to commemorate their first winter holiday season together. They begin to share a few traditions with each other along the way.
Rec: Charles loves Christmas, Erik is Jewish and generally uninterested, but he makes an effort for Charles' sake. It's funny and tender in turns with a great use of background characters and a side of Angel/Raven, which I love XD

Third Law of Motion
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Prompt 1: Sweet, patient and naive Charles easily wins the heart of the children and is a very dedicated prof. Erik is jealous. Children use this to their advantage to mess with/cockblock him.
Rec: A post-divorce fix-it. Erik and Raven have mended fences and returned to Westchester, but the students are doing their level best to make sure Erik can't spend any time with Charles. Cue Erik's various schemes and eventual quest for revenge. SO sweet and also cute and hilarious.

Two Additions: One of these I just read and one of them I didn't comment on for reasons that I will explain after the reveal, and thus didn't have logged in my rec window:

Mix and Mingle
Rating: PG
Summary: In which there are mistletoe shenanigans. Everyone is amused but Charles.
Rec: Charles decides that mistletoe is the key for him to finally make a move on Erik. Tragically, things don't go according to his plan, in incredibly hilarious ways. Charles' excuses are so utterly ridiculous, I couldn't stop laughing.

Walling in or Walling Out
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Erik stifles a sigh. Of course this is Mr. C. F. Xavier. Of course.
Rec: I love me a good AU, but this one was especially fun. Worth it for Charles and Erik's drunken, singleminded focus on trying to find a place to fuck in a crowded apartment. SO FUNNY.


AND THOSE ARE MY RECS. Remember, there's still time to guess what stories I've written, if you're so inclined! Now I'm going to veg for a few hours before I put together the list for the reveal. HAPPY SATURDAY, FOLKS.

i guess i'm in xmen: fc fandom now, rec, secret_mutant

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